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Thoughts on Bullying, Bullies, & getting Bullied.


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Talk about a one sided conversation! I mean, asking people what their opinion of bullying is like asking what someone's opinion is of genocide! Nobody is going to say they are okay with or like it. 


On that note, I don't like physical bullying. Punching the crap out of someone is a bad thing. But now just not wanting to hang out with someone is considered "bullying". I'm sorry, but that's garbage. If you are acting weird and ostracizing everyone with your behavior, don't go around with a chip on your shoulder claiming you're "bullied". You have no right to have people want to hang out with you, you have to be a likable person, so don't act like you're entitled to have everyone like you and hang out with you, and cry "bully" if they avoid you. 

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I'm so sorry to hear what happened to your sketchbook, sweetie :( As a fellow person-who-likes-to-draw, i can understand how you feel and what happened angers me to no end.

I would love to personally give that bully a big kick in the pants on your behalf. I wish that were possible.

You don't have any large, threatening looking friends around you? You should try to find one. Or a group of them would be even better.


You know what, someone should make something out of that. Hire a bunch of tough looking older kids as personal bodyguards for those who are being bullied That would be awesome!

Edited by crazitaco
  • Brohoof 1


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I absolutely despise it. I never had an issue being bullied or vice versa, when I was in school, but seeing it just absolutely made my blood boil.


Funny story, the one and only time I ever got suspended from school was during the tail end if my senior year, when I beat the dog piss outta this rat bastard that always made fun of one of the mentally challenged kids. The kid being bullied had severe OCD and some form of autism, that, and forgive my ignorance, I can't for the life of me, remember the exact details of. The kid being bullied (we'll call him "Max") was an absolute social recluse, and was a small frail little guy. Every day, during lunch, Max would sit in the main concourse by himself and set up these little Pokemon figurines that he absolutely adored. They had to be set up in a perfect order in a straight line. The bully, decided it'd be funny to knock over Max's figures and throw them down the hallway and stuff, causing Max to cry and generally freak out.


I was walking back into school from my car, and entered the main concourse when I saw what was happening, and lost it. I grabbed the bully by the back of his greasy, scraggly hair and slammed his head into the wall a few times and punched him repeatedly in the throat. THAT'S when the school officials and teachers decided to act, and broke us up.


I later became pretty good friends with Max and I still talk to him, to this day. He's a sweet kid and really opened up after finding a friend. And needless to say, Max never got fucked with after that.


My point? Bullies need their asses kicked.

  • Brohoof 2


MLPforums resident marksman. Mathlete/Badass MC

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Bullying ruined my childhood and is just a thing that shouldn't exist anymore. I know some people have to deal with doing it because of the area they are in, kind of a kill/be killed situation but still, it hurts people a lot more than they realize. I'm sorry about your notebook and I hope you come up with a reasonable solution.

  • Brohoof 1


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I'm so very sorry sweetie ): I don't think it just "Some book" to me it means the world to me.. because it means a lot to you which means it means a real lot to me... 


What do I think of Bullies? 


They are a waste of space. To live to only make others lives hard is just something I can't understand. Why would you want to make life harder on someone?  


I was bullied for a long time, then I got sick of it and stood up for myself and for others. I didn't care what they called me or what they did to me I couldn't just sit there any longer and watch others suffer like that. 

  • Brohoof 1


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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Yeah, I was bullied when I was a kid, at school, daycare, and around my neighborhood. 


They're in the wrong but it is true that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.. I see it as an experience more than anything. Not to say, I wouldn't be upset if I were bullied today. I probably would be.

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When I went to school I was shy and extremely submissive, I was constantly kicked and punched, and a lot of guys kept talking shit about me. My friends where kind in the same situation, so no one ever said nothing and we all just ignored the bullies.


But one day, after playing rugby for a few months I realised that I wasn't made of glass, and that when I got angry I could make a 130 kg go down to the ground (i only weight 78 kg). So one day one of the bullies kicked me in the butt, and i just went berzerk. I lost control of the situation and ended up bashing this little fellas head against a tree. Violence aint the solution to nothing, (I felt so bad for hurting that guy that I actually started crying xD) but this is a sick, sad, little world, and sometimes you just need to let go the beast within.


Big hug to you mate, hope this fucking situation gets better for you, and remember to find support in your friends and family (and of course the nice pony lovers from this forum!)


