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A pleasure or a nuisance to be around?

Gone Airbourne

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Don't ask me how I thought of this but for a while now I have been getting this off and on feeling like does my presence annoy people at times? I mean I perfectly know that not everyone is going to like you that I know that just fine. What I am trying to get at is does anyone here ever get a feeling from time to time were you feel just uncomfortable to be somewhere or you get an underlying feeling like for some reason your causing a disturbance? I am sure the feeling is normal from time to time of course. Or is it easy for you to not care what others think and you could careless if others thought of you as a disturbance? The only reason I ask I occasionally get that feeling like man... am I a bother to others? 



I know it is a bit of a random topic but its been on my mind for a couple of days. 

  • Brohoof 10



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Oh don't worry, you are not alone. I find myself feeling uncomfortable or like a disturbance all the time, especially after a debate. 

Edited by Emperor Posh
  • Brohoof 3


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I don't feel that because I know I'm totally awesome*   *see bottom of sig for reference


I'd say that is a great outlook to have about yourself certainly so. I suppose it is easier for others to have a strong self esteem just depends with the individual.  

  • Brohoof 1



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I'd feel like that when I am a tag-a-long and just listen to the conversation. I would just be there. And anything I said would be like. Why is that potato speaking?


So yeah... I sometimes get that feeling of being a disturbance.

  • Brohoof 3
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Oh don't worry you are not alone. I feel this way all the time. I find myself feeling bad or uncomfortable all the time especially after a debate.

Oh yeah I can attest to that after a debate depending on what your discussing and how it turns out especially.

I'd feel like that when I am a tag-a-long and just listen to the conversation. I would just be there. And anything I said would be like. Why is that potato speaking?


So yeah... I sometimes get that feeling of being a disturbance.

My god I know this all to well. A group's having a conversation, you try to add to the conversation at hand and then your completely ignored as if you were a shadow or something... Leaves you feeling like well heck what now just stay quiet right? Nothing I'd say would make a difference so why bother huh? I know that all to well example back in High School >.>.... 

  • Brohoof 3



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Sometimes I feel like I'm just a tag a long girl in conversation that doesn't talk too much. And, sometimes when I end up saying something, people just brush it off and carry on with their conversation, completely ignoring me. Luckily I usually don't hang around those kind of people.

  • Brohoof 1


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Luckily I usually don't hang around those kind of people.


I'd say that is a good choice. My friend I feel really bad for him actually... After high school I really do not know what exactly happened to him. But I think he is desperate for attention even it is the wrong kind.  I constantly see him hanging around people who clearly does not care for him back its sad because he is trying to fit into something he is not. I tried telling him not to waste his time with those people because he is shortly going to find out they never really cared about him in the first place. Its a false sense of security if someone does not feel like they have a place or group to belong too. But I would rather have a few amount of people who enjoyed my company rather than being surrounded by those who could careless if I was there or not.  

  • Brohoof 1



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hmm... I've never thought about it really since for the most part being in public or around what I decide are too many people makes me uncomfortable. Thinking about it though I see what you are saying. I'm the silent type that is much better/happier at listening than talking. Whenever I do try to make a joke or something it always seems like it's a "well that was funnier in my head" situation, even among the handful of friends I had growing up. Don't think I ever put any thought into it though because it never really bothered me enough.


Ever since my ex and I broke up a few years back I've just been a complete loner though (other than my small family), don't even hear from or see any of the few friends I had in high school anymore. So I've not felt like the fifth wheel for some time.


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I guess I feel like a disturbance sometimes. It seems like when I talk to certain people I'm more or less slowly shrugged off. Then later I see them talking to their friends and having a great time. I just sort of...stop talking to them. They don't have a problem with that. I always want to get to know my friends but if I get the feeling they don't like me and I leave them alone with them not seeming to care I just give up. In fact I question over half my friends list. Many have gone. Many I've never said a word to. Others I feel like a disturbance to. It really only feels like I could take 4 people from my list and call them friends. So, it's not like I'm even there at all for just about every friend. There's maybe just a few I know I really feel like a disturbance to. Like they forget I'm there or feel awkward around me.


Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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I'd like to believe that my own presence is quite charming, yet more so than ever before do I feel as though perchance I'm more of an annoyance than I realize. 


I know it may seem odd but I feel this not only in public but on the forums as well. Participating in some conversations, even one that I'm confident that I'll add something to, just feels as though it doesn't matter. Although I'll wait patiently for the right time to add something, either everything's been said for the conversation or someone else will pick it up before I get a chance. All I feel that I can really do is just kindly nod or say one word, feeling more like an extension for someone else instead of representing myself. I feel as though I'm more of an outsider and to say anything would either be disrespectful or would just be ignored.


I know how to fix this, the question is will I act? 

Edited by Accellerant
  • Brohoof 1


If you do not GO after what you want, you'll never have it. If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO.

If you do not step froward, you'll always be in the same place. 


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I know that feeling all too well , The main reasons I've threatened to leave the forums a few times was because I felt I was just being a nuisance and my presence here just wasn't appreciated and the only thing I 'contributed' to the forum was pain, sorrow, anger and tension...

