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Best & Worst OC Designs

Castle Bleck

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Probably helps that in a TTRPG you can just joke around and have a good time. People in forum RPs are way too serious business... What tabletop systems do you run?

Oh geeze, what haven't I run...... Currently I am in a Pathfinder: King Maker campaign and a home made zombie survival game.

As for LARP, the new MET Vampire 20th anniversary edition just came out, so I am in 3 of those games until l decide which I like best. I am sept alpha in the local OWBN White Wolf Garou game as well.

Edited by Flash Fire

My oc - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-fire-r5698 pixel_dash_running_by_shearx-d4tfdq7.gif

"Take my love. Take my land. Take me where I cannot stand. I don't care. I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me.

Take me out, to the black. Tell my ma I ain't coming back. Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me."

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To clarify,


have to disagree with this. As someone who's been DMing for various Pen and Paper role play systems, as well as an experienced role player myself, I've found that the talent of the writer has nothing to do with the quality of their profile. Some of the biggest munchkins I know are amazing writers, and sometimes amazing role players as well. On the flip side, I've had people at my table or in an RP thread with me who had amazing profiles, but their characters seemed flat once they actually got to playing their role. Writing a story may be different, but from a role playing perspective I value the ability to make a character seem alive over a well-written profile page.


In case it's not clear that's exactly what I value myself. I don't do tabletop RPs so I can't speak with that in mind, but there have been character profiles that I've put quite a bit of thought into that have proven to be flat when it comes to the RP proper. What I'm referring to when I say that writing used in a profile shows weak writing ability, it translates into the character in a medium like a forum RP. All you have in a text based RP is the writing style of the RPer. So if they're a weak writer, it deadens everything about the character since the character is expressed entirely through the words of the person writing them. It probably doesn't translate the same way into live RP, but again I'd have no idea.


Maybe I should try tabletops...


And to clarify once more, I'm not arguing against any form of RPing in general. Anything works if executed well, canon, extra-canon, or otherwise. It's all about execution.

  • Brohoof 1
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To clarify,

In case it's not clear that's exactly what I value myself. I don't do tabletop RPs so I can't speak with that in mind, but there have been character profiles that I've put quite a bit of thought into that have proven to be flat when it comes to the RP proper. What I'm referring to when I say that writing used in a profile shows weak writing ability, it translates into the character in a medium like a forum RP. All you have in a text based RP is the writing style of the RPer. So if they're a weak writer, it deadens everything about the character since the character is expressed entirely through the words of the person writing them. It probably doesn't translate the same way into live RP, but again I'd have no idea.

Maybe I should try tabletops...

And to clarify once more, I'm not arguing against any form of RPing in general. Anything works if executed well, canon, extra-canon, or otherwise. It's all about execution.

I think you may have missed my other point. It's not about what a character is written like, it's about how alive the character is. Someone who isn't a descriptive writer, or simply wants their character to be special in some way, could still be excellent at that. Writing styles differ, and sometimes you just have to let someone show you how theirs shines.

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I think you may have missed my other point. It's not about what a character is written like, it's about how alive the character is. Someone who isn't a descriptive writer, or simply wants their character to be special in some way, could still be excellent at that. Writing styles differ, and sometimes you just have to let someone show you how theirs shines.


I get that, but I actually wrap that up into my general critique of writing style. I can appreciate multiple writing styles, yes, but I do have standards I hold all writing up to in general. If the description is a bit lacking but the characterization is engaging, I'll probably give it a pass. But it has to be a damn good character if the words used to express that character are dull.


Essentially I'm just really particular about writing. That's why I gave up RPing.

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Don't forget: roleplaying is a game, a team effort, and something everyone should enjoy. If an OC ruins fun in any way, being it because of outrageous cliches, bad writing, bad character development or whatever, it's bad. If people enjoy roleplaying alongside some TERRIBLE characters, because for instance it is a comic rp, or the roleplayer is just good, even though his page is bad, then it's ok!

  • Brohoof 3

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Oh I write my stories in paragraph form all the time. I can "see" and "hear" the events of it unfold in my head as I write it! 

If you look at my OC's backstory, you would know what I mean. But, I don't know how to link the data base to my signature or profile page.

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Alicorn OCs are kinda silly to me. It's very difficult for them to justify why they are essentially God.

