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Pony special for adults

Captain Marvelous


113 users have voted

  1. 1. Would you want a pony special made for adults?

    • Yes
    • No

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Anyone else thought of the Ren and Stimpy adult cartoon series when you saw the title>


It depends on what you mean by "Adult theme"


If its something like Family Guy, I would definitely say no. If its something like more adult humor jokes, or a darker tone without going over the top, I think I would like to see it.

Edited by TwilightRubix

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I watched MLP:FiM because it was innocent yet thrilling enough to be adored by adults, that persona will be altered if they actually made an better-suited-for-adult episode. So it's a big no :/


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Since the show is a selling point for children toys it has a tendency to be lighthearted most of the time so those ideas would never fly. More importantly it's about money and as much as I don't want to say it bronies are not a long term viable market for these kind of toys.

"Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa...

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HAL9000 and Thereisnospoon have already thoroughly covered my opinion from a show construction standpoint. Thus, I shall allow Pinkie to speak my opinion aloud:



As amusing as the idea is, this would be a disaster. You run far too much of a risk of ruining the things that make the show so appealing and interesting. I have plenty of odd headcanon myself, how I view certain things in Equestria that we don't see on the surface, the sort of thing that would admittedly be really interesting to explore. For example, how does Equestrian society actually view homosexuality? Are there any drug issues? What sort of international diplomacy regularly occurs? Is there some seedy underside to Equestrian society? Would any of the Mane Six really stay together in a romantic relationship?


And yet, we can't handle those subjects in the actual show, for the same reason it appeals so much to many demographics: it wouldn't be able to without alienating a significant part of the audience. Considering how people reacted over the Derpy Debacle, how do you think they're going to react if, say, there's an episode where Rainbow Dash has a drug problem where she uses performance enhancers? Or Twilight deciding to ask Pinkie Pie out on a date, with accompanying shenanigans? Or worse yet, some sort of actual epic pony war?


As nice as these things sound in fanon, that's just it: they should stay in fanon. Bringing them into canon is the surest way to screw over the show, rather thoroughly at that. Let's enjoy the show for what it is, and continue to produce high quality fanon, rather than desiring to see something like Fallout Equestria on our televisions.

  • Brohoof 3

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

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Umm... I'll have to say no...


We get PLENTY of stuff like that from the fandom!


Plus the kid friendliness is probably one of my favorite parts of the show!



Sunshine, Sunshine ladybugs awake, clap your hooves and do a little shake!

- Princess Cadence and Twilight Sparkle

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My initial reaction is no.


Maybe I could accept themes a little more mature, such as relationships or real world problems, but when you say Adult show, I can only think of a disguting sex, swearing and gore filled thingy like the ones in adult swim and stuff, (LIKE THAT .MOV SHIT!! OH MY GOD KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!) so that's a big NO. YOU CAN'T RUIN MY PONIES!


My thoughts exactly.

If you mean with the word Adult like : pervert stuff and violence, then... No and Hell No.


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The only way an "adult" episode would be hilarious would be a dr. whooves episode, or another show/movie parody, that still stays true to the show and it's humor.(like the daring do one).

A "making-of" where all the mane ponies would be actors, would be funny, but totally ruin the show and the characters for me.

Sometimes I wish they would be PG14 tough, but just so they could give the characters additional depth


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I like the idea of the "Behind the scenes" why would i imagine pinkie with a french accent 0_o anyways i also think (if a fanamation is peoduced) it should be like the meet the sereis where each character explains what they are really like

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Meh. I get the humor behind the idea, but I'm not thrilled by it. The thing that makes MLP: FiM so enjoyable is the fact it is supposed to be aimed at children yet has enough appeal to draw adults. If it shifted to either side of the spectrum, whether for children or adults, I'm afraid the show would quickly lose its charm.


Pretty much my thoughts on the matter. Make the show cater too much to the bronies, and you lose the balance of innocence and sophisticated writing that made it so good.


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It's a fun idea, but my vote is no. There are plenty of winks and shout-outs already, as well as promos like Equestria Girls for that. And, of course, the products of the insane fandom we all love so much.


But the main reason I vote no is that the show doesn't need something "special for adults" to be appealing to adults. That's what makes Friendship is Magic magic.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. :)

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Maybe it would be good for the show to occasionally touch on more mature subjects, but I wouldn't like to see it go full adult. I like plenty of adult-oriented shows. MLP kind of fills a niche of light, innocent fun for me that I don't get in any of the other shows I watch.

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(more background pony interviews based on my idea)


Trixie: "Playing a magician pony was nothing new to me. I've been a part-time psychic and tarot card reader for years now. I have to keep it secret though. Remember when Miss Cleo got arrested for fraud? Know how she got busted? *points to self* This bitch right here."


Mayor Mare: "When I was cast as the town mayor, I had zero political knowledge so I contacted a few politicians to get some advice. Boy were the producers mad when I walked into the studio asking 'Where's my intern with "special" benefits? This porkbarrel isn't going to spend itself!' Yeah, it was an ugly first day."


Lyra: "I just want to tell Equestria right now that humans are real. Honest to Celestia. I saw one with my own eyes. It was tall, sickly looking, and was VERY excited to see me. They're out there I'm telling you. One day they will come to Equestria and enslave us. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to grab my tin foil hat. I feel something inside my head."

  • Brohoof 1

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It'd probably kill the shows appeal. And if it had a lot of sex jokes, it'd make even more people think all bronies are pedos. =P

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*cough* hangover episode *cough*



"The Gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."

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It would be great if they could insert a rageface into someonepony's expression, if even for a frame.

As for a whole episode dedicated to the adult community, I think you should be happy with what they already give us.

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A one-hour documentary on the daily happenings in Ponyville. Not like Ponyville being a set but actually interviewing residents from Ponyville about their thoughts on the happenings of Season 1 and Season 2. Possible older themes can be involved. Imagine how someponies will react when the interviewer asks what they thought about Discord's invasion.


"You know, I had to deal with street thugs, robberies, gang violence, and other crazy stuff in Manehattan but never like that!"


Or EVEN BETTER! Reactions to Princess Celestia's rule!


"I heard that some Zebra tribes have democracies. Why can't we have democracies for a change?!"


Alea Jacta Est

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