(BTW, Rugby also helped me become stronger and gave me some of my best friends, you cant imagine how fun it is to go party with 30 guys that weight nearly 100 kg (or more), dont know why but there are no fights when they are around :) )

You can also call this guys ;)


  • Brohoof 2
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I'm a bully victim and I'm pretty depressed but I don't cut like those suicidal idiots out there (soz if you're one). I can stand the 'bullying' back in preschool but in high school... Nuh uh. I guess the bullies just bully for attention... Sorta like a tribal cry for everyone to notice them. But they dont realize the attention is in the bad side of the concept. Sorta like Sunset Shimmer. She bullies, gets attention, everyone fears her then when reality hits BAM she cries like a biatch. Just like real life.

Edited by XxConfusedUnicornxX


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I despise bullies, I have every single part of them. Being an overall mean person is one thing, but once you start to target others you've turned yourself from obnoxious to absolutely disgusting. I don't give a shit what happened to their lives, but if they feel the need to hurt others instead of fixing their problems in a normal way, they deserve all the pain they caused for others inflicted on themselves, make it double the amount of pain.


Parents and teachers shouldn't teach kids to stand up to bullies in a violent way, that's hardly a viable point to raise them with. Being a doormat and being shy pacifist is something different. Even then, adults usually don't give a damn and think it's just "teasing". Bullies are the one who should be raised in a normal way, they are the ones doing the wrong thing to begin with.


This is coming from a person who has been bullied for eight years in elementary, it's not just that easy to stand up when violence never feels like the right thing. People get stuck within that dilemma when older people think they shouldn't make a big deal out of "teasing", while the adults themselves are being blind to what really is going on. Just that mentally damages a child in ways you can't imagine. It's driving people to suicide and self-destruction, and all the adults do is laugh it off, besides bullies, that behavior makes me feel sick to even be of the same species.


How I stood up to my bullies? I beat them up with a metal pipe. When no one listens to your complains, turning a deaf ear towards your serious complaints, even begging to help you while your patience and resolve to fix it peacefully is running out, a time comes where you want to tear down that little box you've so forcefully been put in. I turned to violence because nobody wanted to talk it out. I hope people will realize that when someone is saying they're being bullied, they should take those words seriously, instead of brushing them off like something else. How people are so shallow as to neglect such a duty is beyond me. It's about listening to people, taking their words seriously and helping them either figure out it really isn't bullying, or helping them fight the bullying in some way if it is bullying. We're humans, right? Capable of thinking and acting? Capable of caring? Then why do we act like we can't? Some people just continue to surprise me in such negative aspects.

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Well, whether we like it or not there will always be bully's and whether you stand up to them or not its up to you.


I have some bad history whit bullying myself which i was gonna post but seeing it would be a story of 7k+ words i prefer to save it for a blog im working.


But long story short, there are a few lessons in life I have learn concerning bullying.


Lesson #1: While a lot of us prefer solitude some of the time, there is none who can withstand it for all the time, try to make friends and cared for something.


Lesson #2: Expect things to get worse if you don't stop it. This is the fact for everything, Just like building a house or crafting an Instrument, if you dont stop at the moment were the problem begins then the whole projects while be faulty and will create even worse problems later down the road.

When bullying begins you have to act right away and defend yourself against it otherwise it will only get worse from then on.


Lesson #3: Know your bully:

In my experience they exist 3 types of bullies

1: The classic Bully.

2: The Mental Bully. (AKA Disturb/molested/bad parenting/Previously Bullied/Personal traumas etc etc)

3: The Personal Bully.


A bully can be anything, from school to work to even your own house, henceforth if the first attemp to stop the bullying fails search why the bullying is against you, is it really you or the bully himself that's the problem. and let me explain:


What i mean by you is, Is it really out for you and you alone or is he a bully to anyone, they are school bully and personal bully's the ladder one are the problematic ones, cause this are the ones who will do anything because they just want to, while School bully's are those classic ones that pick on the nerds for being nerds because there sport joks etc etc, which these are easy to dealt whit, most of the time you just have to stand up to them and once they feel they cant do anything against you they'll leave you alone, in this case its all about self confidence, its still wrong to have to do this way, since you shouldn't have to prove your worth to begin whit, but that's the fastest and easiest way to deal whit such persons.


