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Need tips/help on writing a fanfic


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I really want to write a fanfic on my OC (He is in my sig below if you need to see his background stuff) But the thing is, i am absolutely terrible at writing stories..... Could you guys maybe gives some tips/tricks on how to write a good/successful one? Or if anyone is up to the challenge writing it for me, that would be cool of ya!

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1. Perfect grammar.


2. Perfect punctuation.


3. Perfect spacing and paragraph length.



Those are the 3 main things I look for in a story. If it's difficult to read, why even bother reading it?




Also, if you wanna start out, then I suggest writing a Twilight Peach fanfiction, just for fun. It doesn't need to be serious, you just need to create the weirdest story as you'd like for, ya know, practice. For example, this one: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/153619/twilight-sparkle-and-the-peaches-of-harmony



I won't be a complete brony until I get a Thunderlane plushie and go to a convention.

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1. Perfect grammar.


2. Perfect punctuation.


3. Perfect spacing and paragraph length.



Those are the 3 main things I look for in a story. If it's difficult to read, why even bother reading it?


Those are important, but not the first thing you should be worrying about when writing a fic since they can always be ironed out in editing. I'd say figure out character first, get their back-story before the events of the story take place and then think of a goal you want them to accomplish over the course of the story. Now how to get the hero to the goal varies depending of genre you pick. Also, don't get to bogged down in details in the beginning. Write a simple outline, a few sentence and then expand from there. I'd love to chat about this to since I'm also looking for advice on a fic I'm working on so send me a message if you'd like :)

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