  • Brohoof 1


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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nah i'm just a jerk, going around and mocking/jocking with/at people, all of you are nothing but great persons! I shall be banned away from this website.. but you know what? Internet is one of the last place of this word that gives us soome kind of freddom (you know it's true.. i saw your cctv in america, i saw your phone pluget in London), and as long as i am happy to meet new people, to talk with them, to share my stupid thought/dreams, i don't care1 i have discovered more in this month here in this forum about the world and poines around it than what i could learn from all books... i know i am "heavy" and not usefull for anypony.. i'm just here to have fun and if i can help people, if they ban me, i will not blame them.. they are right! this forum is made by YOU all, the only persons that can show theyr feeling and that are so cool to ask other people what they should do... show me another forum with those peoples like you!

  • Brohoof 2


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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I only feel like a nuisance when I'm around people who I don't fit in with. Like if I see a group of established friends, it'll be weird if I go over and start chatting it up with them all of a sudden. I'd totally feel like a bother.


I hope that isn't the case for you hun, because we are all bronies on here! We're one and the same. If anything, this should be one of the few places on the internet where you feel accepted and welcomed.


I haven't met you before so you aren't a nuisance to me, but I am sure nobody here is intentionally spiteful towards you. Bronies aren't that mean :P


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This certainly applies to me. I've felt like a total nuisance for a long time. I've come to accept it as the truth, because it has been confirmed numerous times by other people. My friendships come and go so fast... Even the most patient of ones.

  • Brohoof 1

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Don't ask me how I thought of this but for a while now I have been getting this off and on feeling like does my presence annoy people at times? I mean I perfectly know that not everyone is going to like you that I know that just fine. What I am trying to get at is does anyone here ever get a feeling from time to time were you feel just uncomfortable to be somewhere or you get an underlying feeling like for some reason your causing a disturbance? I am sure the feeling is normal from time to time of course. Or is it easy for you to not care what others think and you could careless if others thought of you as a disturbance? The only reason I ask I occasionally get that feeling like man... am I a bother to others? 



I know it is a bit of a random topic but its been on my mind for a couple of days. 


I get that feeling quite alot, I know there are a few people out there who dislike me and probably want me gone, but at the end of the day if you stay true to yourself and be who you are not much else you can do apart from accept it, move on and stay away from the people who clash with me :P 



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I wouldn't know because, like Fizzle, i'm as vain as #$%@, but you don't seem to be a nuisence to be around. But I have never really hanged out with you before so that's not much to go by.

Edited by Flutterbat

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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I'd like to believe that my own presence is quite charming, yet more so than ever before do I feel as though perchance I'm more of an annoyance than I realize. 

 I brohoof you because you're fabulous, not because ''YES omg he finally realized that he's a twerp''.

Just for clarification  :catface:

  • Brohoof 2


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I find that I seem to annoy a few people just by opening my mouth. Also, I find that to some people I'm looked at as a prick. But I don't like them either, they really annoy me. (Kind of why I annoy them in the first place)


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I don't mind feeling like a prick to certain people, simply my dear, cause i don't give a damn  B)


But i know the feeling way to well, having to try to fit in to a certain group or friends its annoying, when it comes to debates i only participate in a few post, if i see the stupidity by fanatics going out of control, i leave a a brain fart then run away, if in a debate you already made/prove a point then there is no point on continue to arguing whit the same person over and over, cause their stupidity will rub off on you.  :blink:


Its alright to feel bad sometimes, its part of the human nature its what makes us appreciate the fun times, however when you feel bad it should be because of someone hurt you or you lost something/someone, not over an argument by a useless topic/person, words only hurt if you let them.

  • Brohoof 2


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Yeah I find myself annoying, I have nothing to do most of the times so I usually spam people until I get a reply xD, I wouldn't blame people if they didn't want to be around me

Edited by Crazy Misty



siggy by PixiGlow

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I am simply annoying. My friends cares enough to tell me, which is a good thing I guess.

Meh, I never do anything to be mean. I am simply just annoying to be around.

(It is almost a wonder that I have friends at all.)

Edited by CrayZ

(Really cool signature)

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I am often tend to be blunt to the point where I can sometimes come off as a bit harsher than I sometimes intend, am very opinionated and can sometimes be quite stubborn. I have views that are quite controversial which can sometimes fly over someones head or simply be misunderstood. It is for these and other reasons that not everybody is going to like me, I am pretty sure there are people who hate my guts but although I admit I am not perfect I just try to be the best person I can be try to make amends to anyone I have wronged, learns from my mistakes and move on. Nobody no matter how nice or popular is going to be liked by everyone at all times no matter what and just because there are some people that are giving you hate means everyone feels that way. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I am simply annoying. My friends cares enough to tell me, which is a good thing I guess.

Meh, I never do anything to be mean. I am simply just annoying to be around.

(It is almost a wonder that I have friends at all.)


Hehe, your the least annoying person I know *hugs* =]

  • Brohoof 1



Character Backstory: http://mlpforums.com/blog/1210/entry-7077-a-life-without-limits/












You are stardust that’s beaten the odds and combined perfectly.



You are both the moon you walk under and the ground you walk on.






                                                                                        You are a part of it all, neither big nor small.


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