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S04:E10 - Rainbow Falls

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S04:E10 - Rainbow Falls  

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Okay I'm going to say my feelings on this ep.  Prolly gonna be ripped a new one but oh well.


I thought the episode itself was bad.


That being said there were a great deal of things in it that elevated it to "Meh" for me.


First off was the characterization of Dash.  This coupled with the portrayal of the Wonderbolts were the absolute worst part of the episode for me.  Dash has been shown to be TREMENDOUSLY loyal to the point of giving up her lifelong dream without even a second thought at the mere potential of a Wonderbolt hurting their friends.  That was not the case in this episode.  If they tried to pull a Discord loyalty test I think that would have been SO much better.  The fact of the matter is hometowns mean a great deal to people, and their friends mean just as much if not more.  This would have been an excellent quandry to put our favorite flyer to the test.  But it was not played as a test of loyalty.  It was should I be shallow or should I be friends with my CLOSEST FRIENDS WHO WON"T MAKE IT WITHOUT ME?


Second annoying thing was the portrayal of the Wonderbolts.  Frankly I was disgusted by their behaviour.  Spitfire especially.  Now before anyone starts going "she's had like 15 minutes of characterization" on me I realize this.  I don't care about the fanon idea of her.  What I care about is the fact that Spitfire had a reason to come off harsh in Wonderbolt Academy.  However, here she wasn't harsh, she was PETTY.  She knew they were going to win regardless, but manipulated her OWN TEAMMATE into getting injured simply so she could have a better time.  That is not good leadership, and thus is my problem with this characterization.  Fleetfoot's manipulative gotta win behaviour I would have been fine with if Spitfire acted as a bit more neutral rather than devil on shoulder +1.


Now... I have stated why this was a VERY BAD EPISODE.  Now that that is out of the way let me get to the good things that redeem it into an alright episode that while definitely the worst of the season is still a decent episode overall.


First, Twilight, while she wasn't participating in the flying things for some reason (my argument is judges have no way of knowing she is a terrible flyer only that she is an alicorn each of which is a borderline deity), she still manages to show what she has learned in a new way.  She didn't give Rainbow the answer despite how obvious and simple it was.  She made her choose and when she refused to choose she criticized her for it.  The fact that she felt that she didn't need to spell everything out for Rainbow was a sign of her OWN growth as a character.  She didn't rush to fix it herself.  Rainbow wouldn't get anything out of that.  So she planted the seed for Dash to figure it out on her own.


Second, fanservice, while many cite fanservice as a negative point I believe it is a positive point when done tastefully.  The inclusion of Derpy/Ditzy was great.  There wasn't any editting of the character and she still had her eye problem.  Giving a background pony such as Bulk/Snowflake the limelight in this episode might also be considered fanservice but by the same token it shows the writers willing to take further risks.  Bulk was without a doubt the highlight of the episode.  I appreciated the fact that despite this being an episode focused on Rainbow with the Wonderbolts acting as the antagonists that the writers chose a non mane 6'er to be the fan's anchor to the ponyville team.  Fluttershy had many d'aww moments which are extremely common when she is on screen but she was a supporting role.  The fact that Bulk had more lines than the rest of the mane 6 excluding Rainbow showed that the writers are getting more comfortable using the tools available to them.


I feel it is important to note that this is not a bad episode overall.  Development standpoint I would like to see fewer character missteps and backpedalling, but I know that not every episode is going to be perfect.  The standards I have been holding this season up to remain, while this episode might have been fine in season 2 its a bad episode given the placement in season 4.  I continue to look forward to episodes in this season and repeat myself when I say one bad apple doesn't always spoil the bunch as this is still the best season thus far.



  • Brohoof 2

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I have been thinking and as much as I loved Macho Pony and Derpy in this episode, the Wonderbolts were so ridiculously out of character. Okay so Soarin being more mellow is pretty much in character for him so no complaints on him but Spitfire although she has a competitive side has in her past portrayals been like a more mature and level headed Rainbow Dash which is the exact opposite of what we actually saw in this episode. Spitfire was a lying spiteful bitch in this episode which is completely contrary to her character (it would have suited Lightning Dust quite well though), I am not saying she is perfect as we have clearly seen in Wonderbolt Academy she is capable of lapses in judgement but her behavior in this episode completely contradicted what she said at the end of Wonderbolt Academy "it is not just about pushing hard but about pushing ourselves in the right direction."

