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Lol, I know, just givin' some more Info. Anyway, I need to find out my Skills now, or is that Optional?

Um... Nevermind my last one... And about the skill, She's more like Benny in a way from Fallout NV. In a way that she's charimatic and does things as the such, but is more Trade and Negotiate based. Thx though!

ARGH, I hate lag, I lagged out. I wrote one saying that if I needed to do the Skills and then it lagged out when I thought it got posted...

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@@Guardian Braveheart@@TheLineTrotter


My apologies, I should've been more clear...




Lon, the big bald fella is the one with the high tech weaponry AND suit (a testla power armor-like suit, but it is heavily altered, and colored in dark blue and white just like Neuro's suit, it also has the same logo, the 0 with a slash through it on the flank of the armor. The battle saddle is merged with it.)


Lon eased in a little. Neuro had finally found his counterweight to the sitation. Guns... it always seemed to work. To improve the diplomatic atmosphere they were in, and thus to aid Neuro, he took off his helmet. With a pneumatic hiss, and an electric discharge it let go of his body armor. "Greetings..." He said. He wasn't wearing his sunglasses now, which he usually always wore. His eyes were a deep grey with a hint of yellow. He didn't like that color.

Here he takes off his helmet because he is afraid that it will seem like he still doesn't trust this situation. He's sending off a message of calmness.


Neuro is completely unarmed and only wearing a vault jumpsuit with the strange logo on it.


Lon used to be Neuro's bodyguard for payment, but they built a bond that goes further than that (not friendship, they've just been through a lot... They are still business partners. I am not going into detail, you'll have to find that out IC ;3)


I hope this clears up stuff. Edit your posts, and ask any other questions. I haven't been very clear and I apologize for that.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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He doesn't assume thar, it just works as a good threat. If he said: "I have two crazed gunponies and a trained soldier protecting me" the wouldn't have worked now would it...

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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warning: text wall. I hope this doesn't annoy people, I just want to be helpful and not leave stuff out.

Hai! I am so glad I found this thread because my OC may just fit the bill, if ya don't mind ^_^

name: Technicolor (sometimes called Technicolor Whooves in more proper situations)

Gender: Mare

Species: it's complicated. She was mutated (explained in backstory), and became a shapeshifter. She isn't a changeling and can't be other ponies, she can only shift between species of Uni, Pega, earth, and Ali. She is horrible at using her horn, and can only lift things and shoot lasers (she usually does this when trying to do anything else with her horn, and it usually really drains her energy and almost always backfires). She is a wonderful flier. her horn is powered by radioactivity.

Abilities: ( I have no idea how to do the level stuff, ive never done a RP like this before, so i'll give a brief overview of them)

ANYTHING TO DO WITH WEAPONS- she has an amazing talent, and I mean amazing, for losing everything. It's not her best skill with keeping weapons.

Armor: now, she has some pretty good armor.

Medicine: she knows a bit about survival and healing, she worked with a genius once.

melee: as in fighting? she loves kicking tail, and is pretty god at it, but the horn thing usually isn't a good idea. XD
Repair: she knows a bit about repairing stuff and building.

science: she knows a lot about nature and astronomy, especially the planets.

sneak: she's pretty good at sneaking. she can change colors, thus her name, at will, so she takes it as an advantage to camoflauge.

speech: She is a great speaker, especially when mad. She will lay it DOWN xD

Survival: she is pretty good at survival.

Unharmed: she is immune to radioactivity, (explained in backstory), but not to gunfire or blades or anything.

Cutie mark: A radioactive symbol.