The next type of bully is the one who's being a bully because of personal reasons, such as them being bullied at a previous school or has issues at home, or as trauma from previous experiences, most of these can be identified by they way the speak, such as do they make reference as, "Well, you have a nicer backpack then me, so ill beat you up" or "ill beat you up because you think your better than me" etc etc etc, Most of these are the ones that either have a crappy household were there is no parents to pay them attention or there is a lot of a abuse in the house, again there can be help but you have to find their weakness and show them kindness, cause even tho you feel like you must hate them they are are still children that can be help, however dont take it on your hands, whenever you deal whit this type of bully is better to seek a help from an adult, this way they'll be able to help you out and give you a better advise on how to overcame this.


However if its a personal bully then that's different and as such you must act different, cause most of the times their goal is to make your life miserable and they don't care about the consequences this are the ones that in the end lead to suicides and depression.

This type of bully's are dangerous because they will go to extreme measures to humiliate you and make you feel like the worse scum of the world, this are the ones that you most definitely cannot ignored nor can you try to stand up to them, cause its a personal vendetta they have against you and if you stand up to them alone they will beat you down and it will make things worse, you can stand up to them but you have to do it whit help, that way they know that if they do something to you there will be consequences to pay, but again you have to be smart about it and seek help.


Lesson #4: Never give up and Fight.

If all else fails, giving up is not the answer and is not even in the last moment of your life should you think about giving up, the world can be very dark and cruel trust me, I'm a victim of not only bullying but of molestation and tortured, so i know how evil humanity can be, however if you fight to live on you will find that life its quite beautiful once you find a reason to live for, but you need to search for it and never give up, you don't need a deity or fate to tell you who you are, you make your own path to happiness, and the last thing that should ever cross to anyone's mind its to kill themselves, specially because of someone who doesn't even matter in the end.


Bully's in the end are for the most part attention whores and they do it because it gives them attention for the most part, but its up to you in the end to stop and the only way you can do it its by seeking help, and having the courage to stop, will it be easy? no but its the only way you can protect yourself and those around you.


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I haven't had much experience with bullying – yet – because I grew up in a relatively kind environment, but I definitely know that people gossip about me, and I've been cyberbullied over deviantART by a classmate. At least bullies let you know outright that they have a problem with you, but idiots who bitch about you for no reason? They're worse. That's why I just love the phrase "ignorance is bliss."


I probably don't know much about bullying compared to most of you, but I get the gist of it: they're asses. However, sometimes I think people might be giving bullies too much credit. There are, in fact, people who are too sensitive to take a couple of insults and off themselves foolishly without seeking help first. And then there are villains with tragic backstories, which we might sympathize with, but it wouldn't excuse their actions at all. Maybe some bullies were forced into bullying by another bully, which isn't as farfetched as it sounds.


Also – for those of you who threatened to bash any bully's brains out – think about it. This time, you're the bully here. Regardless of whether or it it's "justice" or "he deserved it," you're bullying someone, even if you're bullying them for bullying someone else. Also, I very much doubt all of you are bully victims and have never been a bully yourselves. There was this guy in middle school that – I'm ashamed to say – I treated pretty badly, all because I just don't like him. I still regret it to this day and tried to be friendlier to him during eighth grade. Maybe you guys are all just kindred spirits, but I frankly doubt that nobody here's spoken a single mean word in their lives. Bullying doesn't have to be upfront to be hurtful.

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I was bullied in Junior High, but all of those people I had issues with have luckily matured since then.


Unfortunately bullies are always going to be around. I don't have a huge amount of experience with them, so I'm not going to give any advice on how to deal with them. I'm just going to say that it pisses me off when people are jerks for literally no good reason.


I don't get the appeal of ruining somebody else's day. Would the bully want their day ruined by somebody else? Probably not. So why must they go around and be a douchebag?

Edited by Mikami


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Bullies are ironically... weak. They are weak, insecure and they use people who are defenseless to gain attention and feel "strong" in school or wherever they are. Most times they are in "groups" at least 2 people. It makes them feel even safer thus proves their insecurity. They are big problem as generally people choose safe option and just ignore bullies or in worst cases support them. Barely anyone dares to stand in their way and actually protect the one who needs protection - their victim. Support from teachers also is not big enough. When I asked my teacher for help with bullies she ignored me. So I was totally on my own and I was not really strong physically back in those days. 


So bullying is serious problem now. And it needs serious solutions. Teachers need to be responsible for any harm done by one student to other in school. Consequences of bullying need to be shown to youth. The most serious ones too. And people need to learn how to react. When someone is bullied he does not need some smartasses laughing at everything, because it is "so hilarious". He needs someone to grab those bullies and preferably punch them in the face hard. But here another problem. I did it once. I ended up in principal's office. But that was actually funny. Especially when dad arrived. I regret nothing. Oh, sorry, actually I regret. I did not punch hard enough. 


