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I'm frankly getting tired of seeing of kids/teens dead reported on the news as a result of some cold-blooded bastard. The older I get, the more I feel sorry for them as I feel like even 17 years old doesn't seem like a long time, and maybe 30 to an older person would feel the same. It's obviously exponentially worse if they're not even an adult, without a doubt.


I could use a little bit more distancing from the internet, but my only hobbies I would like to do require driving or flying which cost money. Some outright require too much money (skiing).

Oh, and one of them is pretty loud and I can't do all day, because I get tired of it (trombone).

Think, think, think.... Thoughts? Suggestions? I'm all ears.

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Was watching a video about a steamer boat accident that happened on Lake Michigan back in the 1910s and some of the historical photos and data sheets used in the video were directly from my university’s Great Lakes archive. Which was neat, it feels good knowing your university is directly contributing to preserving more niche parts of history.

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On 2023-12-11 at 10:50 PM, ZiggWheelsManning said:

@Luna the Great of all the Russias  Any Sonic the Hedgehog pixels on your mind?  

If that were the case, then the pixelated image would be sensible (and smooth upscaling would be terrible). But no, I speak of pixelated portraits of people.

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22 hours ago, DubWolf said:

I'm frankly getting tired of seeing of kids/teens dead reported on the news as a result of some cold-blooded bastard. The older I get, the more I feel sorry for them as I feel like even 17 years old doesn't seem like a long time, and maybe 30 to an older person would feel the same. It's obviously exponentially worse if they're not even an adult, without a doubt.


I could use a little bit more distancing from the internet, but my only hobbies I would like to do require driving or flying which cost money. Some outright require too much money (skiing).

Oh, and one of them is pretty loud and I can't do all day, because I get tired of it (trombone).

Think, think, think.... Thoughts? Suggestions? I'm all ears.

Read books. Reading news? May forget about the story in about three weeks, and you will likely be put into a worse mood for it. Reading books? May remember and influence you far beyond merely three weeks (and is quiet and relatively cheap... depending on the book purchased).

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Christmas car commercials are the worst. They’re so out of touch, absolutely no one is buying their partner or kid a brand new car or truck for Christmas. I don’t think rich people would even do that unless they’re like a multimillionaire.

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1 minute ago, Iforgotmybrain said:

Christmas car commercials are the worst. They’re so out of touch, absolutely no one is buying their partner or kid a brand new car or truck for Christmas. I don’t think rich people would even do that unless they’re like a multimillionaire.

Agreed, Christmas is meant for toys, candy and clothes.  

9 hours ago, TheRockARooster said:

When will some cold or cooler weather come?

'Scuse me, but that doesn't happen in that continent until June:huh:  

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Watching pony related content from random creators always feels like such a coin flip. Like is it going to be a normal video? Or is it going to be something straight out of 2016 where the creator just regurgitates the same Reddit tier “kill it with fire” type jokes for 10 minutes.

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