Looks: Mainly like in my profile picture, but can change colors at will. (also, she is wearing a wonderbolts suit in there XD but she won't in RP lol)

Backstory: Oh dear, prepare for the backstory. You might wanna look up doctor who for this if you aren't familiar with it. Technicolor was raised as a human and lead a miserable life on earth. but when the Doctor (notice capitalization :) ) came into her life, she didn't hesitate to go with him. They lead many adventures together. But one day, she was spilled in radioactive waste, and she was mutated into a shapeshifter who could turn into many animals. The Doctor and Technicolor (that wasn't her name then Lawl) were still best friends. They remained that way until forced into a wormhole. They were separated, each one thinking the other was dead. But they were both in equestria. Technicolor couldn't change into different animals, but different pony breeds and could change colors and light up. she lived on her own with the Mane 6 until she met the doctor again, now Doctor Whooves. she continued friendship with the mane 6 and stayed with the doctor until the war hit, and they are again separated against will.

personality: Technicolor is fun, courteous, and silly, but since the war, rough around the edges at first. If you bring up her past in a negative way, she goes psychotic and gets furious.

WOW. that was long. please don't ban me :(

so, if you read all this, you are a good person. and you can change my OC any way you want to fit your standards... and if I make the team, can I be filled in with what's happened? I hope you don't think im a jerk im just really excited :P

Your  most faithful student,

Technicolor_Pony B)


"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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Umm, You do know that the SPECIAL and skills are, I don't know... Numbers. Like rating numbers and not words. How can we compute checks with words. Please be specific.

Just go with the SPECIAL first, and @TheLineTrotter or I will calculate it. It should sum up to forty points (except for Small Frame, which adds one additional AGI point). 


And you should only "tag" three skills, one which may have to be related to your cutie mark. Whichever tag skill your pony's talent (cutie mark) will decrease "check" requirements by ten points. I'll give an example:


If an OC has a tagged "cutie mark" skill on Science, and his/ her Science skill is currently at 45, then he/ she will be able to surpass checks (additional dialogue options) with NPCs up to 55. This does not affect the requirements needed for crafting or for special occasions (such as hacking terminals).


And your OC is Mary Sue either way. At least I would have accepted notten1, but I can't even recognize what you're saying. 

This is what I considered proposing: hit squads, assassins, and bounty hunters.


New Equestria Republic Hit Squads:

Requirement: Bad reputation with the NER or work with NER enemies (ex: Enclave)

ST - 5 PE - 8 EN - 6 CH - 4 IN - 5 AG - 7 LK - 5

Karma: Neutral to Good

Weapons used, Rank 1 (Lvl 1 to 15): .357 Magnum, .32 revolver, Cowboy repeater, .308 hunting rifle, .32 hunting rifle, trail carbine, service rifle

Weapons used, Rank 2 (Lvl 16 to 30): Hunting revolver, Hunting shotgun, Light machine gun, Assault carbine, Marks-pony carbine, Brush gun, Anti-material Rifle


Notes: At first sight, they will act non-hostile and will warn you to improve NER relations within a week; if this is not achieved, ranger hit squads will become hostile. Despite being soldiers of a currently growing nation, they have surprising good experience in hunting down ponies who go against the republic. 


Steel Ranger Squad:

Requirement: Bad reputation with the Steel Rangers or work with Steel Rangers's enemies (ex: Enclave and Technophiles)

ST - 8 PE - 7 EN - 8 CH - 3 IN - 4 AG - 6 LK - 4

Karma: Neutral to Good

Weapons used, Rank 1: Laser Pistol, Laser Rifle, Plasma Pistol, Plasma Rifle, Plasma Defender, Laser RCW

Weapons used, Rank 2: Multiplas Rifle, Gauss Rifle, Tri-beam laser rifle, Plasma Caster, Tesla Cannon

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Theres another character that I'd like to have join. A minotaur slave/gladiator who broke free by accidently altering the frequency at which his collar recieved signals. It is still active, but it won't explode. Unless he tries to dabble with it, or someone happens to find the right frequency.


I made a piece about the minotaur race as well:



Minotaur's were already uncommon in the time before the great war, but now they are next to extinct. Not because of their inability to survive, but because of little amount of Minotaur's that were put into stables. There were only a few stables that were made specifically for Minotaur's, and of those few only a handful survived the bombing.

(as you guys might know originally the vaults of fallout were created as government experiments, not so actually save humankind (except vault city, and a few others…), in this case, the experiment was what this exclusion and discrimination would do to the Minotaur race…)

Because of this 'discrimination' against their kind, Minotaurs have been raised (for about 2 generations now) to hate the Enclave, and anything concerning the old-world government with a passion. For they have caused their species to become next to extinct. They also despise ponies in general.

