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An episode about Vinyl Scratch

Cloud Runner

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I know a lot of people might get mad t me for saying this but, I think it would be great if they did an episode around Vinyl. Think of how cool it would be.

  • Brohoof 5

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I'm not mad at this idea at all. I think that Vinyl Scratch should get an episode or at least a song, because there is some untapped potential in some ponies that the writers choose not to explore unless they are the main characters. Unless the writers actually find something interesting in a background pony, it might not happen.

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Giving any BG pony an episode would be suicide imo. If the BG pony doesn't have the same personality the fandom has given them, then all I can see is Shitstorms: The Movie

  • Brohoof 11
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Giving any BG pony an episode would be suicide imo. If the BG pony doesn't have the same personality the fandom has given them, then all I can see is Shitstorms: The Movie

So it would be like anyother episode as far as the fandom is concerned.

And I would like to see one. Vinyl seems to be getting a lot more products, and time in the semi spotlight. The new mcdonalds happy meal toys now contain her in their line, and hasbro released an entire video of her EqG counterpart just walking to some really shitty dubstep. It appears as if there is some money behind her character now.

  • Brohoof 2
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Giving any BG pony an episode would be suicide imo. If the BG pony doesn't have the same personality the fandom has given them, then all I can see is Shitstorms: The Movie


Agreed. In the show Vinyl barely was spotted once or twice, yet bronies created her whole personality around her image. If the writers portray her differently, then they're gonna meet fandom's rage and it's never a nice sight. This applies to all of background ponies. While I like them, I think that it'd be better to let them stay in the background with occasional appearances.

Edited by Anilewe
  • Brohoof 5

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The idea is interesting, but suddenly giving such a minor character a dedicated episode would be odd. Most of the episodes we get are focused on the main characters, with secondary characters appearing as guests/support roles. 


Also, you'd think that Celestia would have received a dedicated episode by now, because she surely deserves it.

  • Brohoof 4
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The idea is interesting, but suddenly giving such a minor character a dedicated episode would be odd. Most of the episodes we get are focused on the main characters, with secondary characters appearing as guests/support roles. 


Also, you'd think that Celestia would have received a dedicated episode by now, because she surely deserves it.

Funny, my response was going to be that I'd rather see a Celestia episode. 100% serious on that too.


Unless a background pony is at least somewhat established in canon, I see no reason for an episode other then pure fan service. I'll never understand the hype around Vinyl since 99% of her is just fanon.

  • Brohoof 1


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I know a lot of people might get mad t me for saying this


I don't think anyone could get mad at such a wonderful idea!


But Hasbro would have to be careful with how they approached this.


I mean, fans have done WAY more with Vinyl Scratch than Hasbro has in 4 Seasons.


Now if they hired Nowacking to do her voice, I think they would be alright. ^^

  • Brohoof 3


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Does Vinyl Scratch have appearances of My Little Pony episodes, it will be awesome!

Princess Twilight Sparkle always do legendary stuff with magic in Equestria. Time to blast from the past.

The V.I.P., The Legendary

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She definitely has appeal with the fan majority, given that they're giving her more features to spearhead as of late, the new EqG movie and the toyline in McDonald's. I'm definitely foreseeing a few lines of dialogue in a future episode.

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I actually thought she was getting an episode this season, and that it was going to be Pinkie Pride. Pinkie competes with Vinyl over who throws the better party, only to learn that the important thing is that everypony has fun in the end no matter what. Rumor had it that Jessie Nowack was already hired by DHX to do the voice.


Seeing how much their pushing Vinyl in the merch department, an episode with her as main character would boost sales, cause for the time being, we are Vinyl's primary patrons. Getting her own episode would endear her more to the target demo, and their parents.


And I wouldn't mind it if the writers went a different route with Vinyl. I'd like to see how they'd interpret a pony DJ. They can totally go the opposite of what we did, have her be a reserved, sophisticated pony with an English accent, which would make sense considering that dub-step is a product of the U.K. Pretty much swap Vinyl & Octavia's personalities.


Although I'm pretty sure they'd follow the same natural progression towards her character we did anyways.


What'd be interesting is if they canonized one of the season 1 theories about why Vinyl wears glasses, and reveal that she was actually blind the whole time.

Edited by Denim&Venom
  • Brohoof 1

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Only big problem is that you would then have to make an episode for every other popular background character. A comic volume focused on Vinyl? Fine. Otherwise clips in the show are good.


And we all know how adverse to Derpy Hasbro is. Appease some fans and then you'll have to appease more. Not happening. Sorry.

  • Brohoof 5
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It would be pretty cool if Octavia and Vinyl got dialogue and some roles in the show.

However, an episode focusing entirely on them would mess up the MLP FiM show in general.

The show is about Twilight, AppleJack, Rarity, FlutterShy, PinkiePie, and RainbowDash; not Octavia and Vinyl.


It would be random and out of place if an entire episode was about the 2.


I also agree with Cwanky.

He said that "Only big problem is that you would then have to make an episode for every other popular background character".

  • Brohoof 3
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I think Vinyl Scratch/DJ P0N-3 could easily be incorporated, but then we'd get a ton of fans shouting something about pandas.

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TBH I kind of wish they'd do a full on comic and episode series around the random characters.

Or even just one of those episodes that follows the various stories of different background characters as they intertwine into the daily lives of one another and end on the Mane 6.


Something to give more LIFE to the series.

Its good as is, and has good writing most of the time, but theres no LIFE to it...

This is why I have fallen for the comics tbh, they've added a whole new level to the world of Equestria. Background characters are seen doing things, some are part of the stories directly, others still background, but more important that just random pop ins usually for no reason than to give the idea of others even existing. 


Even Luna and Celestia have real characterization besides just being there from time to time as plot points as they do in the series itself. Especially Luna.. ugh.. she's BARELY been scratched in the series. Luna Eclipsed gave us her struggling to adapt side, but what of her later on or before? WHO/WHAT IS SHE REALLY?! I can see a lot of fan speculation, but aside from a skeptic toward Twilight, and a random nothing.. she's just... nobody and nothing...

Edited by GrimCW
  • Brohoof 1
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Come on guys she's getting a movie to herself i mean, hasbro is still planning out who vinyl's voice actor and singer is.

She doesn't also need an episode. Hasbro had like nothing to do with vinyl's sucess

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it save equistria with its five candy coloured friends and shoot rainbows at bad guys using their necklaces and tiara unless you're celestia
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Not to be "that guy", but I'd rather have one about Octavia. If memory serves, the poor girl hasn't even been seen for like two years!


Everyone talks about Vinyl but no love for Octi...


Oh, hush. Octavia has PLENTY of love.


It's this one that has been wrongly forgotten about:



  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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That would be awesome. Maybe a bit of fan service where she is cousins with Octavia who as we all know had very different tastes in music as compared to Vinyl Scratch. 


However, I don't think there can be one. At most, she can be a supporting character in one of the episodes with a speaking role and appears regularly in it.



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