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

Art, profile picture and signature by one and only Silky <3



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I was bullied through all of elementary and jr. high, and I am grateful for it. It drove home the importance of being kind to others. It also made me more emotionally resilient. It sucked at the time, and I even had a suicidal phase, but I learned to brush it off. I learned to either take something useful from people's judgments or to ignore them. Real life sucks, I think it is important to learn how to deal with it and overcome difficulty at an early age. Some people want to eliminate bullying, which is not only unfeasible, but also counterproductive. I think extreme cases should be intervened in (cases where a child considers suicide), but otherwise it is a part of emotional growth.

Keep flyin'


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  • 3 weeks later...

I am bullied by many of the nookwhiffs (sorry, had to say it) at my school. I am bullied for liking Doctor Who, Homestuck, and being a nerd. Here's the dumb part: Most of the people who bully me for DW/HS don't know what they are.


My teachers have moved them around, talked to them, and suspended them, but nothing works.

karkat_stamp_1_by_obtainedinformation-d3KARKAT FAN AND PROUD (:B

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uM74zTBBezY THIS IS WHY I HATE JOHN.

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Bullying is a serious case and no laughing matter. Over hundreds of kids died and the main reason is suicide. The government has tried to help. But death threats still come and come. A main form of bullying is cyber bullying. And it's very easy to do if you have anything like Facebook or even an mlp forums account. Right now someone could look at your profile and pretty much send you death threats until they work.


I don't know why bullying is done or how it started. I believe when someone isn't appreciated they go into a stage where if he doesn't get accepted then he will make people accept him. You can't stop a bully, but you can stop him or her from ever starting. Just be generous and kind and stuff like that.


For all you bullies out there, please we love you and if you can see that we know you'll stop. Now that's something that's gonna get a lot of hate from you guys.


Now I have to ask. If you were getting bullied what would you say? Personally if someone started bullying me I would just ignore them and walk away. All the way to a big crowd where he wouldn't stand a chance.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it save equistria with its five candy coloured friends and shoot rainbows at bad guys using their necklaces and tiara unless you're celestia
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I wrote some papers on this for my Forensic Science degree in my criminal profiling class. Here is the thing, it is a two sided coin. First is the understanding that bullying will never go away. The strong can and will prey on the weak, in a domination for an alpha position. The key is to never let the person take that position over you. Psychologically these individuals have their own environmental and internal tormenters that push them to extract control over others due to their lack of control of their own circumstances, or peer pressure amongst a group will push a bully to step out and exact cruelty on others in order establish their own place with their pack (clique or group, whatever).


For the bullied it is a torment, but the key lies in how you handle it. Yes bullying is bad, but no matter where you proceed in life, there will be bullies. At work, in your schools, in your neighboorhood, at the DMV, at the Grocery store. Bullying can either break a person or help make a person in regards to discovering character, and thier will power.


I was bullied as a kid, I had glasses and was a bit of a goof. Some people thought it was odd that a good friend of mine was the biggest kid in school (middle school, 6-8th grade, kid named Jake and he was built like a truck). He just happend to be a really nice guy and a bit of a gentle giant. When he wasn't around, there was a group of kids I hung out with, and every now and then they would tease me incesently (I had bigger bullies too, Ill get to that). One day two of them declared a kicking contest on me, i let it slid for a few minutes, politely asked them to stop, then I grab one of their legs mid kick and pulled it forward into me dropping the kid on to his back and knocking the wind out of him. I ended all future bullying from that group. Other times, it took a surprise punch to the solarplex and the bullying would stop. I stood up for myself and did not let the bullying control me. I have had books torn up, homework destroyed, projects ruined, but it always happened at the beginning of a school year and never continued because I made it known that I would not be an easy target for them...an bullies are lazy, they would rather bully a kid easier to bully then one that defends himself.