  • Brohoof 3
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Yellow alicorn and who is the white wonderbolt with yellow mane and why didn't they ask her instead of RD?




Edited by Flash Fire

My oc - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-fire-r5698 pixel_dash_running_by_shearx-d4tfdq7.gif

"Take my love. Take my land. Take me where I cannot stand. I don't care. I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me.

Take me out, to the black. Tell my ma I ain't coming back. Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me."

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Yellow alicorn and who is the white wonderbolt with yellow mane and why didn't they ask her instead of RD?






k seriously is it me or does sweat band there in front of the yellowish tent look like a sane version of discords daughter? Mayhaps the even made the looney pony straighten her self out looks wise just because she was on a team.

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My very first livestreaming experience, too, and THIS was what I got?


Take it away, Bubba:



I think you'll be happy to know that Rainbow Falls is getting less than favorable reviews. At least from what I've seen.

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k seriously is it me or does sweat band there in front of the yellowish tent look like a sane version of discords daughter? 

Wow, she really does. Didn't notice that one

My oc - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-fire-r5698 pixel_dash_running_by_shearx-d4tfdq7.gif

"Take my love. Take my land. Take me where I cannot stand. I don't care. I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me.

Take me out, to the black. Tell my ma I ain't coming back. Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me."

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  • Thunderlane! Snowflake! Winged Doctor Whooves! Derpy! Spitfire, Soarin AND Fleetfoot, oh my! :o
  • Speaking of Soarin, he got some awesome moments and screen-time overall <3 He wasn't just a BG pony. Even a SoarinDash moment for the fans of that shipping xP
  • This was truly the episode for background ponies, and Bulk 'Snowflake' Biceps is an interesting character to give a major role in the episode. Though at the same time I'm not surprised. I somehow didn't see the staff picking one of the glorified background pony stars like Derpy, Lyra, etc.
  • AJ had some hilarious lines in this episode xP "Once everypony carbo loads on my treats |'3" "Looks like they got better aim. *deadpan*"
  • Dash had some Rarity moments :D


Now, time for, probably, my largest gripe about an episode thus far this season, and seeing as I'm usually the guy telling other people to stop being die-hard critics about everything, you know it's something I'm passionate about xP I really did not enjoy for how the Wonderbolts, minus Soarin, were painted as the antagonists of this episode. Yeah, competitiveness can bring out the worst in people, and seeing as they just lost one of their trio of main fliers, I can definitely see how they might be up for playing dirty, but Spitfire and Fleetfloot, the later especially simply due to more lines and interactions, descended not short of simple schoolyard peer pressure techniques, which should be beneath a team that's been working together as the supposed best in the land, at least one of whom who acts as the leader of the official Wonderbolt Academy, as well.


I dunno, I just don't think villainizing the Wonderbolts, as minor as it was, is worth it for the, 'your heroes aren't always what you think they are' cliche. Especially when the lesson here was already shown with the Shadowbolts, and while having it in modern times with her actual heroes is cool, I still don't like how they decided to go with this. Now granted, it seemed both Spitfire and Fleetfoot were either planning this all along *see my following meme image*, or at the very least, learned from Dash to see just how overly competitive they both were being, so, their characters are not in tarnish, at least for me :) They seemed to see what they did wrong, acknowledged and respected Dash's choice to stay with the Ponyville team, and invited their buddy Soarin back with an acknowledgement that they shouldn't have put him on the bench (or hospital bed xP) to begin with.


So yeah, it was a decent episode for me. Certainly holds the first major issue I've had with this season so far, but it's mostly a personal issue with the initial character portrayal. Certainly not going to stop me from using any of the awesome opportunities that came to light :fiery:



Spitfire now adds 'Bad girl' to her arsenal of 'polite, friendly, mature & regimented'. Crush levels increasing :wub:

  • Brohoof 9


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So this show was a 50/50 a bit and at least

it had no song this time around......


