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C.Discord's Take on Rainbow Powers, S4's Finale & Hasbro Toys


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Predictably, the seemingly one thing that I've seen anyone complain about with the finale is the ending. Tirek's defeat, more specifically, the inclusion of the Rainbow Powers. Which, many people were 'disappointed to find was actually real', or that they thought it 'didn't make any sense', and most of all, that 'Hasbro's just trying to sell toys again'.




Well, first off, like it or not, the in-show promotions of Hasbro's toys are going to happen, as they're the ones who own, sponsor and pay for the show x) Better to have what we have, than to not have it at all. Thankfully, DHX has taken the in-show promotions thus far, and made them as minimally thrown-in-stupidly as possible. So, I typically roll my eyes when people predictably bitch about the Rainbow Powers solely based on the fact that they're promoting something Hasbro's trying to do off-show. Hasbro's trying to make money? HOW DARE THEY.


I'm mostly indifferent to the designs overall, I don't mind how they look (except Dashie, who's litterally got fucking rockstar saiyan hair which is awesome), and if and when they do make a return, they most likely won't be resorted to that much, potentially even less than the EoH, which became the cliche deus ex machina of the show.


Try looking at it this way; yeah, you could complain pointlessly about how it's promoting something for Hasbro and leave it at that, or, you can more so enjoy the fact that the writers used the opportunity of having Tirek back, and having the Rainbow Power to use, to bring back a modern-day equivalent of the 'Rainbow of Light' that defeated Tirek in G1, to defeat him again in G4 :3 I thought it was yet again another excellent callback that the episode did. And even better, we got to see the Rainbow of Light itself, revisiting the key holders from throughout the season. What's freaking cooler than that? :3


G1, Tirek tastes the Motherbucking Rainbow:



G4, the Motherbucking Rainbow Strikes Back:



And then is seen in its' original form, flying through the world of Equestria and revisiting the Key Givers:




All in all, all Hasbro really did was request the Rainbow of Light be applied to the Mane Six instead of being a pure entity like it was in G1, so that they could sell more toys, ergo continue to prosper as a company, ergo not fail as a company, ergo not crash and burn, ergo not have the show get ended or bought out by some other probably-more-shady corporation. A dramatization of a single show's toyline, but you get the point. I find nothing wrong with this, and while I can understand the passing comment about it, I don't understand why people feel the need to treat this as a negative factor that actually lowers their liking of the episode, as I've seen a few do.

  • Brohoof 9


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I'll get on board with Hasbro's toy cameo-ing whenever they come along and make a Doctor XFizzle doll with real *pelvic thrust*ing action.

Edited by Doctor XFizzle

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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I was completely neutral about the Rainbow Power before the finale (i.e. I expected it to be in there somewhere and didn't really mind).



Then it happened and I saw Dashie's hair.


Me: :o "Holy **** the ponies just went Super Saiyan!" :wub:


And thus I came to love Rainbow Power.



  • Brohoof 3
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My problem is the design. I think they look hideous. Specially Fluttershy. But this never got in the way of enjoying the meaning of this power.


And I agree with everything that's been said.


I just love the way the key episodes showed these six ponies spreading their magic, being examples and making other ponies being better because of them. It's what I've been wanting ever since the end of season 3.

  • Brohoof 3


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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My only real complaints with the Rainbow Power ending were that it was very rushed, and that the designs are seriously clashing. Regardless, I agree with everything that's been said and I'm looking forward to seeing how it's explored in Season 5.

Edited by Rainboom Dash
  • Brohoof 2
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My only real complaints with the Rainbow Power ending were that it was very rushed, and that the designs are seriously clashing. Regardless, I agree with everything that's been said and I'm looking forward to seeing how it's explored in Season 5.


The speed of Tirek's defeat was very fast, yes, but that's not really a fault on the Rainbow Power, because...honestly, most villain's defeats have been quick, whether the EoH, Love, or now Rainbow Power were being used xD I blame the speed issue on constrained writing problems :)


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I know, right?


In all seriousness though, I actually enjoy the idea of the rainbow powers. Of course, Hasbro has to make a few bits here and there to keep the company running properly. But really, just take a look at Twilight Sparkle and how even more amazing she looks. Thought she was Adorkable enough, think again, Bronies.