Minotaurs do not have a 'cutie mark tag'. Because of their size, their hands and horns, they have a familiarity with unarmed and melee (+10 on both), and a greater natural fortitude (+1 to endurance). They have a natural DT of +4 because of their tough skin. Their appearance and history causes them to have problems with social interactions (a -5 on barter and speech). They also lack agility and cunning because of their unusual build, size and great muscle mass (-1 on agility, -5 on sneak). Because most guns and energy weapons are manufactured for the use of equine beings, they also have problems dealing with these weapons, unless modified accordingly by a Minotaur technician. (-10 on guns and energy weapons unless properly customized).


This is the mintaur character I want to add:


– 10: Strength

– 4: Perception

– 10 (9+1): Endurance

– 3: Charisma

– 5: Intelligence

– 3 (4-1): Agility

– 5: Luck

74 Action Points

250 Carry Weight

5 Critical Chance

300 Hit Points

Barter: 11 (16 -5)

Energy Weapons: 8 (18 -10)

Explosives: 18

Guns: 6 (16 -10)

Lockpick: 18

Medicine: 20

Melee: 55 (tag)

Repair: 20

Science: 20

Sneak: 11 (16 -5)

Speech: 11 (16 -5)

Survival: 45 (tag)

Unarmed: 38



Skilled, Wild wasteland

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Theres another character that I'd like to have join. A minotaur slave/gladiator who broke free by accidently altering the frequency at which his collar recieved signals. It is still active, but it won't explode. Unless he tries to dabble with it, or someone happens to find the right frequency.

I made a piece about the minotaur race as well:


Minotaur's were already uncommon in the time before the great war, but now they are next to extinct. Not because of their inability to survive, but because of little amount of Minotaur's that were put into stables. There were only a few stables that were made specifically for Minotaur's, and of those few only a handful survived the bombing.

(as you guys might know originally the vaults of fallout were created as government experiments, not so actually save humankind (except vault city, and a few others…), in this case, the experiment was what this exclusion and discrimination would do to the Minotaur race…)

Because of this 'discrimination' against their kind, Minotaurs have been raised (for about 2 generations now) to hate the Enclave, and anything concerning the old-world government with a passion. For they have caused their species to become next to extinct. They also despise ponies in general.

Minotaurs do not have a 'cutie mark tag'. Because of their size, their hands and horns, they have a familiarity with unarmed and melee (+10 on both), and a greater natural fortitude (+1 to endurance). They have a natural DT of +4 because of their tough skin. Their appearance and history causes them to have problems with social interactions (a -5 on barter and speech). They also lack agility and cunning because of their unusual build, size and great muscle mass (-1 on agility, -5 on sneak). Because most guns and energy weapons are manufactured for the use of equine beings, they also have problems dealing with these weapons, unless modified accordingly by a Minotaur technician. (-10 on guns and energy weapons unless properly customized).

This is the mintaur character I want to add:

– 10: Strength

– 4: Perception

– 10 (9+1): Endurance

– 3: Charisma

– 5: Intelligence

– 3 (4-1): Agility

– 5: Luck

74 Action Points

250 Carry Weight

5 Critical Chance

300 Hit Points

Barter: 11 (16 -5)

Energy Weapons: 8 (18 -10)

Explosives: 18

Guns: 6 (16 -10)

Lockpick: 18

Medicine: 20

Melee: 55 (tag)

Repair: 20

Science: 20

Sneak: 11 (16 -5)

Speech: 11 (16 -5)

Survival: 45 (tag)

Unarmed: 38


Skilled, Wild wasteland

Scribble already PMed me the link, so I'm fine with the new minotaur add-on. Approved.


