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movies/tv High School of the Dead


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Highschool of the Dead.While it does have it's share of anime cliches and unnecessary panty and boob shots and wiggling overall they don't go out of their way to oversexualize the characters with huge racks and whatnot. The story isn't exactly innovative in and of itself but the writing tends to be rather well done, particularly the translation into English. The voice actors are mostly people I've never even heard of and yet they do such a good job. When they are distressed they really sound distressed and they know how to be quiet rather than you thinking "Aren't they supposed to be quiet here?" every time they speak. I definitely like the voices and some of them are actually very unusual for something you'd hear in an anime as usually they'd sound like smartasses at all times or be the cutesy-wootsy with sugar on top. These voices are actually pretty well varied, it does a good job I think. That's mostly the main characters. The side characters are good enough but some of them can be rather bland.They do a good job at tension when there's times they have to try to get out of a mob since they can't always fight their way out (Which they do even though they are only highschool students who you wouldn't normally think would be able to survive a zombie apocalypse by themselves lol)There are a few minor inconsistencies such as the main character riding a motorcycle for the very first time in his life and not even tipping it over and he even does a perfect wheelie. lolOverall I'd say it's a great anime with a few cliches thrown in that only bog it down a tiny bit.

Edited by Drizzt Do'Urden
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The anime itself is finished but that's because the manga was discontinued (or put on Hiatus, I'm not sure which) so they had to end it.


But keep in mind, I tend to view things very differently from others (Particularly with my love of English dubs over subs) so it's still something you'll have to watch for yourself. I, myself, have heard mixed things about HSotD. Some people call it great, others call it cliche hell, others yet call it "totally a guy anime" (Which isn't necessarily far from the truth. lol)


But it's definitely a good anime to me and I would recommend it to anyone who's up for horror and action with a little ecchi mixed in.

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The anime itself is finished but that's because the manga was discontinued (or put on Hiatus, I'm not sure which) so they had to end it.


But keep in mind, I tend to view things very differently from others (Particularly with my love of English dubs over subs) so it's still something you'll have to watch for yourself. I, myself, have heard mixed things about HSotD. Some people call it great, others call it cliche hell, others yet call it "totally a guy anime" (Which isn't necessarily far from the truth. lol)


But it's definitely a good anime to me and I would recommend it to anyone who's up for horror and action with a little ecchi mixed in.


I'll check it out as soon as I can :3 Being the anime freak I am, I will most likely enjoy it.

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I should also make mention of it's animation. While it's typical anime stuff during the slow scenes a lot of the time when the action starts it actually gets really good. The camera helps a lot but the characters' movements are really fluid most of the time. It helps with the zombie slaying action.

  • Brohoof 1
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I read the manga and out of curiosity watched the anime afterwards.

I do not think i will watch it ever again but it was a quite unique expierience. The nudity is just ridiculous but ithe plot has its gems.


the "best friends forever" scene close to the beginning is my favorite


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See, the thing is even though the girls with huge boobs and stuff are apparent and you know they are there most of the time they don't take the time to sexualize them like other anime would do with them (Like what I hear about Ikki Tousen)


I've seen anime that sexualize their characters to a degree they probably don't need to and while I appreciate that aspect it doesn't necessarily have to happen. With HSotD it happens a lot less than you would think it would for having such characters in this type of anime. So far there's only been like two or three scenes of showing off cleavage (And one bath scene in episode 6) but other than that they don't really try to make it an ecchi anime at all. Your focus is still on the zombie apocalypse happening.


Also, if you watch it Scottish remember to watch after the credits because there's more story after. It's not just previews.


I wanna check out the manga myself but for now I'm sticking to the anime until I finish it. (Won't take long since it's only 12 episodes long though. lol

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Wasn't there and episode where all of them went to a beach and the girls were hitting on the guys. Not bad, just not really my cup of tea to be honest, since I prefer Black Lagoon.

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I love Black Lagoon myself. :P


I dunno about that though, I haven't finished it yet. There is, however, an episode where all the girls are in a bath together and they kinda..."play" with each other.


The ecchi things may be slightly unnecessary but if you like it there's not much to complain about, plus it doesn't focus on it.


I still haven't watched the second season of Black Lagoon but I've read the entire manga (of what they have so far, that is)

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I heard recently that the manga was stopped temporarily due to the writer having health issues and a season 2 is supposed to be released right after he gets back on his feet and finishes the manga. It'd be a shame to miss out on such a quality anime even though they planned to continue it.

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I usually don't care much for zombie stories, but I may try this one day.


P.S. I also prefer Dubbed to Subbed.

Edited by Slendermane
  • Brohoof 1
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The zombie part of the story is very cliche but the characters and their interaction with each other really makes up for the fact that they don't really explain how it started...just that zombies are overrunning society.

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Huzzah! Another HOTD fan! I loved that series and finished the dubbed anime in one go. (So much action over 12 episodes. I need moar!) I definietly think it sort of defies the usual of the zombie apocalypse theory. I like how the zombies can't see and are almost quiet compared to most media here in the USA where their loud screechy things that you can hear over a mile away.


The ecchi aspects aren't really a surprise because it's anime. It's an unwritten rule of anime and anime-styled art: Boobs are nessecery but the characters personality make up for it. I love the Rei/Takeshi dynamic and little Arisu is so adorable.

Edited by Arashi Takamine
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I really gotta say something for the soundtrack too. Even though it's a lot of metal and stuff they use it in a really good way. They time it perfectly with the situation going on, usually when awesome action starts.


Er...I should clarify. I love metal but in this type of anime I expected it to be more generic and totally forgettable but I absolutely love it in this anime.

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I fricking love this series, even though I'm a girl and panty shots don't do much for the Boofy. The storylines are epic, and I love watching anyone giving a good beatdown on zombies. ;)

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Definitely an epic storyline. I particularly liked the last few episodes (finished it last night) where

Takagi's father came in. I honestly thought he'd be a douchebag from the start but he's actually a pretty cool dude and we don't even know if he's alive or not! xD

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Best thing for me about that anime was its soundtrack.



Couldn't stop listening to that for weeks!


It was a great show. A little over sexual at times, but it had enough story and scary moments to keep me hooked, and it even gave me a great nightmare once! Sad to hear it wont be returning any time soon...

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Yeah the soundtrack is amazing. I love the opening but I thought there was other even better things in the soundtrack. I don't even know where to get anime soundtracks though. >_<

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Sounds good to me, but to be truthful, I like The Walking Dead better, but an anime zombie story? Pinch me, I must be dreaming! Can you link me to a few episodes?
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It's best to start from the beginning really, the story is a little slow-paced and it's almost like a soap opera where if you miss even one episode yer gonna be pretty lost cuz they do a ton of stuff in each episode.


Are you averse to watching anime on websites other than Youtube? The site I watched it on had better videos (though the players took some playing around with to find which one I wanted to use)

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Really? You actually like it?


I tried to watch it... Could not even get a minute into it. Zombie plots are so overdone, and on top of that this anime was so full of over-the-top fanservice that I could not stand it at all. I'm sorry, but this anime stands for everything that is wrong with entertainment today for me.

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