Unfortunately, I cannot remember who, but someone on the forum actually stated that they believed that the Rainbow Powers were like the spiritual Elements of Harmony, not religion wise, by the way. I wish I could remember who, I'd love to pick their brain some. Anyways, I love the idea of this. I've always told others who would slightly hate on the Rainbow Powers that they had to have some other way to defend Equestria now that the Elements of Harmony were back inside the Tree of Harmony. So, why not just give them a new look, along with their new powers, right? Also, Hasbro hasn't really officially stated anything about them yet, so we don't really know much about them besides they knocked Tirek back into last week. I'm pretty sure we'll learn more about these powers in the Season 5 premiere.

  • Brohoof 1


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As I've said earlier, I may have been the one that might have influenced Hasbro to come up with Rainbow Power. During the past two years, I've been pretty much endlessly promoting my concept of Super Rainbow Dash in the hopes that Hasbro would notice her and canonize her into the show in the same vein that that they've been taking our pony names and ideas and then making them official. For some reason, they didn't and came up with their own concept, that being Rainbow Power.


IMHO, as a Super form enthusiast, I have to say that their designs are underwhelming. To me, they'e not really Super forms if their coats remain the same as normal. You can't just enlarge their manes, slap their cutie marks all over them, and call it a day. No, that is just really poor and lazy, IMO, and doesn't really make you go, "Wow."


Frankly, I'm surprised that in a DBZ-inspired episode, they didn't really go the extra mile and change their colors... I dunno, maybe they will in the future. Maybe this is just "tier 1" of their power. Maybe Dash will go white. *shrug*


Only time will tell, I guess.

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There's something that bugs me about all of the Rainbow Power's thing...


Imagine that we've never knew about the Rainbow Power before...And knowing this fandom's reception of the new things...

How would have we reacted if we didn't knew nothing at all about the Rainbow Power,being all a surprise on the ending? :huh:


Now we can ask anyone about it,and or you'll love it,or you'll not give a fuck,but I personally think that if we didn't knew nothing about them until the most ending,it would receive tons of hate


Why?Because I've seen people critizising the Rainbow Power's style,and the Mane 6's looks with them...Since we first knew about them,it was just a rumor for them to be on the season finale,and people got used that it would be possible that they'd appear,and people started to like them "a bit"...



The question is...

How would've you reacted if you didn't knew nothing about the Rainbow Power until the ending?

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Personally I don't have any objections to what came out of the Harmony Box. The homage for the Rainbow of Light from G1 was actually epic, especially when I saw the Rainbow visiting all the key givers. This was great, from the symbolical standpoint, and for the storyline, because it links the four generations of MLP together. It shows that the Rainbow of Light was always there somewhere, either as Elements of Harmony (Harmony Magic to be precise) or as some other manifestations. It is truly the most ancient power in the Pony World, and the most powerful of all.


The only thing I don't like is the designs of these rainbowified ponies. They look horrible and clashing. The colors are too contrasting, and there are too many spiffy details, which makes them look like some bad OCs. Also, this whole transformation wasn't needed from the storyline perspective. It is there just to advertise new toys, and this advertisement is simply too obvious there to not be spotted.


I have nothing against them selling their toys. I know how much kids like to play such toys, and this is OK. Also the company has to make money to continue they work. But this doesn't have to be done at the cost of the storyline (as with Twilicorn), or the character design (rainbowified ponies), or Twilight's precious home we all loved so much (Golden Oak Library, or what has left of it; couldn't they plant that crystal hut on a chicken feet somewhere else, e.g. near the Castle of the Two Sisters, instead of in the middle of Ponyville, where it sticks out like a thumb in the middle of *apples*? :P) There are ways to advertise toys without lowering the show's quality.

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I sort of like Rainbow Power in that it serves as sort of a nice callback to how the Mane 6 got their Cutie Marks and what brought them together in the first place (that is, the Sonic Rainboom). So yeah, I guess the ponies have been united through rainbows since day one. Not sure if this was purposefully meant to relate to the Rainboom, but it feels natural to me just the same.


I like the toy designs more than the ones in the show, though. They were okay, but a few were a little over-the-top.

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