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Bronies In The Wild: Brony Spotting Experiences


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I've had suspicions of some people I've seen around before, but I'd be too nervous to ask them.


I used to hang out with a few mates at a local card shop to play Magic the Gathering, and the manager overheard an argument I was having with one of my friends about being a brony, and he came over and brohoofed me. :D


I also met one of my best friends through FiM. Other than that I haven't seen any bronies around where I live.


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I usually grab them from behind using Close Quarter Combat and interrogate them.



"Argh, urk..."



Wait, that's what I do with enemy combatants, sorry. Usually it's fairly easy to magnetically attract wild bronies/pegasisters (and haters) in my immediate region because what some of my brony friends like to do with me is sing the mlp main theme via off-key manor. So it would be like


My little pony. My little pony. ah ah ah AH*


It's hard to express the way the last "ah" sounded like via text but basically it's...well...really off key on purpose, like...some deranged kind of duck?



Anyway, usually bronies/pegasisters (including some closets) will come by and give us brohooves, though there aren't alot of them in my school atm.

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Conventions and meetups with the local group aside, I've only ever knowingly encountered bronies ONCE. I was at work (at Waffle House) one night shift, and this family comes in. They're traveling, on their way to California. The boy (13 or something like that) notices my pony pins on my hat, and offers me a brohoof. I'm just like, wtf ok. Turns out him and his younger sister (girl was like, 12 I think) were fans of the show, but didn't have very much interaction with the fandom due to a lack of consistent internet. He, of course, asked me about Rainbow Factory and Cupcakes and the likes. >.<

Edited by tehagg
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Enjoy metal music? Come check out this Facebook page, Pegadeth.

"He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still."

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Wild brony spotting is awesome. When I see anything relating to MLP I get excited. The only wild brony I spotted was a young kid as I mentioned before. I dont think I could relate much to him, plus with his mom and her friends around, I would not want to come off as weird lol. Plus I am still a closet brony.

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In the wild? Haha XD


I've never talked with a brony in real life, since I don't see them very often. I think I recall seeing a guy with a Rainbow Dash button/pin on once, but that was a while ago and it might not have even been RD :P


Still, I guess it's always possible that I've come across someone who was a brony but didn't mention it to me.

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As many have heard me say before, I've heard three people say "Rainbow Dash is best pony" or "Rainbow Dash", and two with shirts (a Fluttershy Yay shirt and an Octavia shirt).  Unfortunately, it is not a good idea to be an open brony in my school.


Thought I would share this video I found on YouTube.



Dash cam just took on a whole new meaning.

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As many have heard me say before, I've heard three people say "Rainbow Dash is best pony" or "Rainbow Dash", and two with shirts (a Fluttershy Yay shirt and an Octavia shirt).  Unfortunately, it is not a good idea to be an open brony in my school.






Where were these three people? Also did you get a huge temptation to talk about pont stuff with them and say you were a brony but could not do to being a closet brony. I get these urges to sometimes but despite them being bronies, I still cannot be so open about it do to negative stigmas. However, I hopefully will open up abit and maybe will if the brony I spot is not affiliated with anyone I know unless they are a brony themselves

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I've only ever ran into two, possibly three bronies/pegasisters in open non-brony (excluding meetups and conventions) related locations.


The first was at a local Target. He was a college-age looking man browsing through the ponies and didn't even bother to look at me, perhaps he was afraid or something. First timer perhaps? So cute. Anyways, I was there to get a quick look to see if there were any new toys out, but there sadly wasn't. We didn't talk nor even acknowledge the others' existence. I'm not really a socialable person myself, so not wanting to make an awkward situation even more awkward I went off to finish my own errands.


The second was a girl at Walgreens working the cash register. I had brought a pack of the trading cards along with my other goods and she had asked if they were new and so I responded with a reasonable, "Not really." Which she replied along the lines of "Hmm, I should see about picking a few up myself."


