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Should Birthdays Be Celebrated?

The Ponyville Critic

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Well, I do see them as something to be celebrated. It's celebrating your birth and your life as it goes on. If we didn't have birthdays, we really don't have much to look forward to. Remember that Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, even if you're not a Christian that is the meaning behind it. They bring around a lot of happiness and I don't think the world would be the same without them.

Edited by Sunlight
  • Brohoof 2
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I think birthdays still have a significant importance even after you are born because, it is a time to reminisce on the day of your birth and what you plan to do in the future. It might be pointless to some, but it's a time to reflect on your life for others.

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Your life is pointless, you don't deserve anything in life.


See, that kind of thing doesn't lead to happy people. If anything, the birthday is just a marker of time, but we (humans) make these things special so that someone feels good for at least one day. Humans tend to measure our lives by social gatherings and that is mostly parties. Hell, you can call a funeral the last party for someone.

Given that I have spent my last few birthdays alone, I can't help but think about how happy I was when I was a a bairn and had fun parties and felt like I meant something at least once (my birthday is the 1st of November which meant I had some awesome Halloween parties).

I gave up on the idea of that kind of thing. I would never do that to another.

  • Brohoof 1
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Jesus birthday is celebrated, and everyone else's should be too.

Your life is pointless, you don't deserve anything in life.


See, that kind of thing doesn't lead to happy people. If anything, the birthday is just a marker of time, but we (humans) make these things special so that someone feels good for at least one day. Humans tend to measure our lives by social gatherings and that is mostly parties. Hell, you can call a funeral the last party for someone.

Given that I have spent my last few birthdays alone, I can't help but think about how happy I was when I was a a bairn and had fun parties and felt like I meant something at least once (my birthday is the 1st of Nove

why are you seeking midnight?

Edited by rosu maikeru
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I do remember something related to this that i read sometime on a DC comic. It is a quote from Barry allen (The flash):
"Life does not have a meaning. We give a meaning to life".


We are left in to this world without any real leads to what to do with it, and if we lose sight of what we truly want from life we end up lost, miserable, sad. Birthdays are a time mark, a time period where we laughed and cried, where we hoped, where we projected. Each birthday we are reminded that we are alive, that we are owners of our life, and that we should making the best of it.


And life, it's an explosion, it's a brief period of conscious light in the darkness of non existance. During a bried period we grow, become aware, explode with emotions, and change things that many thought unchangable. A party is at least appropiate to mark this brief wonderful period where we are small gods of our own world.

  • Brohoof 2
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It always depends on the family, everyone has opinions or beliefs. For me personally celebrating birthdays has always been in the family. I don't necissararly see it as giving presents to adults, to kids though sure or teen agers. For me though theres nothing like having a nice lunch or dinner with my family/friends, to share the day I was born, and feel loved and special for one day out of the year. Just knowing that I have loved ones in my life that actually REMEMBER the day I came into this world, is a great feeling to have. Celebrating that shows to your loved ones as well that you do remember and are happy that they are here.


Heck to this day... *sighs* it will be the 4th year since my father passed away, I still celebrate the day he was born. Because I am grateful to have had him in my life.

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Christmas, believe it or not, is not about the birthday of Christ, it's a pagean festival where they sacrifice a goat.


The birthday of Jesus was actually in the summer


It's about the birth of Jesus, not about sacrificing a goat.  I have no bloody idea where you got that from mate.  It's called an observed birthday.   And yes, originally there was a pagan holiday around that time.  And yes, a lot of traditions have pagan roots.  No, that does not mean that Christmas is a pagan holiday.   


Why shouldn't birthday's be celebrated?   It's the day of one's birth.   If that's not something to be happy about, I don't know what is.  

  • Brohoof 4
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I always make a bigger deal of birthdays then any of the general holidays, I think someones birthday is special, its the one day of the year they themselves get to be special. its their own day so I try and make it a good one..now as for me I hate my birthday! 

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even if you're not a Christian that is the meaning behind it.


That is quite simply untrue. If you're not a Christian, some dead guy's birthday is utterly irrelevant to Christmas. The meaning behind it is rather different then.


As for birthdays...Eh, sure. Why not?

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I don't do my Birthday, as for others? yes all the way! Gifts, cake, ice cream..... ice cream cake.. etc 


I don't do my birthday because I dont like to... and their is no point in it.. and it's just a reminder that I'm getting older...  


As for others, because this gives me a way to give them stuff... and they cant say no to it, that and everypony loves their B-day! So yes I think they should be

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I don't know if anypony else feels the same way, but I don't see birthdays as anything to be celebrated, after the person is actually born, it just somehow feels inane and pointless to celebrate something like this.

I guess in a practical sense, you're right. We don't need birthdays to survive or anything. The human race would still go on without them.


But that's the nature of celebrations. They aren't practical, they're just supposed to be fun. I don't see why anyone would protest an excuse to have a special day to themselves, to celebrate their life. It's a very nice tradition to have if you ask me.

Edited by jackleapp81
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Well, it's the day you were born, so I suppose it calls for celebration. Birthdays are more or less just fun celebrations where you celebrate the fact that you were born...nothing more, nothing less.

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Yes, one should celebrate another year of one's awesomeness upon the earth! ^_^ Also, cake and presents are good. Also also, every birthday is one year further away from being thirteen, and that's definitely worth celebrating. XD

  • Brohoof 1
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If someone wants to celebrate it that is all good for them. I personally don't like it. I don't see a real need in my birthday. I dislike the birthday wishes and all that jazz. I also wish people would understand that I don't like to celebrate theirs either. That's all I ask is that they understand.

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