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If hypothetically Ponies exist, it also means the bad versions do exist too.


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You do know that ponies are in fact a real animal...right? *smart ass snicker* :P

Implying that all universes are converging to one point. Interesting hypothesis none the less.  

With all the talk of multivariate and multifaceted universes I am having troubling finding out weather I am the good me or the bad me!!!! ARGH!!!! :blush:


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True about things smaller than atoms, but once you take apart the atom it's no longer an element so you can't continue cutting if you don't want to change it into something other than it was.


My theory only mentioned amounts of  physical matter, not the forces that act upon it. I'm sure that there are universes with different laws, but the further away you got from ours, would lead to more and more different universes that have different laws. The problem I see with matter and energy getting destroyed, is that that means there would be things going nowhere, just plain out of existence. that universe would destroy it self, and possibly cause a chain reaction among other universes to do the same by sapping their energy while trying to maintain itself, meaning that eventually there would be no universes left. And if a star generates darkness, would it still be a star? I could that if it produced black in color. Like in that universe stars burn in a state of black. If you were to make a fire there, it would have dark flames because of what it's burning. or the universe was in a state of negative coloration to ours. I don't see it as endless because everything can be explained with mathematics and infinity is not an answer to  problem. but the answer is so high, it might as well be infinite from our perspective.



Um, in such universes, physics can be switched to allow these things to happen you see. Energy could not have to be called upon to be used, this different universe could have totally different measures of expounding and transfer of energy and matter. Its very possible that all these universes could follow different rules of order due to the fact that anomalies have occurred in our present universe.

So its safe to say you support the meanwhile in an alternative universe and "Someone thought it so it must exist" theories :P

Actually, the multiverse theory states that for every action that conducts meaning, a new universe is created, read my previous posts

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@@TheChosenPony, I don't understand the purpose of your comment because i fail to see how it differs from anything I've said.


What I'm trying to say is, Not all universes could rely on energy. The fact that a whole universe is created just for something to be thrown into existence in this world destroys the fact that all universes use a universal form of energy and is reliant on each other due to the fact that there could be more universes than we can count.

Edited by TheChosenPony

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There would probably be a universe where humans get cutie marks and ponies do not.

That's just scary! XD I mean, sure i'd love to have one but... It's just plain weird! With all the destinies and stuff.... Nah I think cutie marks are better with ponies. Just saying. I'd love to live in the MLP:FiM world though. :)


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That's just scary! XD I mean, sure i'd love to have one but... It's just plain weird! With all the destinies and stuff.... Nah I think cutie marks are better with ponies. Just saying. I'd love to live in the MLP:FiM world though. :)






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  • Brohoof 3

May the force be with you, always


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That means pokemon ponies are real and anything that could be possible that involves ponies is real.... WHOA POKEMON, SOOO MUCH POKEMON!!

  • Brohoof 1

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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The way I see the multiverse theory is through everything John Titor said, to put it briefly for those of you who don't know.

Time is at first 1 universe but one choice can create a new universe (or which he referred to as "world line") so as we walk the streets today if I put both my arms up a new universe will be created were I didn't choose to put my arms up.

By what John Titor said this means that there are alternate universes were There is only a small difference, John Titor also talks about the chaos Theory but I'm not going to explain that.


Obviously though your multiverse theory would suggest that indeed there is that universe in the mlp universe.

"One of the greatest mental freedoms is not caring what others think of you."

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Implying that all universes are converging to one point. Interesting hypothesis none the less.  

Hm, maybe all universes are going to smash together and suddenly we'll wake up to find that all universes have seamlessly merged into one. That would be interesting. I'd get to meet my OCs. Or maybe I'd be one of them, depending on how the universes merge.

  • Brohoof 1
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Infinite universe theory is impossible, if there is a universe for everything there's a universe for the me who builds a trans-universe device and takes me to the pony universe and turns me into a pony. There can be no universe for everything because there would be one for messing with it too making it not that. It's confusing, but let me repeat: If there was a universe for everything I wouldn't be typing this because another universe me would have taken me to equestria.


I broke a theory as my second post.

I also probably confused someone.