A bit more:

Pecos Vigilantes

Requirement: Evil Karma or bounty

Karma: Good

Weapons, Rank 1: Single shotgun, Caravan shotgun, cowboy repeater, .44 Magnum, .45 Pistol, sawed-off shotgun

Weapons, Rank 2: Lever-action shotgun, trail carbine, hunting shotgun, 5.56 pistol, riot shotgun


Description: The start of the cowboy vigilantes and the predecessor to the Regulators in 2267, the Pecos Vigilante uses their own brand of justice - the gun - and hunt down evildoers in the wastes, though they would just as easily accept a bounty just for the caps.


Talon Company hit squad

Requirement: Bounty

Karma: Neutral

Weapons, Rank 1: 9mm SMG, 10mm pistol, 10mm SMG, silenced .22 SMG, hunting rifle, grenade launcher, grenade rifle

Weapons, Rank 2: Assault carbine, marks-pony carbine, 5.56 pistol, 12.7mm pistol, 12.7mm SMG, sniper rifle, anti-material rifle, missile launcher


Description: A group of griffon mercenaries who would do anything to get the job done. Feared for their sheer power, the Talons will take up any bounty, no questions asked, if the caps were good.

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Oh dear.

Let me just start by apologizing. *facehoof*
I didn't get very good sleep the night before and I was up at 1:30 AM. Around 1 am I sorta... well..... don't make sense. Dear Celestia. I am so embarrased :blush:

*hides in corner*

"600 years of time and space, and I've never been slapped by someone's mother." -the Doctor

"and then Satan said, put the alphabet in math."

"GRAWRRRRRRRR!" -Chewbacca

Location: Takin' Out the Trash- At Night!

Sincerely, Technicolor Pony.

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You can't *just ignore* someones post. You find yourself a way around it, or communicate here to resolve it... We could've shot you several times...

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Gotta agree with Scribble. It's unfair to simply ignore someones post. While I agree that is was a bit godmody just to have him shut down your character indefinitely, making it impossible for you to post, you seriously can't just ignore it.


BTW, Scribble, love the idea of your new character!


As a side note,i`m gonna be getting on a plane in an hour.I`ll try to reply by then, but if I fail, feel free to move on without me posting because it'll be awhile before I can again.

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You can't *just ignore* someones post. You find yourself a way around it, or communicate here to resolve it... We could've shot you several times...

OCs can die, by the way. They're not going to receive free "storyline armor", if they do something completely stupid, then they're too dumb to live.




I'm also considering adding in the Northern Union, a "country" faction similar to the Pegasus Enclave, Technophiles, Steel Rangers, and New Equestrian Republic.


Located in the far North, the Northern Union stands on what used to be the Crystal Empire of the Frozen North. During the pre-war, Equestria conscripted ponies from the Crystal Empire, forcing them into the Great War against the zebras. The Crystal Empire reluctantly agreed to this, but only due to connected with Princess Cadence and Shining Armor.


The Crystal Empire, sadly, came at the wrong time. Only after a few decades of breaking free of Sombra's reign, it was subsequently bombed by megaspells from the zebras. Civilization in the North appeared to be destroyed...only it wasn't. Thanks to the extremely cold climate, the effects of radiation and destruction was significantly decreased. While the old capital lay in ruins, most ponies in the North were spared from the megaspell holocaust.


For the first few decades after the war, however, the North was still in anarchy. With little order left, the collapse of the old government, and the lack of resources from Equestria, it was first dominated by tribals and northern "raiders".


Change began in 2138. Communities began to form, one special one being Calcite Fields, built by the former Stable dwellers of Stable 18, located beyond the Crystal Mountains in the northern parts of Equestria. This will soon become the capital of the Northern Union.


Their leader, Amaranthine, discovered a pre-war library, where she learned the values of the old world. She decided, however, that these old world values were the reason behind the war. Therefore, she began to create her own ideal society, where the pony race was reunified and all were equal; there were going to be no gods, no princesses...only ponies. (Bioshock reference!)


She began her goal, taking her perspective towards other communities. Amaranthine started her own military, instigating overthrows, creating "accidents", and saving other communities only to take them in (sometimes by luring raiders then eliminating them). While her ways were ruthless, her methods surprisingly worked, and in 2156, united a great part of the North into the Northern Union.