On serious bullying, I had been in two fights in my life. Once in 4th grade, and another in 8th grade. In 4th, a kid who always bullied me (bad too), had smashed a soda I was drinking into my nose causing a nose bleed. When he was running away I threw the 3/4 full can at his back and dropped him like a sack of potatoes. We both were suspended, him for bullying and me for responding violently (while in the principles office he was then playing with the principles stapler with his hand and he stapled his finger!!! LOL idiot). In 8th grade a kid who always pushed me and tried to get me to fight cornored me between him and a tree. He slapped my glasses of my face, and then right as he swung I bent over to pick up my glasses and he punched the tree. While he recovered to face me, I kicked him in the back of the knee dropping him to one leg and then gave him a haymaker upside the head, ended the fight fast, never got caught for that. That same kid lured me to an empty shower room to and jumped on my back and started punching me, i just threw myself backwards multiple times smashing his back into the locker latches. Again that ended it, and ended it forever from him. Many times though when being picked on, I would just tease them back, a clever quip or witty insult generally caused verbal attacks to stop in their tracks, again out thinking them.


Si vis pacem, para bellum. If you want peace, prepare for war. End the bullying on your terms. Never hurting them though, its the pride you have to destroy, their will and own self worth. Then later, go to them and forgive them and offer to buy them a coffee or soda or something. It never worked all the time, but a couple bullies at least became friendly to me for years later.


Now I do not believe in the state of bullying in Japan or Gaman, but there is a grain of truth in the concept. People DO look down on those who are weaker, or pity them. It is hard to find strength or belief in yourself. Always stand up for yourself.


Bullying is an early test of where you could end up in society. Do not think for second bullying ends when you grow up. The game simply changes and becomes a refined process, but it is always there. Humans according to Thomas Hobbes, live a Poor, Nasty, Short, and Brutish existance (Leviathan, 1651). Hobbes always concieved of the social contract, the most basic of which is "if you don't destory me, I wont destroy you." If a bully continues, destroy them. Humiliate them and wreck their will to push you. Do it smart, never have an out-and-out fight and CERTAINLY NOT on school grounds. Embaressing them and outhinking them (very easy most times) is key, and learn to let go of things they destroy as it is a reflection of their own destroyed lives.

Edited by Cstriker
  • Brohoof 1
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I find this post ironic, because in a way it's like the episode Rarity goes to Canterlot for me. In the area I live with all these lame people, I had made myself a trend setter before and people will blindly follow what they think is "cool" because someone "cool" likes it. Sure some are like, "my little pony, um wow what is wrong with you", I just tell them, "close minded people like you who can't accept good morals and being a decent human being". Then of course everyone tries to jump to their own defense, "i've never even seen it". My advice to you is, stick out against the crowd because the crowd doesn't know what they are, just what they think they want to be when someone else discovers themselves. Sometimes I will act on liking some things so frivolous and materialistic, watch the crowd blindly follow, leave them to their fake persona, and watch them try to change yet again after they see me doing something else.

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  • 1 month later...

Bullying really messes with everyone around you not just the involved parties.


Example: I was watched a lot closer at school because of my being bullied in the past. They feared I would shoot up the place.


Bullies are vile mean people. I know that sounds judgmental but from being on the receiving end, it is true. Benefits? It may seem like it benefits the victim but it causes unseen harm that is not easily fixed by fighting back, words, or medicine. The spirit will break.

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I wonder if I am a bully? o.0

I am a really big troll! A very very very big troll. I think my friend told me that I was the biggest troll in the school! XD Not a malicious troll that gets highs off of people's misery. I just like to play pranks and joke around a little too much. Plus, I have little self restraint when it comes to it. I kinda feed of of people's annoyance rather than people's pain which may be worse? I dunno. Hmmm


I really don't get bullying. I kinda think I was being bullied at some point in my life considering my circumstance of being fat and short, but honestly, I was so hard headed and dense as a kid. I probably couldn't tell if I was being bullied or not. I was always in a small group of friends that talk about Pokemon and nerdy stuff, but I never really remember being bullied. Maybe our group was being isolated by the rest of the school, but I never really cared about that and neither did my friends. its like we were our own counter culture in a very strange way! XD (Note: I am still friends with one of the friends I made in that little group till this day)


I have nothing really else to talk about this subject so I will move on!

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IMO, I believe there isn't anything you can do for the bullies. I've been bullied several years. Once I picked up a log and threw it at them. Two were smart to duck but one wasn't so lucky. He was seriously injured but his breath was knocked out of him. I believe if you're not willing to hurt them if they try to hurt you then stay as far away from as possible. They will try to hurt you and if you fight back, one will pin you from behind while another comes and hits you from the front. It has happened to me so I know. Due to the years of abuse I've endured I've been watched with a weary eye because of the lack of side affects. They thought I was going to turn into some guy from tv that brought a bomb to school. I graduated without an incident. I find it sad because I had self control I was feared.

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