The last one was at a local coffee shop. I was fixing up my iced coffee when all the sudden I hear, "Pinkie Pie is best pony!" coming from right next to me. It was a woman, perhaps no older than thirty reacting to a button on the side of my purse. It had caught me so off-guard all I did was stare at her for a very long two seconds then went back to fixing my coffee.


Let's just say the latter one was a very weird and awkward experience. Recalling to the first experience, now I know how that kid might have felt if I did say anything.


One day I hope I can have better encounters, but for now these will always stay in memory.

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Where were these three people? Also did you get a huge temptation to talk about pont stuff with them and say you were a brony but could not do to being a closet brony. I get these urges to sometimes but despite them being bronies, I still cannot be so open about it do to negative stigmas. However, I hopefully will open up abit and maybe will if the brony I spot is not affiliated with anyone I know unless they are a brony themselves


This is exactly how I think. I know, it's awfully confusing.


Sig by Kyoshi

Ask me anything – http://mlpforums.com/topic/94670-ask-sstb-me/

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There's someone with a Derpy backpack at my school.  I think I also saw someone wear a t-shirt once.  Both of them are girls though.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm the uber-conservative one.
Rainbow Dash x Kitchen Sink OTP
A great man once said, "ON MLP 4UMS ERRYTHIN IS SRS BSNS"
20% Chance I'm on my Wii U while posting this.


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I went to my local comic book store recently to see if they had any MLP comics or figurines or anything else MLP related, and was thinking before I left how that would be so cool if the person working there was a brony, and it turned out the girl who was at the register who looked like a young adult or teen was wearing an MLP shirt. I didn't give her a brohoof, but it did make me happy. Other than that, I haven't yet encountered any bronies in real life, except I did know a guy at my old highschool who was a brony except that at the time that I still went to that school (before I graduated and started attending university) I didn't know what a brony was and only heard him mention it once, so I didn't ask. After I became a brony, I did talk to him a bit on Facebook about it. Turns out he used to be a mod on here, called Marcato, so some of you may have known him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's someone with a Derpy backpack at my school. I think I also saw someone wear a t-shirt once. Both of them are girls though.

I do enjoy encountering a brony of any gender. But for some reason I find I have more in common when I find a bunch of guy bronies.


I know some females go through crap for liking MLP, since society deems MLP a girls show, girls of really any age are more accepted by society for liking MLP.


I have met one female brony though at my school and she was really cool . Although I have not come out fully as a brony to her and still remain closeted. Although I think she started suspecting I was a closet brony as I gradually showed off my knowledge of the show without fully giving myself away.


But I wont be seeing her anymore since she has graduated.

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There's a kid in my high school who walks around, (I think he's in the same grade as me) With a Discord T-shirt that says "My little Pony-Discord is best everything" on it. Then there are my immediate friends, which contains of easily 5-6 other bronies.


but the funniest story I have is this-

Guy has a Bright Red mo-hawk, not pink, but a bright red. Black hair, Grey back-pack, black hoodie... one day I bumped into him by accident on my way to class. his backpack fell of his shoulder, and out of it came an ENTIRE DECK for the game of Magic with PINKIE PIE Card-covers. I just looked at him and said: "Pinkie pie? cool. I prefer Fluttershy." while we picked them up. he nodded at me, and when we were done, he just gave me a brohoof and walked away.


since then he's come to my Pathfinder group (always with the pinkie pie cards) and while I still don't know his name, that story is one of my most memorable MLP experiences.

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There's a kid in my high school who walks around, (I think he's in the same grade as me) With a Discord T-shirt that says "My little Pony-Discord is best everything" on it. Then there are my immediate friends, which contains of easily 5-6 other bronies.


but the funniest story I have is this-

Guy has a Bright Red mo-hawk, not pink, but a bright red. Black hair, Grey back-pack, black hoodie... one day I bumped into him by accident on my way to class. his backpack fell of his shoulder, and out of it came an ENTIRE DECK for the game of Magic with PINKIE PIE Card-covers. I just looked at him and said: "Pinkie pie? cool. I prefer Fluttershy." while we picked them up. he nodded at me, and when we were done, he just gave me a brohoof and walked away.


since then he's come to my Pathfinder group (always with the pinkie pie cards) and while I still don't know his name, that story is one of my most memorable MLP experiences.



