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movies/tv Why superhero movies suck


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Lately there have been too many superhero movies. They get WAY too much attention. I should change the title to
"Why superhero movies are overrated"


The movie industry used to be awesome, where it would have epic action movies or badass kung fu movies where fist fights were amazing! Now the industry is just a nerd that only love comics, superheroes, and all of the sorts. There is never a time where there is NOT a superhero movie.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier was not that bad. I have a changed opinion about it, but don't think it was...needed.

If they ever stop with this repeated genre, I will be happy. The Avengers was good enough to be a final superhero movie for Marvel, but then they went and made Thor 2, TASM2, Cpt America 2 and then an Avengers 2 as unnecessary sequels, but I still watch them.


What do you think personally about this? I think that the genre is overrated, but I still watch the movies anyway. And most of the time I end up liking them. There a handful I didn't like such as Man of Steel. Hollywood can do more, they just have to look deeper. Novel-based motion pictures weren't a bad genre, you know.

Edited by ArrowTheQueen
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Maybe there are too many nowadays. I thought some of them were really good though. Captain America, Iron Man 1 and TASM are three of my favorite movies ever.

Yeah. I personally liked Iron Man 1 and 2, they are amazing.

But Iron Man 3 was a piece of poop. It felt short and the plot lost me at many points.

And TASM was great, but not looking too much forward to TASM2, but I may still watch it anyway just because it is Spiderman.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, I can agree with you to an extent.  There are some great superhero movies, but there are some that are just crappy such as Man of Steel and indeed Iron Man 3.  May be to early for me to judge but I have a feeling Day of Future Past is gonna be much like Iron Man 3, confusing and off. 

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Yeah, I loved Iron Man 1 and 2, but Iron Man 3 was pretty stupid. The Avengers was awesome, but then they went ahead and made other horrible movies. You know what the industry needs? A new superhero! Introducing Bhangraman!


Who needs Superman when you have someone who:


Has the super speed of Santa?


The dancing skillz of Michael Jackson?


Who's as Indian as Paari's denial that the Pakistani national Cricket Team has some serious skillz?





Bhangra-ing his way into theatres near you!

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So you're pretty much saying Richard Donner's Superman, Tim Burton's Batman, The Dark Knight trilogy and The Avengers, all of which are amazing movies, are crappy?.......


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Avengers WAS mediocre. It was average as far as superhero films go. TDK, The Incredible Hulk, and X2 are all great examples of how to do a superhero movie very well. In general, however, superhero movies have a tendency to be shallow. That's inescapable. I also think that Hollywood has started a trend of shoving superheros down our throats every summer and I'm personally sick of it. A lot of these movies have absolutely no good reason to be made (new Spiderman movies, new Batman movie, new F4 movies, just for examples) other than studios either wanting something to compete with or wanting to stamp their own name on an already established product. Like a lot of other critics are predicting, I feel like the superhero genre is eventually going to implode on Hollywood and all the time and money invested will be for naught in the long run.

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I think there are too much superhero movies, but that doesn't mean they're bad. So far I've only heard good things about the recent Capt. America movie

  • Brohoof 1
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I agree. There are just too many superhero movies these days, with Marvel being the main reason. Am I the only one that finds The Avengers ridiculously overrated? If you visit any Avengers discussion board it will have fans praising the film like it's the greatest thing to happen. And the thing is that superhero films are doing huge box-office numbers. How is the general audience not sick of them yet.

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While I agree there are WAY too many superhero movies, there are some pretty good ones, such as The Avengers, Captain America: The First Avenger, and The Dark Knight Rises.

I wasn't such a big fan of TDKR, but I LOVED TDK and BB.

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I honestly don't mind the high amount of superhero movies (why is it such a big deal, anyways?). Mostly because i'm a fan of Marvel.

If you don't like them, then why not just ignore them?

Because they're such a large part of the market, it's nearly impossible these days. 

  • Brohoof 1
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It's just that Hollywood tries to milk cash cows more than ever, and every superhero can be used as a separate franchise/name for a movie, and since there are many superheroes, there are many movies now.

I don't generally find them bad, just some superheroes in general and some instances of disgrace that happens with many franchises these days (like Star Trek). I've heard the latest Superman movie (meaningfully not "Superman" in the title) depicts Superman as not giving highest priority to the lives of people. That's a killer criteria.


For my personal taste, there's also too much nationalism and US political mentality involved in various superhero themes (e.g. Iron Man).


And regarding Avengers: I had expected Joss Whedon's writing to have a bigger impact on the movie, but I guess the theme didn't allow too much of that. I, too, found 'Averagers' very mediocre. (My favorite part was then the Hulk was doing his thing, haha.) I guess one has to be a fan to get excited about that movie.


I really like Kick-Ass! :lol:

  • Brohoof 1
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Soooo.... what you're saying is that they suck just because you think there's too many of them?