Good Points


-Derpy return

-Rainbow clues

-Had a background pony in the main plot (Snow Flake)

-Had some good light humor

-Moral complex with Dash and growth a bit

-Soarin moments with Dash


Bad Points


-No voice for Derpy

-Had some shallow moments in the story

-Maybe too much Dash

-Bad uniforms from Rare

-Twilight could have flown in the team plot wise and maybe

use her wings for flying for real this time around..

  • Brohoof 1


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FanTASTIC episode! 


Okay Brill...chillout...you got this...




The episode was a particularly pleasing one for me...I felt the writing was strong, the character development was hardcore, I'm more than pleased to see the return of derpy, but the MAIN thing...is the type of story this was...It felt like a season 1 episode!

Simple premise, a big moral decision, a fantastic payoff, and some great references! This is definitely a top 10 episode for me (Canterlot Wedding being my #1) but all in all, I give this one a 9/10...I didn't think corey powell could do it, but MAN, he did it...I look forward to seeing more of his work this season...so much hope is restored. (Plus there's an Amy Keating Rogers episode coming soon! and she's my favourite writer! So I look soooo forward to that!)

Edited by BrilliantVenture


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That was awesome! Derpy has made her triumphant return! Can't say I'm 100% on the Bulk Biceps name but it definitely fits. Medic pony is new best pony! So exited I can only type in short sentences!

Sig by the one and only Doc Volt! Gone but not forgotten! Guess who's back!!! Luna damn it!
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Pretty good episode in my opinion. Bit of a mix really.



- I know some people aren't happy about Biceps and Derpy being in the episode, but for me it was a breath of fresh air. We've been with the mane 6 for a while now, so it's nice to see some other characters thrown into the mix. Biceps constant yelling did get a bit grating, but I loved watching him struggle to fly, and seeing Fluttershy and AJ amusement at his muscle tricks. Derpy's cameo felt just right, a fun little presence that helped lighten the mood. I was also glad to see them in the group picture at the end.


-I was pleasantly surprised to see Soarin return during the third act. I was expecting him to simply be forgotten, and it's good to see another male character get some form of prominence in a plot, even if it's short. I'm glad to see the writers addressed how badly Spitfire and Fleetfoot were treating him, especially since that feels like the kind of plot point that would have been glossed over in earlier seasons.


-Overall I'm happy to see some male characters being a part of the episode, and being treated equally. One of my major criticisms of MLP is the lack of male presence, which is weird because usually in most cartoons I watch it's the other way around. Glad to see some positive integration happening, and I hope it keeps up.




-How many times is Rainbow Dash going to have to freaking prove herself to the Wonderbolts? This basic plot has been recycled too many times now. They really need to move on and have RD either join them, or decide not to join them. Then we can have some new plots about either Rainbow having to deal with being on the team, or searching for a new goal in life. I know I'm getting sick of this endless dance.


-To me the episode felt bloated with so many characters. Pinkie Pie, Rarity, AJ, and Twilight all had their little things going on, but it felt like too much. I would have rather spent more time watching the Ponyville and Cloudsdale trios interacting with each other. Could have been a good chance to see more of what kind of dynamic the Wonderbolts have with each other and get some more characterization for Soarin and Fleetfoot.

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 I don't think it was, his cutie mark was a crescent moon, not an hourglass

The rest of it could've been covered up :/


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

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Derpy being back pretty much made the episode for me, as I could have given you a play by play with the summary alone. And why didn't they ask twilight to join the ponyville team? She has wings. 

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Could be, but Dr whooves was a pegasus in one episode, in all others he's an earth pony

I guess Hasbro just can't decide on what they want him to be :P

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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That was a great episode! Here's what I think of it:



- Dash having to make a difficult decision

- More Wonderbolts, especially Soarin

- Another one of those special rainbows

- Derpy and Snowflake appear



- Derpy doesn't talk

- They don't explain why Twilight can't fly for Ponyville (maybe they only let regular pegasi in to prevent cheating with magic?)

- Spitfire and Fleetifoot acting like jerks (Although perhaps it was all just part of the plan to see what RD would do)

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