Uh, no. There's a chance another you would've taken you to Equestria. However, that chance is relatively, uh, small. For the infinite amount of universes where you build a device, there's also an infinite amount where you don't Surely, every one of those universes where you do build it takes another you to Equestria, but it is infinity. There are always an infinite amount of universes where you are not taken to Equestria. Something that also makes sense here to me, is what I call "different infinities". For example, in a physics biome which supports life, there is a larger chance of a human race developing that has one link in the chain missing. For example, you could not be there, you could be scooped by a bus, dimensional travel could be illegal, or whatever. There are more ways dimensional travel could not develop than it could, causing the infinity of universes with dimensional travel devices to be smaller than the infinity of universes where there is no dimensional travel possible.


I have never actually researched the multiverse theory, I literally took 1.5 years putting 2 and 2 together and I perfectly knew how everything worked.


EDIT: By "smaller infinity", I mean that if you take a sample of a large amount of universes, there are likely to be less universes with it in it than without it. But in the end, it is still infinite in total.


Edited by RubyVesper


Upcoming music producer waiting for the money to buy a new Mac.


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What I'm trying to say is, Not all universes could rely on energy. The fact that a whole universe is created just for something to be thrown into existence in this world destroys the fact that all universes use a universal form of energy and is reliant on each other due to the fact that there could be more universes than we can count.

But for anything to happen, or react, there has to be a use of energy, and that includes the creation of a universe. Even if that universe had nothing going on in it and all matter was still like sitting ducks

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  • Brohoof 1

 "Pay attention to these petals, Steven. The petals' dance seems improvised, but it is being calculated in real time based on the physical properties of this planet. With hard work and dedication, you can master the magical properties of your gem and perform your own dance!"

What do you think of me?:


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But for anything to happen, or react, there has to be a use of energy, and that includes the creation of a universe. Even if that universe had nothing going on in it and all matter was still like sitting ducks

Where would all the energy go then anyways? 


But your implications can be justified with Einsteins theory of relativity (E=mc2) 

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Where would all the energy go then anyways? 
it could be turned into matter and anti matter, or be stored as another form of energy in an environment where it can't react. kind of like if it all became baking soda, but you never have any vinegar so no reaction
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If hypothetically Ponies exist, it also means the bad versions do exist too. All those fan fictions about murder, torture and grimdark stories in general? Yep, they all exist, in some universes across the multiverse that happens and Cupcakes Pinkie Pie actually exists and Warhammer 40k crossover Pony universe. 


There's even universes where Hitler and Fluttershy get married. But the good news is there is still canon universes and non hostile similar universes like the show itself, where Hitler and Fluttershy would never get married. 


So it does mean with unlimited possibilities and scenarios that the Ponies can just as evil or good as us Humans, depending on what universe they are from.


What it means is that if you find yourself in an equestria, you had better find out you are in the right one before you attempt to stay there.  You get there at night and find out Nightmare Moon is running the show. 

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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I have another implication-


Maybe Universes are run by the "goodness in them?"


I have read multiple things based on karma and how the universe reacts to your good deeds and virtues.


So could a universe run only on the "goodness" in them? Whereas a dead universe would have no meaning so why use the energy to keep it running?  


and guys- please stop with the "hitler marrying fluttershy" stuff, we all know fluttershy and hitler do not even closely relate and unles someone writes a wierd fanfiction off it (god please no) there isn't a universe based off of it. Probably only a universe with the words "hitler marrying fluttershy" and everyone's thoughts about it expressed in complicated terminology.


Something like this:



Edited by TheChosenPony

May the force be with you, always


Subscribe to my youtube channel, It'll give you a laugh, hell maybe two

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  • 9 months later...

And here is another thing -- there could be 0, 1, 35, 216, or an infinite number of pony universes.  0 and infinite are NOT the only two valid choices.  Hence Mentally Advanced and Canon could both exist as universes without Friendship is Witchcraft being a universe somewhere.


Who is even sure that THIS universe is infinite in any sense of the word?  There are parts of it that we will never be able to view because they are receding from us at over the speed of light.  There are even parts that are accelerating that we can see what was at that point, but will never be able to know what is.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Thank you for bringing this subject up, now I believe I have a safe place to explain more about myself, in the current universe I am in, I am a human with a Dragon soul, in my next life, I believe I will be a true Dragon in full form, and that possibly, I am the Draconic version of Princess Celestial, no, I do not follow delusions of granduer, but the reason for my thinking such is that I have always cared deeply for others and am steadfast in trying to help and share, I would be the Dragon of light and life. Call me crazy if you wish, but I really do not think this is the case.

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You assume that a work of fiction is, in fact a reality in another parallel universe. By that logic, even a universe controlled by Cyborg-Nazis riding on boars (because why not) is real. And i just pulled that one out of thin air!

