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How would you react to the canon death of a character?


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If they'd kill off one, they'd off a bunch so they could come up with a new mane cast, to sell their toys.




But back on topic. I would FREAK THE BUCK OUT. :v Especially if it was Fluttershy. I already died a little inside seign the thumbnail for My Little Amnesia on YouTube. ;-;

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Read a fanfic where they die, by time not murder or anything, made me cry, so a real thing would be too much for me to bare



This is the order in how they died:


Rainbow: damn that sucks


Fluttershy: that was adorably sad


Pinkie Pie: **crying** **punches wall**


Applejack: ....


Rarity: that's some pretty sad sh*t


Spike: oh damn... that was sad


Twilight: oh gawd why **crying**


Twilight's was the saddest because in her tombstone it read:


Friendship couldn't make it all complete, but magic found a way....


if you wan't to read it it's called Not my destiny



and I think the reactions would be the same

  • Brohoof 1




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I'd be sad if anypony died(especially Rarity, I don't think I could go on watching the show with her gone), but if Pinkie Pie died, how could anyone in Equestria ever smile again? :(

  • Brohoof 2


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I pretty much can't even imagine something like that happening. Keep in mind the target age demographic. Hasbro and Studio B will never upset the parents of any children watching. Look what happened with Derpy. It would be thousands of times worse if they had a character die!


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Even though this would never happen in the show, I would be incredibly sad. Especially being Twilight or one of my favorites. Im sure Hasbro or Studio B having some massive hate mail.

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With how mature this show is it would not surprise me in the slightest if they kill off a character. Somepony in the back, enough to make an impact but not a main? Cheerlie?! In fact if the show goes at least five seasons (PLEASE HASBRO PLEASE!) It would surprise me if they DON'T have a serious death of a character!

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I highly doubt that it would ever happen on this show. It is primary aimed at little girls, after all, as often as us bronies tend to forget it. Death is too touchy a subject to explore properly. I'm surprised they even got away with the two-second funeral scene in "Hearts and Hooves Day". And people, why are none of you thinking about what would happen if Spike died? Shame on you! ;)


I was going to say; "that was a professor lecturing, not a funeral!"


So I went back and looked at it...




Mind = blown


The little fillies were even delightfully singing and jumped on the guy! :o


I am actually dreading the inevitable "dealing with bereavement" episode where Granny Smith dies. NOT THAT THEY'RE DOING IT INB4 RUMORZ but just saying that's the most realistic scenario of "canon character death" we're going to get.


I'm actually kind of almost hoping that'll happen because if they actually bring in a lesson about bereavement in the show, for Apple Bloom who as a filly has to come to terms with loss for the first time, well, imagine how heart-breaking and mature that's going to be for the show.


Because, let's face it, EVERYONE, from adult to child, has to deal with bereavement, and it's difficult to help a younger through it when you yourself as an older family member are trying to handle it too.

So...imagine this, for a hypothetical episode scenario.


Granny Smith passes away, Apple Bloom is confused and grief-stricken, her sister and brother are also in grief that they can't help her, so she goes to try and find somepony to help her cope. It'd be a very mature episode in dealing with a very sensitive subject that EVERYONE has to go through, from little girls to their mothers.


So...like I said, I have no idea if they ever WOULD, not that I would mind, but...well I'd be dreading it.


As for the mane six, as impossible as it would be, I would be just as upset for any of them.


True, but MLP:FiM shouldn't be the only source of moral guidance in the world, even for the target demographic. Some things are best done in person, by word of mouth.


(...Then you get a generation that doesn't believe their parents... http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png )


I hope they kill off Fluttershy. just to see how the fans react.


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They are not gonna kill any of the Mane 6 guys... not even as a season finale, and also probably no character at all... although Granny Smith is quite old... And I still like to believe that Applejack's parents are dead.



But I could somehow picture Celestia or Luna dieing or dissapearing, like sacrificing themselves in order to save Equestria (Leaving Twilight in charge, of course)


Like the wise old turtle from Kung Fu Panda...

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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Twilight: Resurrect her, Celestia!

Rainbow Dash: My life is 20% lamer.

Rarity: ...