I notice there tend to be alot of brony encounters in high school and people are more open about it based upon what I have been reading.


In my college the couple of bronies I have met all were incognito. Meaning sure some were open about being a brony but I had to ask them really. Many people dont wear merchandise so it makes it harder to spot them.

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You guys are lucky, I've never seen any open bronies in the wild before.

Mind you, if I ever did, it wouId unfortunately be very likely that wouldn't even talk to them.


EDIT: Though I have a Discord Desktop Wallpaper on my laptop that I use in front of 70 people each day, it is probably the same story for others

Edited by TheGoldenCross


Now with more added tea leaves!

My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne

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The scent of cheeto dust shook me when I walked into the room.

As I walked into an unheard-of café, the greeter tipped his fedora at me, in a kindly manner.

"We destroy gender stereotypes," he said in a confident voice. His outfit consisted of a Luna shirt, and khaki shorts, and hipster shoes clearly too small for him.

"What?" I replied unable to comprehend my surroundings, but was quickly ushered to the center of the café before receiving an answer.

My eyes could only register fedoras and cheeto bags all around me.

"BROHOOF", the man at the counter yelled at me.

"Uh, th-thanks? I'd like a small coffee, black please."

"WE ONLY SELL FEDORAS AND FEDORA ACCESSORIES." He replied in a monotone, looking past me.

"What? This is a café, how can you not sell coffee?"

"PINKIE PIE IS BEST PONY" he replied in the same tone.

"What? I just wanted a coffee; is there any superior I can speak with?"

The man said something in what I can only assume was Klingon, and I was quickly beat in the head with a large amount of fedoras, and lost conciousness.

I woke up the next morning in a booth in the same café, covered with brony merchandise, and a coffee was placed in front of me.

I drank the coffee, and suddenly, my thoughts were solely thoughts of ponies and anything related.

"BROHOOF BROHOOF BROHOOF", I said this involuntarily as I began to exit and walk home, still chating the word.

I continued to download every episode of MLP on my computer.

That's how I became a brony.

In all seriousness, I met one at a state competition I went to a few years back.
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The only thing that popped in my head was:


*You have encountered a Wild Brony.......What will you do*


Anyhow, i haven't met any bronies in public, though it would be nice to meet some, :D

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Oh! I actually had spoken with one the day of the Season 4 premiere (not finale!), and he asked if I had watched the premiere, that was literally how the conversation started. We both fanboy'd for a minute, but it was at a cash register in a fast foos joint, so I had to leave, we were holding up the line. xD


Another time, same situation, I was pulling out my Brony wallet to pay for the food, and the guy said "nice wallet". That could have been either an insult or actual comment, but I thought I would mention it anyways. ^^


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I have seen alot of bronies in public. The latest was a women in her early 30s with a twilight shirt from hot topic in jack in the box. I spotted her but didnt say anything. I was with my friend who doesnt  know Im a brony and as I left I brohoofed her and my friend was really confused. It seems like I have seen alot around the portland area. 

Rainbow dash is cool

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Okay so friggin' last time I spotted a brony was at George Washington University when I was visiting a friend who goes there (I live in Baltimore and he lives in DC) and like while I was walking out to get to the bus or whatever there was this one brony with a fallout equestria hoodie on and I was all like EEEYYYYYYYYY

Gonna be honest, don't take anything you see from me seriously on here. I don't go by the Lord Bababa username on anything anymore because of so many reasons including me being a jerk from time to time. This is the very condensed version of it but I'm not the same person now, I'm better. Not gonna post anymore on here so yeah.

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Yeah, I've never met a  brony in real life and you know, in my workplace, we don't talk much. I don't ask questions, and they don't ask questions and it 's just the way it is.

Pretty sad now that you think about it....

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