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I've always loved multiverse theories.  Besides the idea of parallel universes, I also believe that the big bang that created our universe was only one in an infinite number of big bangs that happened before, and will happen in the future, with the matter in our universe.  This is all part of a grand theory a friend of mine came up with known as The Big Red Button theory.


More on point with the OP, I think it would be awesome if they did an alternate universe episode of FIM, like the evil universe episode of Enterprise.  Just like that episode, it would be completely self-contained, and have nothing to do with the "real" FIM.  It would just be a chance for the writers to go nuts.  It wouldn't have to be violent and all grimdark, but the ponies could just be mean and bullies, and Celestia could be like Sombra and stuff.  That'd be really fun for one episode.


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I'm not so quick to buy into the whole multiverse thing.


Okay, look. It's possible that other universes exist. It's possible that a universe like the one in MLP exists. If there are infinitely many universes, then yes, there are an infinite number of universes that could resemble such a form.


We used to think the sun was one of a kind, but it's not. There are billions of stars just like it. We used to think our galaxy was one of a kind, but again, there are many like it. Our universe will likely follow the same pattern.


But this is where my beef comes in. Who is to say there are infinitely many universes? Things generally stop making sense when we throw abstract ideas like infinitely into our world of discrete and finite terms.


But, even barring that notion, it is possible that alternate universes have completely different laws of physics.


In some universes, particles may be mostly antimatter. In others, we may have too little matter to form stars and planets. Dark matter may not exist, and the universe may never hold together. Maybe even protons and neutrons are never able to stick together, and all of chemistry as we know it fails us.


In order for the MLP universe to exist, a few things need to happen. Something must happen to water, chemically, so that it turns into a solid in the atmosphere. The laws of physics must exist in such a way that magic exists. Gravity must exist in such a way that it is dependent on this magic, so that Celestia and Luna can raise the sun and moon.


Going deeper, we need that universe to exist in a way that would allow for the evolution of ponies. Since ponies exist on Earth, this isn't too much of a stretch to say that they could exist elsewhere. But a flying pony, a pegasus, is almost absurd. There would have to be major changes to the planet's atmospheric density, so that such small wings could be viable. Furthermore, developing the ability to fly would have to pose some major evolutionary advantage, considering its energy expenditure.


Having ssuch big eyes can't possibly be advantageous, unless they have some sort of protective layer that we don't. That would pose a prime target for predators or prey alike. Want to run from a pony? Gouge its eyes out; you won't miss!


In addition, ponies would have to benefit from their intelligence. Since we can see their civilization, we know they are able to put their brainpower to use. However, hooves are quite poor for accomplishing this. Only unicorns, with their ability to use magic, can readily modify their environment. Thus, only they should benefit from being intelligent.


But wait. Don't Earth ponies and Pagasi write with their mouths? Yes. That is true, and they can use their head coordination to accomplish other tasks, as well. The question I have to ask is how viable. It would not be easy to manage--just try it yourself. When you're writing with a pencil in your mouth, it's hard to see what you're doing. Something would have to compensate for this, so that mouthwriting isn't just viable, but preferred to developing digits and writing with hooves.


Now, with that out of the way, we can get into the nitty-gritty things. If ponies exist in this universe, then they must have evolved from simpler life forms. This means, you guesssed it, bacteria, parasites, and fungi likely exist as well. These things should be represented in everyday Equestrian life.


Additionally, something must be special of Celeatia and Luna to give them immortality. Even if they aren't immortal, per se, they still outlive almost everyone else. If that is the case, why, then, is it just them? Why have those good genes not been passed down?


And lastly, here's the big one. Since both male and female ponies are presented in the show, we can assume that they reproduce sexually. However, canonically, these ponies don't have... and... y'know...


Ahem, I think I'll just avoid discussing that one. So anyway, where was I?


Oh, yes. The multiverse. So, the point is, if such a universe is to exist, it must have a set of natural laws that allow it to exist. An infinite number of universes does not mean a given universe exists.


Think of it this way. Suppose every time you flip a coin, a new universe is created. Even if you flip it an infinite amount of times, you will never flip it in such a way that you get an outcome other than heads or tails. You will have infinite heads, or infinite tails.


Infiniite universes doesn't mean anything is possible in a universe. Something must first be possible, and then, within infinity, it exists. Someone's pooorly-written, plothole-infested fanfic probably *can't* exist.

Edited by Regulus




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