I'm getting a little tired of seeing OCs with backstories involving parents who died in some tragic accident, and either seek revenge, or become the protege of some OP as heck OC/Mane Six character.


Also to add to the bandwagon, OCs with loud colors.


^ If your OC is any of these colors, stop. Turn around. Rethink your life choices, and read about pastel colors.

Edited by Teller
  • Brohoof 3
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Alicorn OCs are kinda silly to me. It's very difficult for them to justify why they are essentially God.

I'm getting a little tired of seeing OCs with backstories involving parents who died in some tragic accident, and either seek revenge, or become the protege of some OP as heck OC/Mane Six character.


Also to add to the bandwagon, OCs with loud colors.


^ If your OC is any of these colors, stop. Turn around. Rethink your life choices, and read about pastel colors.

I love how alicorn OC's are hated, despised and spat out every single time one is entered. I love how every single new roleplayer who doesn't know what to do, how to do it properly and doesn't know that Roleplaying is TEAMPLAYING, and not having your own character do epic and amazing things. I love how every stupid thing about alicorns is increased ridiculously in size, and how the hate has grown to blazing passion that burns in every proper role-players heart.



You know why, do you understand what makes me happy about this?


It's because it makes GOOD alicorn OC's something so rare, and so special, that you will have to actually put so much effort, heart, experience and descriptive writing ability into it that you will DESERVE to have an alicorn OC. Your OC page has to be so inviting, including your ability to present, write and visualize your OC that someone surpasses their firey hatred for these kind of OC's and actually reads your story. You need to pour in so much time and emotion into a project that will literally become your MANGUM OPUS…


You need to be exceptional to deserve to use an alicorn OC in every roleplay you try get it into. Lighting Bliss has apparently achieved this, and I know there are several other good roleplayers out there (including me) that will be able to create a proper, good and awesome OC. One that is balanced within the game, allows fun and creativity to flow in the environment, to make sure that every single other roleplayer that is NOT an alicorn feel happy that they have someone in their group like this.


It is your Magnum Opus of OC's , your Ph.D of roleplay projects, your freaking letter of recommendation from the president of the united states! IT'S YOU! The entire thing the OC will represent is your creative ability, and your roleplaying experience. It is all that lead up to what made you create an character, a personality, a STORY that was grand enough to allow you to use an alicorn oc.


Just like an alicorn needs to deserve it to be one, a roleplayer needs to DESERVE to roleplay an alicorn. As an experienced roleplayer, I am tempted to create an alicorn OC eventually, but I mean to wait. To gather even more inspiration from all the other great roleplayers, to get more experience and descriptive writing ability. When I eventually do make an alicorn OC. It will be glorious…


But it has to be my best OC yet, and I don't know if I am up to writing my Magnum Opus yet…

This is my opinion on alicorn OC'S. ^

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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There's not much I can say here aside form what's already been said.


With what people have been saying about characters fitting into canon, however, I feel that I should interject, given the nature of my own characters.


My three characters - Galatea, Ariel, and Nano (still without a profile >_> ) - are from a future world that I have built that is loosely based on "today's" a.k.a canon Equestria. I've given them all legitimate reasons to be in the present-day, rather than just, say, "herp-derp, built a time machine and decided to go to this exact place for no particular reason." At least, so I like to think.
 I try to put a lot of effort into my own characters so that they are well thought-out and fleshed out... although, I do find that roleplaying, putting the characters into different situations, does help me to develop them further in their reactions and why they react that way.

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I guess this has already been sort of said, but the golden rule with all OCs, and all fictional characters in general, is that it's not what you do but how you do it that counts. A cliche is only bad if it's badly written.


Let's say you go for the tragic backstory, for example. If you do that, and you want your character to be convincing, you'll have to know how to write that backstory into the pony's character. The issue that arises isn't that the backstory is there, it's that it's common for people who put them there to either not integrate it at all into their character or to build their character around this one tragic event to the point where they don't have a personality outside of it. 


If you ask me, the best way to go the tragic backstory cliche route is to do it the way the actual show itself does it. I mean, the dead parents cliche is perhaps the biggest cliche ever, yet Applejack has it and you don't see it as stupid and cliche at all because of how it's done. It's not brought up constantly, actually it's not brought up at all, but you can see how it affects Applejack's character, (especially in Somepony to Watch Over Me, which is actually what made me really realize how well that plot point is executed).


