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So, I was fooling around on the internet once again and I had an absolutely amazing idea:


How about we do something in real life to affect and/or recruit soon to be bronies?


No not something like




I was thinking about a "we're from the internet" approach (outside the box)


Just doing little things here and there to get people intrested.


Like posting posters of this here and there:



This isnt real (digitally edited) but would be awesome to see:


So what do you guys think?

Edited by TheChosenPony

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Nah, isn't it a little way too far to go? I mean on the internet i guess it could be okay but really? IRL?

  • Brohoof 1

"You tried your best and you failed miserably, the lesson is never try" - Homer J. Simpson


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I think the IRL things like the OBEY Celestia thing would be harmful, because people already give Bronies a bad rap and if we started doing street art it would be another thing for the media and haters to use against us.

  • Brohoof 2


Sig by The Frozen Pegasus

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Now, I enjoy enslaving the world with relentless advertising as much as the next guy, but, in all honesty, don't you think that this would be pushing it, bro?


I like MLP. I like other people who like MLP (for the most part) but I don't think we should force it down anyone's throats. 


First, that would only piss people off.


Then, trolling would be afoot, and plenty of it.


And people will give Bronies even more crap for being a Brony.


So, yeahh, even though I love MLP, and I'm pretty vocal about it, I'm not going to force it down the throat of an unwilling person. It's their choice whether or not they like it, brah.





Edited by ghostfacekiller39
  • Brohoof 7


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We need to crack the security code of the satellite broadcasting TV signal and start broadcasting this message on all Central TV channels:


Celestia it's a kindness... Celestia loves you...Celestia makes your life happy... Love Celestia, and your life will make sense...Celestia doing everything for you...Remember that Celestia doing everything only for you...Celestia it's a life...Celestia it's a light...Without Celestia life have no sense... Celestia is your defender...Celestia is your savior...Celestia will open your eyes...Celestia will protect you from darkness... Edited by zev_zev
  • Brohoof 4


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Nah, I'd prefer to stay in our own fandom. Not try to force people to join.

  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Yeah, I don't wanna go so far as pushing/forcing people to join the fandom. Although I would love to see that flag thrown across a BronyCon building for all to see.

  • Brohoof 1

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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I think inadvertently we are becoming more and more known in the mainstream and that creating more bronies and more haters alike. I believe unintentionally we are succeeding in world domination (to some degree)....


"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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Look I'm all for world domination and all, but this would just add more fuel to a not necessary fire where all hell breaks loose and the trolling levels would be through the roof. There is a difference between taking things a bit far, and taking things too far.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think that the whole world could benefit from learning all about 'love and tolerance'. So yeah, I'm all for annoying the crap out of people until they collapse under the weight of our affection XD

  • Brohoof 2


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I didn't mean world domination guys, don't go all extremist on me XD.


What I meant was, not even a pinch. Just those small decal stickers on the walls of buildings, kindof what I saw in the intro of "PONIES the Anthology II"....


And I didn't mean to enforce our fandom on anyone- Just to make our name more common, kind of how anonymous made themselves known (if you didn't know, they literally had tons of people out in public, wearing guy fawks masks)


Whenever I mention the word brony, they are usually like "brownies? what?" Yeah- its just one of my
"marvelous ideas" so don't take it seriously XD

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Personally (and call me a hipster if you want) I don't want bronies to be a mainstream thing. I think I enjoy it a lot now, and wouldn't enjoy it as much if it were mainstream.

  • Brohoof 1

"One of the greatest mental freedoms is not caring what others think of you."

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See, now I have this crazy hunch about why people tend to dislike Bronies. One of the reasons is how overbearing some can be, trying to make everyone like a silly show. I sincerely hope this thread is all just in jest, and nobody legitimately wants to try and do any of this stuff... 

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There are currently an estimated amount of 3 to 4 billion bronies in the world, That's like, 1/4 of the human population on earth.


I would like it if we did actually go around and try to connect with each other without any real contact and in such a manner that only a hardcore hater would deface- Like if we wrote "pinksie pie" underneath our desks or something secret like that.




This is the best one I've seen- mixes Fallout with MLP in such a epic manner.

Edited by TheChosenPony
  • Brohoof 2

May the force be with you, always


Subscribe to my youtube channel, It'll give you a laugh, hell maybe two

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I'm all for spreading the word about us but, we would have to make sure we don't make even more haters than we already have. the reason why we have haters in the first place is because of the Spamming ( not spreading ) of  the word in the first place.




Edited by Hero 194


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