Pinkie Pie: And, the world is now boring.

Applejack: There goes the apple orchard.

Fluttershy: How???


Derpy: NOOOOOO!!!!!!*cries*


Big Macintosh: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!*wails and cries*


Granny Smith: Oh, great...just great.

Apple Bloom: She was useless anyway. But, too young.

Scootaloo: Chicken and too young.

Sweetie Belle: Clumsy little sweetie...*cries* Too young.

  • Brohoof 2

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Like the wise old turtle from Kung Fu Panda...


Well I haven't seen Kung Fu Panda, but I'm sure the "ancient guy sacrifices to save the wolrd" thingy is quite common, that's why I can see it happening

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I would cry for days. Never come out of my room. And constantly watch their YouTube tributes.


I hope they kill off Fluttershy. just to see how the fans react.


I hope fluttershy stares into your soul and rips it from your beating heart. Then laughs as your heart melts from the inside out.


Don't EVER say fluttershy will die.

  • Brohoof 1
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If Rainbow Dash ever died I would kill myself...

I could never live without Dashie :(


Funny, she dies in the fics every time.


I can't live without either of the ponies! D:

  • Brohoof 1
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Killing off one of the characters would cast an irredeemable pall over the entire series. It runs so counter to the spirit of the show. It would be a disaster.


But I could somehow picture Celestia or Luna dieing or dissapearing, like sacrificing themselves in order to save Equestria (Leaving Twilight in charge, of course)


This is the ONLY context in which it *might* work.

  • Brohoof 2


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Like the wise old turtle from Kung Fu Panda...


I was going to say; "that was a professor lecturing, not a funeral!"


So I went back and looked at it...




Mind = blown


The little fillies were even delightfully singing and jumped on the guy! :o




True, but MLP:FiM shouldn't be the only source of moral guidance in the world, even for the target demographic. Some things are best done in person, by word of mouth.


(...Then you get a generation that doesn't believe their parents... http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png )



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Are you angry?





You look angry

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Well I haven't seen Kung Fu Panda, but I'm sure the "ancient guy sacrifices to save the wolrd" thingy is quite common, that's why I can see it happening


He didn't sacrifice his life to save the world, he was just kinda like "it's time", passed on some wisdom or something to the next sensai, then a breeze came, and he disapeared into a cloud of... Whatever those are called.


Posted Image


Are you angry?





You look angry


Replace the cake with Fluttershy :P


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Edited by EASA - Dr. Braun
  • Brohoof 2

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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I really doubt any character would literally be killed. The parents of young My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fans would go ape. If this did happen, I'd be disappointed if any of them passed on. I think I would take Applejack's death most personally.


Also, Rainbow Dash would be a disappointment. I fell in love with her when I started watching MLP, but lately I've been leaning towards Applejack.

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Oh it would really tick me off. You do not kill off a Cannon character in such a beloved show such as MLP FIM. Its just not right. It would be the worst possible thing ever!

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Death, unless a very elderly person, is usually a very unexpected/unpleasant thing. Most of the time we don't see it coming. Don't expect it. We view it as terrible, a tragedy, and in some cases, the death of another can ruin our lives in a sense - or literally.


Truly, I would hate to see death in MLP, just as I hate to see it unfold in the real world. That having been said, I can also see it being a good thing to happen in MLP. An untimely death of someone beloved. Think about the message of love and tolerance, and now apply it to a grieving family or community. Whose fault is it? Who should we blame? Surely we are angry. We want justice (for this accident). We want vengeance. It can tear people, family, communities apart. You should have had clearer signs indicating the dangers. You should have known your 16 year old was too irresponsible to drive. The law should have been stricter. Why did you allow him/her to go to that party? Whose bright idea was it to encourage that dangerous hobby? The possibilities of how one died are endless, just like "whose fault it is" - who let the ball drop?


For MLP to tackle this would be deep, but imagine how beneficial the message conveyed could be. It could help 'guide' those grieving in the real world, and prevent some of the tragedies that could happen after the untimely death of a beloved (drinking to death, refusing to go to school/work, becoming insanely reckless, angry at everyone/everything, etc). We could see how futile/pointless/not a good idea bad/destructive mourning is, while exploring "healthy mourning."