I mean, really it's your OC and you can do whatever you want with it, but I think that the best OC is just one that makes sense and is written to not be flat :3

  • Brohoof 1

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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This is worst OC





I believe that drawing and a good sidestory is everything when creating an OC. No, it can't be an alicorn because there is no kingdom for it to rule over (however, cloudsdale and other places that isn't covered by canon is another story) and he/she Isn't Twilight. No, making some sob story about how tragic it's childhood was doesn't help either (it needs to be well written if you want to make an exception, for instance, Pinkie Pie.). No, no hardened ponies, everyone in equestria smiles. and THIS... I... have no words for this





Edited by TheChosenPony

May the force be with you, always


Subscribe to my youtube channel, It'll give you a laugh, hell maybe two

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People who use mare body template for stallions and the expect you to know it's a stallion.

  • Brohoof 2

My oc - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/flash-fire-r5698 pixel_dash_running_by_shearx-d4tfdq7.gif

"Take my love. Take my land. Take me where I cannot stand. I don't care. I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me.

Take me out, to the black. Tell my ma I ain't coming back. Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me."

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I'm sure it's been said more times than I can imagine, but I can't stand the OCs that are just re-colored vectors.


And by re-colored, I mean in Microsoft paint... with a paint brush xD


Let me see if I can find one...



Nope, I couldn't find one. ^^"



For some of the best OCs, I'll give it to BlackGryph0n for his Gryphon OC.


You just don't see that many of them out there, and it's made very well in high resolution. ^^


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My OC (linkity link) isn't a canon race but I put thought into why she's an eohippus. I'm a big history buff, and eohippi are prehistoric horses. Seems pretty easy. I have gotten flack for not going with a race in the show but I don't care. An eohippus represents me the best.


A small pet peeve I feel like is really dumb but I don't care; cutie marks that represent what the character (or creator. Most of the time it's creator) likes, not what they're talented at. Cutie marks are supposed to be a mark of a special talent, not a bumper sticker that says you like Harry Potter and Doctor Who a lot. (And on that subject; flat out cutie mark/talent clones of show characters. Congratulations, Pegasus #11247812, you're the 11247812th pegasus to be the fastest flyer."

Edited by Duster Dawnhorse
  • Brohoof 2


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My OC Righty Tighty rated -2 on an interesting OC test...and 0 is the lowest category. xD


That's what I was going for, I guess.

She represents me and you, the akward everyday person who just lives life with the deck we are dealt with.

Thats what makes her relatable, in a sense. Thats what makes you care if she's gonna get disemboweled in the next panel or not. So yipee? xD


^Click for my Deviant Art^

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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Ultimately, a character you create is your own and you can create it in whatever image you see fit. When I'm hosting a RP though, there are a bunch if things that I look for as warning signs:


- Plain bad writing - lack of spelling, grammar and punctuation.

- 'Magical' crossbreeds (half demon, vampire, werewolf, dragon...)

- Races which are obviously overpowered (You can argue all you want, demons and Alicorns are not 'just like everyone else')

- On that note - Timelords... Just, why?

- Tragic backstories with no purpose.

- Human names.

- Broken horns.

- 'Drainbow Rash' who is even faster than rainbow dash, and 'Swilight Tparkle' who us even better at magic than Twilight.

- Relations with canon characters.

- Anything else that deviate too far from canon to be believable in the universe. I can believe that dark things happen - i can believe that grimdark things are possible even... but I can't believe that Cthulhu hounds your character, torturing and killing everything they love, because they once accidentally murdered Luna...


... Is that everything? Oh!


- Guns. Just... ponies don't have fingers! second to this, 'special talents' to do with guns, or killing in general. You know if ponies were born with a natural inclination towards slaughtering others? They would probably be locked up the minute they got their cutie mark for 'knife based combat'...


Now, these things don't automatically make a character bad - I've seen loads if these traits on characters I've loved - hell, I've used a few myself! But if someone applies for a roleplay I'm hosting, these are what set alarm bells ringing and make me think twice before accepting.


"James was an Alicorn - but his horn is broken so he can't do magic and he's not royalty... so he's not overpowered!"


So make him a Pegasus then!

  • Brohoof 3

Never quite forgotten.

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- Guns. Just... ponies don't have fingers! second to this, 'special talents' to do with guns, or killing in general. You know if ponies were born with a natural inclination towards slaughtering others? They would probably be locked up the minute they got their cutie mark for 'knife based combat'...