With any sequential film series, quality is eventually sacrificed in the face of quantity. It's inevitable. As it stands, Disney, Fox, Sony, and Warner Bros each have plans to release several future films. Fox is already releasing DoFP soon (excited, but will wait for more trailers before getting hopes up), as well as 4 more movies for the future. This doesn't even mention the Fantastic 4 reboot which is already turning out to be a headscratcher with it's casting.  Sony plans for a Spidey movie every year. Warner Bros has plans to follow Disney to create a DC universe, and they're really rushing to catch up to Disney. Finally, Disney has plans to release at least a movie every year, and are currently averaging 2. In economics, this would be called "flooding the market". You know what happens when you flood a market with the same brand of product for several consecutive years? People stop buying your product. This is going to backfire on the studios, badly. Especially when you take into consideration the thought process of a majority of producers in Hollywood: If X quality worked in Y movie, use more of X quality in Z movie. Right now, special effects are the big draw to superhero movies, but special effects alone don't win everybody over. Look at Avatar. Hailed for it's special effects when it first came out, but now everybody seems to hate it. Well, the movie made over $2 Billion, doesn't sound like people hated it that badly. If the movies keep going the route of Avengers more and more (less story, more action, big effects), they're going to turn into just a bunch of  CGI laden crapfests: AKA Michael Bay's movies. And those are bad movies. Avenger's story didn't impress me as much as it did a lot of other people, and right now Sony seems to be following that route with TASM 2. There's to be 3 major villains in the same movie that's only 2 and a half hours. Wanna know the last time Sony did this? Spider-Man 3. And we all know how well that turned out. 

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Either they're too dumb to understand market saturation, or they are very aware and think: Crap is easy to make. We'll try to exploit the hype before it all collapses and drain the last penny out of it.

There's an analogy to this: Stripmining. It's messy but it might work as intended. As long as people can be swayed from one fad to the next, there's always an antagonist to their boredom. Just like in politics. Why should the Democrats try to not become unpopular? The worst that can happen is that the Republicans take over. It's not like that changes the course. And just wait, eventually people will hate the Republicans enough, then the Democrats are the winners again. Thus, the parasite is sucking energy all the time. ... Divide and conquer.

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Literally the only things I want when I go into a superhero movie are:


1. Kickass action scenes

2. Seeing other characters from the comics brought in

3. Stan Lee cameo if it's a Marvel movie



And that's what I get, every time. Doesn't mean they're all good (for example, Spiderman 3 was not a good movie), but I can still enjoy them because I'm not expecting a well-written story or great pacing. I'm expecting some dudes with cool powers and/or technology kicking the shit out of each other.


If I want a well-written story and great pacing, I'll go watch The Prestige or something. Sometimes I don't want a cinematic masterpiece, I just want some simple, actiony violence.

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So you're pretty much saying Richard Donner's Superman, Tim Burton's Batman, The Dark Knight trilogy and The Avengers, all of which are amazing movies, are crappy?.......


I'm talking about Captain America 2, Iron Man 3 and other recent ones besides The Avengers and TDK trilogy that are unnecessary. It's called "read what I said". I never said TDK because I loved that trilogy and The Avengers was awesome, but we dont need a second one.

I think there are too much superhero movies, but that doesn't mean they're bad. So far I've only heard good things about the recent Capt. America movie

It was good; I saw it. But it just continually adds to to the number of superhero movies.

Hollywood should try something new for a change.

It's just that Hollywood tries to milk cash cows more than ever, and every superhero can be used as a separate franchise/name for a movie, and since there are many superheroes, there are many movies now.

I don't generally find them bad, just some superheroes in general and some instances of disgrace that happens with many franchises these days (like Star Trek). I've heard the latest Superman movie (meaningfully not "Superman" in the title) depicts Superman as not giving highest priority to the lives of people. That's a killer criteria.


For my personal taste, there's also too much nationalism and US political mentality involved in various superhero themes (e.g. Iron Man).


And regarding Avengers: I had expected Joss Whedon's writing to have a bigger impact on the movie, but I guess the theme didn't allow too much of that. I, too, found 'Averagers' very mediocre. (My favorite part was then the Hulk was doing his thing, haha.) I guess one has to be a fan to get excited about that movie.


I really like Kick-Ass! :lol:

See, Kick-Ass was original in it's own way. They made their own plot for it instead of making other already existing superheroes with their own movies. 

Soooo.... what you're saying is that they suck just because you think there's too many of them?





Not exactly. They're soon enough going to run out of original things.

It's just that the category has been overrated for so long and it's a genre that could've died awhile ago and it could have been reasonable.

If it was because there are too many then that would be saying that TDK movies sucked, The Avengers 1 sucked, and TASM1 sucked.

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Hollywood should try something new for a change.

Exactly! There's hundreds of books out there with original plotlines that are waiting to be made, yet the majority of summer movies nowadays involve comics. I mean, I'm a huge comic book nerd myself, but even I'm getting tired of superheroes. 

  • Brohoof 1
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It was good; I saw it. But it just continually adds to to the number of superhero movies.

Hollywood should try something new for a change.

Just because it's "just another superhero movie" doesn't mean it can't be amazing


It's like saying that an FPS can't be amazing simply because it's another FPS


I don't think somethign should be knocked or ignored just because it's a part of an oversaturated genre, it just sounds unfair

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