Pinkie Pie is my absolute favorite pony, so let's pretend she dies. Of course I'm devastated. Pinkie lived her life to do anything she could to make others happy, no matter how much time and effort she had to put into it. We could live on, missing Pinkie dearly, but maybe doing things to pleasantly remind us of her (Smile Smile Smile) and also convey out ourselves how she lived. Let her spirit live on through all of us - we'll take up the reigns and follow in her footsteps, doing everything we can for the betterment and happiness of others. Just like Pinkie Pie. Her spirit lives on, and we can spread the happiness and joy in her name. Oh, how many lives directly benefitted because of how we treated the loss of hers. She didn't die in vain.


I have pondered this question for months, how would you react if a character died in the show? Doesn't matter who, if its off-screen or on-screen, background character, mane 6, Celestia, Luna, etc. Here are my reactions to different characters if they died:


Twilight- oh my, she's dead.


RainbowDash - Meh, saw it coming, she dies all the time in fanfics


Rarity- Meh


Applejack - Ah, I liked her, why!


Pinkie Pie - Noooooooooo!


Fluttershy - Gasp! Why!



Tell me please!


I'd be pissed, you just don't develop a character for months just to kill them off later, that's just lazy story telling.


fear shock and rage


If any of them dies then a part of me dies.


Utter disbelief.


First, I would be shocked.


Second, I would rage against the machine.


Third, I would mobilize an army of concerned parents and get them to undo it. It worked for Optimus Prime back in the 1980s.


(Given the audience, I really don't think that they would ever kill off any character. I bet a bunch of people would be unhappy if they did though.)


I mourn anypony's death... I really couldn't stand it, to be honest. I mean, having such happy ponies just... fly away from life like that... It really puts dem tears into teh eyes...


I'd cry if it was any character.


But if it was Luna..


I don't think I'd be happy again. Ever.


My death would become canon.


I'd be sad if anypony died(especially Rarity, I don't think I could go on watching the show with her gone), but if Pinkie Pie died, how could anyone in Equestria ever smile again? :(


I pretty much can't even imagine something like that happening. Keep in mind the target age demographic. Hasbro and Studio B will never upset the parents of any children watching. Look what happened with Derpy. It would be thousands of times worse if they had a character die!


Even though this would never happen in the show, I would be incredibly sad. Especially being Twilight or one of my favorites. Im sure Hasbro or Studio B having some massive hate mail.


If Rainbow Dash ever died I would kill myself...

I could never live without Dashie :(


Oh it would really tick me off. You do not kill off a Cannon character in such a beloved show such as MLP FIM. Its just not right. It would be the worst possible thing ever!


I quoted all of you guys because your initial reaction to the topic is exactly what my post is tackling. As for the demographic, I think learning to appropriately cope and knowing that s*** happens is better taught sooner than later. What are you sparing a child by letting it be later? And also, notice the hate, unhappiness, despair, and destructive outcomes of some of the reactions. This happens to people in real life. Of course I would absolutely hate to see anyone die in MLP, but there is sooo much here that obviously does need to be addressed. We could see different ponies that react just the way you guys do - all different reactions, all relatively negative and potentially self destructive, or destructive to harmony - and explore each on how things would turn out in that case, then each learn a very valuable lesson. It still could completely be a lesson of friendship. Actually, lessons.


Maybe it would go over better if everypony meets a new pony, he/she passes on, and we watch everypony's different way of mourning, and lessons learned out of that. "I learned that I can't just stop living, and my friend that passed would want me to be happy" - "I learned that even though this made me hate the world, I shouldn't take out my anger on my friends, who care about me and are only trying to help" - "I learned that I can't keep running from myself, from my own mind and memory, and that pretending that this never happened can be insulting and destructive" etc.