Guns don't need to be conventional. Who said ponies needed fingers; use a hoof-sized trigger instead. Ponies inarguably can handle more weight than people and therefore can steadily hold a weapon. You can play it old-school style and use pre-modern gun and it would still be acceptable. And no one said about using triggers; levers, switches, and buttons can play those roles. 


Plus, there's the option of holding it on your side or on the mouth (though that would be considered dangerous and may damage the user due to the recoil). 


And combat as a talent isn't really bad. Fencing and sword-fighting in a regular MLP slice of life RP is still acceptable, along with archery.




Anything is permitted in an OC; it depends on how it's executed. 


For example, a OC with a history filled with angst is fine, though the roleplayer must have enough skill to allow readers to sympathize that OC rather than see him or her as some whiny pony who can't get over things, unless you're going for that kind of trait.


New species and hybrids are also fine, though you have to be careful with this. If your OC is completely focused on this unique trait, they tend to become flat and bad. Alicorns, however, are far more situational; while it can be accepted in a Fallout: Equestria RP (justified since most of them were infected by an evolutionary virus), it mostly won't in others.


Having any relation or being "equal" or better than a canonical character is a big no-no. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well it's good to see someone who doesn't have a Mary Su Alicorn OC.

Thank you, Her story is that she was found as a little foal next to her sister by zecora, she taught them well and in their filly years was taught to survive. They found a cave near a wolf pack (not timberwolves) and have been living there ever since. Spiritsong (the alicorn) Usually tries to sing every night to try to help the insomnious ponies to sleep, while featherswift is a firepony. they are closely related to deer so they have little horns on their head like the usual female deer.

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Bad OC designs are everywhere. The reason is because most people don't have a good design sense. They slap together a bunch of wish fulfillment and things they'd think look cool together without thinking about how it would fit together cohesively as a whole. And that's perfectly fine if you're not really trying to make a good character. Anyone can do as they wish, as long as they have fun and it makes them happy, even if a picky old thing like myself doesn't approve. Besides, just gives me more to laugh at anyway if it's really bad. :P


Making a good design requires having a certain artistic skill for color balance, knowing what goes well together, and absolutely NOT giving in completely to wish fulfillment. You can give in to a certain extent, but you have to put the pieces together well. Make them fit. And most of all: don't fall into the trap of being overly complex. It's often complexity that makes a bad OC. The more details you have, the more difficult it is to make them fit together. Pony design is very minimalist and contained. It's these limits that make its artistic style excel.


People think that creativity is limitless, having the power to do what you want. Complete freedom. And yet a lot of the time, it's not. The most interesting OCs are those who are created with constraints in mind. Limitations often bring out the greatest creativity as an artist has to be creative in the first place to work around them. When you start to overcomplicate it, it just results in a bad design.


As for what I think is the best OC design, there are a few I like. In particular, I like Queen Amaterasu by Pudding Valkyrie of Deviantart. Though she's an alicorn, the OC was created with a specific purpose in mind and her design reflects that. To be an interpretation of what Celestia's mother would look like. Plus, the colors are gorgeous.



Edited by Arylett of Braixen
  • Brohoof 5

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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when i made my ponysona, Doc. Volt i didn't want it to fit the canon world much, in fact i hate rps with canon charachters.. but i tried to eliminate every single mary sue things





but still managed to not make a boring backstory imho

  • Brohoof 1


Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave"

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My take on the canon/non-canon debate when it comes to OCs


A character should fit a setting. It should also, preferably, fit the content of the story/RP. There is nothing inherently wrong with Alicorns/changeling hybrids/incredibly powerful magic/tragic angst; but if you have such an OC, you have to be very considerate of what stories they partake in.


Some DMs are very lax when it comes to what characters they allow in their RP, and sometimes this causes problems. If the RP is supposed to be a mystery, or suspensful thriller where anypony can fall prey, you probably shouldn't have a character running around shooting lasers out of their twin-wielded swords blessed by Fausticorn. (on that note, I now feel compelled to write such a character for the hell of it.)


Similarly, if the RP is supposed to be high octane action that decides that fate of the universe, a reclusive shut-in probably is not the best fit.




If the RP is supposed to be canon-friendly, be careful about using an OC that's out of left-field.

Edited by Aged Rain
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