There, she created a moral community where all ponies were equal by the law. Amaranthine stayed away from the economic policies of the old Equestria, where ponies profited of the tiresome labor of the workers. But first, she faced towards temporarily creating that kind of economy before she could proceed onto her own policies due to the sheer destruction of the megaspell bombing. She allowed private ownership and the selling of crops. Amaranthine established three different executives for the three government systems: the Speaker for the legislative, the Premier for the executive, and the Magistrate for the judicial.


Due to Amaranthine's fair-headedness, ponies went into "voluntary submission", remaining loyal to her government. This was eased due to the unfortunate events of Equestria: the Enclave's oppression, slavery, raider activity, and the lack of government. When she died in 2164, thousands around the Union attended her funeral and preserved her body inside an old mansion.


Her successor to the seat of Premier was a crystal pony stallion named Grandiorite. He focused on rebuilding the Northern Union first, "civilizing" it. He banned clothing related to the old Equestria where the Princesses ruled, along with any traditions related to them. Grandiorite encouraged wearing pre-war classical clothing and organized persecution of pegasi, which resulted in ill relations with the Enclave. In 2180, the Northern Union had contact with the New Equestrian Republic; they eventually formed an alliance in 2196, with Northern Union Premier Corundum (an earth pony mare; Grandiorite died in 2188) and the newly elected New Equestrian Republic president.

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Thanks because I was kinda confused on who's post to respond to. 

Edited by Blacklight01

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend."

-Albert Camus
my oc's link: Cura Breeze , Renatus

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"Too dumb to live" Kinda described Connor xD He's blindly charged into a group of heavily armed ponies, what, 4 times now? To kill one Changeling? 

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"Too dumb to live" Kinda described Connor xD He's blindly charged into a group of heavily armed ponies, what, 4 times now? To kill one Changeling? 

That wasn't meant to insult Connor. It was a warning. If you're doing something unrealistic, stupid, or otherwise to bypass a solution (Deus Ex Machina solution), then I'm just going to let your OC die either way if you're going to be ruining the story.


No one is going to be suddenly pulling out an anti-material rifle and sniping the hell out of others (unless it's said that your OC has one, but again, they're meant for higher levels and are expensive) or suddenly proclaiming that you're the Courier of New Pegasus that murdered the entire Legion when you're obviously not. 

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I`m not saying that to insult wolf or anything, of course. 

Hey, Suri, what pissed off Bayron so much? I know he's under alot of stress currently, but what exactly set him off?

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I`m not saying that to insult wolf or anything, of course. 

Hey, Suri, what pissed off Bayron so much? I know he's under alot of stress currently, but what exactly set him off?

Well, won't you be pissed if you're dealing with ponies that's making everything more difficult for you, along with the fact that he's partly crazed from the wasteland.


And there's the Med-X, though he doesn't have addiction.

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Well, the wasteland ponies aren't making things difficult. Atleast not bad enough to be called Raiders... and honestly, the situation for him is going rather well. He's been out there a day, and has already discovered two ponies from another Stable, and considering the problem with hers, trade with another stable might be his best bet, even better if they have a spare water talismen or something of the like. 


And med-x would be a depressant  

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Well, the wasteland ponies aren't making things difficult. Atleast not bad enough to be called Raiders... and honestly, the situation for him is going rather well. He's been out there a day, and has already discovered two ponies from another Stable, and considering the problem with hers, trade with another stable might be his best bet, even better if they have a spare water talismen or something of the like. 


And med-x would be a depressant


You do have to note that he didn't see anything yet...and some Stable ponies might have a fit when they're taken out of their comfy Stable.


And maybe there was Dash or Stampede in the syringe? :derp:


By the way, thumbs up if you know who Dragoon O. Mallet is a reference to. Hint: Has an overpowered anti-material rifle, apparently strength to defeat anything, and a Mary Sue Courier of the wastes.

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You already introduced a Victor this early in the role play? (Victor: slang for unbeatable antagonist Mary/Gary sue)


Why :c that is so demotivating

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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