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Not a big fan of her but............*picks up receiver* Yes..............put 1k as well for Pinkie Pie.   Yes, b/c they are voiced by the same voice actress, :blush:, plus Pinkie Pie has a higher potential

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Not a big fan of her but............*picks up receiver* Yes..............put 1k as well for Pinkie Pie.   Yes, b/c they are voiced by the same voice actress, :blush:, plus Pinkie Pie has a higher potential

Wait both are voiced by tara strong?!

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Wait both are voiced by tara strong?!


lol, no......Fluttershy won last match, and now i'm going for Pinkie Pie, ;)  Andrea Libman voiced both of them. 

Edited by Thunder-Wing
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1. She is a excellent baker

2. She is a great party planner

3. She just wants to make you happy.

4. She knows how to use artillery.

5. Can use Twicanon.

6. Is probably made of the same stuff as Flubber. (10 points if you get the reference)

7. Pink

8. Pinkie Sense.

9. Close to being a Zen master.

10. Has the best grimdark legacy in fanon.

11. Has fan video series where she sings epic Gypsy Song with so much word play you'll go crazy trying to catch it all


12. Has fan video where she ends each sentence with ... "Yes"


13. Was the only one to defeat the disembodied announcer ... by just being herself


14. Best Flash Mob in cartoon history


15. Do not want to face her in Bronze Match!!!

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I guess i'll go with.................Forgive me my dignity but i'll go with pinkie BUT ONLY because your apple related! I still don't like you but just because  you are related to applejack i shall vote for you!  :okiedokielokie:  but i am keeping my eye on you!

Edited by Desert guardian
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11. Has fan video series where she sings epic Gypsy Song with so much word play you'll go crazy trying to catch it all


12. Has fan video where she ends each sentence with ... "Yes"


13. Was the only one to defeat the disembodied announcer ... by just being herself


14. Best Flash Mob in cartoon history


15. Do not want to face her in Bronze Match!!!


Care to share #12? I wanna see that.

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Give me 5 reasons to vote for the pink one and i might might vote 


She lives to make other people happy! She's got a lot of energy and puts every bit of it to good use for other people, and that's something pretty special :)


She's had plenty of good episodes. From Party of One to Too Many Pinkie Pies to Pinkie Pride, she's had her share of hits in every era of the show.


Her enthusiasm is infectious :). While it can be a bit much at times, she's just too bubbly and excited and happy not to drag you along into her world of endless joy. She's good at brightening up people's days, both in and out of the show.


She's a pretty interesting character who is actually much more complicated than she seems, and who has some very relatable fears. See this video:



She needs some cheering up :(



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As i said pinkie gets my vote but ONLY because she is apple related if someone comes in and say "she isn't apple related" i'll delete my vote 


Pinkie PIE


Apple PIE


Relation is obvious  :lol:

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Look at this cute little picture:



Anypony that's a friend of Cranky's is a friend of mine. Besides she not only befriended, Cranky, she reunited him with his lost love Matilda. 


Despite acting like a jerk or a bit rude sometimes, Pinkie always manages to make me smile and befriends the least likely of people. Pinkie gets my support.

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As i said pinkie gets my vote but ONLY because she is apple related if someone comes in and say "she isn't apple related" i'll delete my vote

She isn't Apple related


Whatcha gonn' do 'bout it, filly?

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Pinkie PIE


Apple PIE


Relation is obvious  :lol:

Make sense so pink one you got my vote 

She isn't Apple related


Whatcha gonn' do 'bout it, filly?


Have some respect at least

Edited by Desert guardian
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Well done to Fluttershy and her fans.


Since Rarity is out of the running, my vote goes to Twilight.


I'll break out the fanart when I get home from work. :P

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Fluttershy won!? Huzzah!! I knew she could do it. :wub:





I also voted Twilight.



Oh come on :(


Pinkie Pie has the same VA as your favorite pony :(


Oh well :P It's fine, I wish Twily all the best of luck :P


She'll need it :okiedokielokie:

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