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open Zombie Survival RP


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"We are getting a S.W.A.T. van, find any guns and ammo and pack the S.W.A.T van as much as we can without getting our selves killed."

I tell Lace as we approach the police station, with hardly any zombies around. Knowing that they are distracted still from the fire from last night.

"That is the simple way of saying it."

I comment to Lace

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Inside the store was gun store it was empty, and not just of zombies, but of anything, the windows out side were broken and the building was in heavy disrepair, it was now clear that this building had been looted before, several times, over the course of 5 years, a gun store probably was one of the first places looted inside was a wreck, all the shelfs were knocked over, finding anything that wasnt looted before would be very difficult

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Frozen, having disposed of the two walkers outside as quietly as possible, looks around the ruined shop, "There should be a safe in the back where they keep their more questionable merchandise. Hopefully nopony else in the apocalypse knows how to crack a safe, or we're not getting anything from here."

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Thunder stared at the empty store in dismay. "Yes, lets check the back" he said. He tried to keep his dassapointment out of his voice. They NEED new ammo. They were low. Without it... he sighed.


Trotting to the back, he stepped over the broken door. Inside was a large safe.


"There's something here!" He called to the front "anypony knkw how to crack a safe?"

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Missy stepped over the broken door, the place was completely ransacked.
"I might be able to do something." Missy said, trotting over to them. She looked at the safe, it was a dial safe, she somewhat knew about these ones. "Just keep quiet." Missy grabbed the dial with her magic and put her ear up against the safe, turning it in various directions. "This might take a while."

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Broken begins cutting a new piece, "As I understand the process, there are two ponies required for the procedure- an artificer and a sacrifice. The artificer creates a small nexus of magic that the sacrifice must willingly bear- the first painful step. The second is the willing sacrifice of the limbs to be replaced- in this case, the wings. The sacrifice must dismember their own wings. The artificer then expends the sacrificial magics in two steps, first the creation of the reflection and the second, the regeneration of the sacrifice's limbs."


Broken pauses, "It goes without saying that only the most loyal of friends could undergo this procedure. I cannot imagine anypony would be willing to mutilate themselves and pass so close to death without absolute trust in their partner. There is more to the process, but I am not a unicorn. I cannot explain much more than this because I do not understand the magical theories behind the procedure."



Edited by Sekhayet
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Broken begins cutting a new piece, "As I understand the process, there are two ponies required for the procedure- an artificer and a sacrifice. The artificer creates a small nexus of magic that the sacrifice must willingly bear- the first painful step. The second is the willing sacrifice of the limbs to be replaced- in this case, the wings. The sacrifice must dismember their own wings. The artificer then expends the sacrificial magics in two steps, first the creation of the reflection and the second, the regeneration of the sacrifice's limbs."


Broken pauses, "It goes without saying that only the most loyal of friends could undergo this procedure. I cannot imagine anypony would be willing to mutilate themselves and pass so close to death without absolute trust in their partner. There is more to the process, but I am not a unicorn. I cannot explain much more than this because I do not understand the magical theories behind the procedure."



"unless....we may be able to use a pegasus zombie for it, but if I get infected, you guys are free to use me to make a reflection, just make sure you kill me after...also how does the imperfect reflection work?" he continued welding all the pieces together as broken cut them, though he looked far away in deep thought

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We walk to the side of the police station where the S.W.A.T. vans should be to only find out that they have the vans within garages which are closed.


I look back and tell Lace.

"Keep an eye out here. I will be right back"

I hop up and fly over to the garage doors. At least 15 feet off the ground to prevent any type of incoming attack. I only do this to see if the doors are open by any measure or if they are closed and locked from the other side. Before i attempt i look to see if any zombies are around the driveway. I see a few roaming along the fence 30 feet away from me. I get down slowly looking to see if there are any more, I walk over to the door and attempt to open up the doors. Out of no luck, finding one to be locked and the other heavily rusted to the point even attempting with a crowbar the rust would still hold. I fly back over to Lace and tell her

"Not the easy way in, we got to go in the front doors."

I tell her.

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@@The Ponyville Critic


the safe was in really bad shape, there were bullet dents, scrapes and scratches, even the mechanism was badly damaged, it even had drag lines behind it, many ponies had tried to break in it, and even moved it, the mechanism probably didnt work as it appeared some pony took a sledge hammer to it at some point

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After no small amount of fiddling and annoyance, Missy gave up.

"It's too broken, the mechanism is busted and it doesn't look like it'll open any time soon." Missy said, knocking on it with her hoof, it was thick, and very dented. "We'll have to try and bust it open, but it doesn't seem like anypony else had much luck."

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Frozen nods, "Allow me to try something. This is a trick that I used on a hotel safe once... I'm not sure if it'll work on something this big, but it should..." She pulls out a small vial from her bag, "This is 13 molar sulfuric acid, it should eat through the mechanism relatively easily. Using a small hole that someone has revealed in the safe, she pours the entire vial into the mechanism, waiting to see what happens.

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Midnight flash sat alone on a torn couch listing to the sounds outside. He didn't mind that nopony wanted to sit with him and keep him company, after all years of living in the mountains had done two things to him: enhanced his survival skills and made him VERY used to being alone. As he enjoyed the magical warmth that this zebra's white leather travel cloak gave him he thought of the days before you had to shoot your best friend in the face to stay alive. And decided that out of all of them he was the least affected by the apocalypse, after all, he had no friends.

Midnight just waited and listened, testing his patience and wondering how long before somepony started to worry for him. While he waited he decided to make shure his small handgun was loaded with the three bullets that he managed to scavenge from the bodys outside

My OC:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/midnight-flash-r6287



Edited by Rainbro Dash15
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  • 2 weeks later...

Burning passion was running from a horde of zombies that have been on his trail for hours now he was getting tired when he saw a building that looked populated he went to the door and started banging on the door when he saw a pony just sitting on a couch he couldn't tell if he was ignoring him or just couldn't hear him over the zombies with the last of his energy he shouted open this @$ing doorI will @&$@ @$$%## you @&$%#^ $&@=+*

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Midnight heard panicking at the door and flew as fast as he could to open it, he was just in time to open the door but was pretty angry at the pony he just let in. "YOU LED A F%$&ING HORDE RIGHT TO US YOU F%$&ING IDIOT!" He screamed, hoping that the message got through


(BTW you need to add your OC to join a role play)

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Burning passion was running from a horde of zombies that have been on his trail for hours now he was getting tired when he saw a building that looked populated he went to the door and started banging on the door when he saw a pony just sitting on a couch he couldn't tell if he was ignoring him or just couldn't hear him over the zombies with the last of his energy he shouted open this @$ing doorI will @&$@ @$$%## you @&$%#^ $&@=+*

Yes you need to add your OC to http://mlpforums.com/topic/90253-zombie-survival-rp-quite-detailed/page-46#entry2565455


Midnight heard panicking at the door and flew as fast as he could to open it, he was just in time to open the door but was pretty angry at the pony he just let in. "YOU LED A F%$&ING HORDE RIGHT TO US YOU F%$&ING IDIOT!" He screamed, hoping that the message got through

(BTW you need to add your OC to join a role play)

You should actually wait until @@Skullbuster adds you and puts you a situation of where we are involved in doing right now. 


The both of you should be using ponified curse words. Bucking for the f bomb, ponyfeathers for the a bomb, as example. Please wait until skull places you both.



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