Please don't flame me :(

Edited by Iris Melody
  • Brohoof 3

Pinkie Pie is my favoritest of the mane six for several reasons, but most importantly because she always has a good attitude. The others can doubt her, say somewhat unkind things, not believe her, and she just rolls with it. I also love her because her self-defined purpose in life is to make others happy. I believe her balloons cutie mark actually represents her uplifting others. Her amazing dimension bending and psychic powers are a factor, too :) When poor Pinkie Pie looses her mind, well, it is quite humorous. She has her own depression demons to fight, yet focuses on others. The world will be a better place when she succeeds in breaking that 4th wall! >:D

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Death, unless a very elderly person, is usually a very unexpected/unpleasant thing. Most of the time we don't see it coming. Don't expect it. We view it as terrible, a tragedy, and in some cases, the death of another can ruin our lives in a sense - or literally.


Truly, I would hate to see death in MLP, just as I hate to see it unfold in the real world. That having been said, I can also see it being a good thing to happen in MLP. An untimely death of someone beloved. Think about the message of love and tolerance, and now apply it to a grieving family or community. Whose fault is it? Who should we blame? Surely we are angry. We want justice (for this accident). We want vengeance. It can tear people, family, communities apart. You should have had clearer signs indicating the dangers. You should have known your 16 year old was too irresponsible to drive. The law should have been stricter. Why did you allow him/her to go to that party? Whose bright idea was it to encourage that dangerous hobby? The possibilities of how one died are endless, just like "whose fault it is" - who let the ball drop?


For MLP to tackle this would be deep, but imagine how beneficial the message conveyed could be. It could help 'guide' those grieving in the real world, and prevent some of the tragedies that could happen after the untimely death of a beloved (drinking to death, refusing to go to school/work, becoming insanely reckless, angry at everyone/everything, etc). We could see how futile/pointless/not a good idea bad/destructive mourning is, while exploring "healthy mourning."


Pinkie Pie is my absolute favorite pony, so let's pretend she dies. Of course I'm devastated. Pinkie lived her life to do anything she could to make others happy, no matter how much time and effort she had to put into it. We could live on, missing Pinkie dearly, but maybe doing things to pleasantly remind us of her (Smile Smile Smile) and also convey out ourselves how she lived. Let her spirit live on through all of us - we'll take up the reigns and follow in her footsteps, doing everything we can for the betterment and happiness of others. Just like Pinkie Pie. Her spirit lives on, and we can spread the happiness and joy in her name. Oh, how many lives directly benefitted because of how we treated the loss of hers. She didn't die in vain.



I quoted all of you guys because your initial reaction to the topic is exactly what my post is tackling. As for the demographic, I think learning to appropriately cope and knowing that s*** happens is better taught sooner than later. What are you sparing a child by letting it be later? And also, notice the hate, unhappiness, despair, and destructive outcomes of some of the reactions. This happens to people in real life. Of course I would absolutely hate to see anyone die in MLP, but there is sooo much here that obviously does need to be addressed. We could see different ponies that react just the way you guys do - all different reactions, all relatively negative and potentially self destructive, or destructive to harmony - and explore each on how things would turn out in that case, then each learn a very valuable lesson. It still could completely be a lesson of friendship. Actually, lessons.


Maybe it would go over better if everypony meets a new pony, he/she passes on, and we watch everypony's different way of mourning, and lessons learned out of that. "I learned that I can't just stop living, and my friend that passed would want me to be happy" - "I learned that even though this made me hate the world, I shouldn't take out my anger on my friends, who care about me and are only trying to help" - "I learned that I can't keep running from myself, from my own mind and memory, and that pretending that this never happened can be insulting and destructive" etc.


Please don't flame me :(


Flame you? If they flame you I'll hand you a heat shield!




The post was brilliant, and I agree wholeheartedly, and now that you point it out, I really want to take it further.


That isn't a lesson just for kids. That's a lesson for the world, for society, for everyone! (And where better to plant a good idea than in youth?)


People have this false idea of always blaming someone when there's an accident. Their lack of control over it, the complete impossibility of bringing someone back to life, makes people feel helpless, and the extremely powerful desire to do so, and their helplessness to do it, leads to fury. And they search for something to take it out on, someone to savegely attack in one way or other for what's been done. They completely forget what "accident" means.


And all too often, there's a lawsuit, or some type of attack or revenge in response to such situations, which only deepen the misery of what's happened - And I think you put the point brilliantly - instead of honoring and remembering their life, and who they were, and what they lived for.

  • Brohoof 4

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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