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Being Open: How?


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It always makes me feel so sad how some bronies feel the need to hide their interests. Society can be so cruel.

Wear what you want and buy what you want - if anybody judges you it says more about them than you!!

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I know how hard it can be for people to look down on you, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what some random dude thinks of you.

Edited by Banul
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No need to treat it like a big thing... I mean, if you want to wear a pony shirt or look at pony merch or something in public, just do it, and if you're feeling self conscious just shake it off, no one's gonna mind. It's all in your head if you make it out to be more than it is. Just have confidence and treat things like an everyday outing and it's easy to be a more open brony. :wacko:;)

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Wear a shirt, people who gives you the ''looks'' in a negative way are not people you need in your life.


Although you might not wanna be talking about ponies non stop, being a brony is just like any other interest, it has its time and place.

You dont walk up to a guy and say ''im a brony, sup?''.


And being a brony is nothing to be ashamed of, I was a little worried the first times I had my brony shirt in public, (school is different) but if you're just walking in your town in the mall or whatever, people really dont care what you wear, its nothing special that you're wearing a pony shirt.


Never has someone walked up to me and asked what's up with my shirt or RD tattoo. (although id kinda like other bronies to do that)


People arent gonna chase you with pitchforks

Edited by SveciaDash
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Well, I think it comes down to the kind of person you are. Some people, like me, are all but deaf to social cues. So obviously, being able to perceive them less means I/we are less likely to follow or being invested in group expectations. Note that this isn't always a good thing, as I can attest to having strong difficulties establishing connections with people. 


So, if you already are less than aware of what people around you think, your natural inclination when going open is to proceed as you normally do, regardless of what attention it garners because you already don't notice it.


However, if you do strongly perceive social "vibes" than this can be a bit more difficult. Without knowing your individual situation, I can't accurately give advice, but one thing that sort of can be expected is that you will definitely feel more exposed. The best advice I can give is to mentally train yourself to build up a resistance. Wear a t-shirt around the house at first, a key chain in public. Work your way up to full time "exposure."

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See, the problem stems from fear. Fear of being judged, fear of getting a nasty comment. That's just something that I don't want to want to experience. But I suppose that's all part of life. All of these comments did help; I guess I'll try to force myself to wear something pony related in the morning. I dunno. Just out of curiosity, would there be some sort of clothing that is reserved only for the most hardcore Brony or that is just a flashing neon sign that says "this here is a Brony"?

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I wear my mlp merch in public all the time, nobody seems to judge me or say anything, but if they do obviously they aren't mature enough to accept people for who they are. My advice is to just go out and wear your stuff, I doubt anybody will say anything  :)

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See, the problem stems from fear. Fear of being judged, fear of getting a nasty comment. That's just something that I don't want to want to experience. But I suppose that's all part of life. All of these comments did help; I guess I'll try to force myself to wear something pony related in the morning. I dunno. Just out of curiosity, would there be some sort of clothing that is reserved only for the most hardcore Brony or that is just a flashing neon sign that says "this here is a Brony"?


I tend to have a similar problem, although I wouldn't "wear" MLP merchandise, it just isn't my style. I can relate though because I have some pony figures stowed away in my bedside drawer. I've been meaning to put them up on display but I just can't despite my roommates being nonjudgemental people.


Being open for me is hard. I've been closeted for a long time, In fact me being on these forums was a step I took just recently. 

It's strange because a part of me says: "I don't care what other people think" and another part says "oh my, what will people think?"


It's a personal war that has been raging on for quite some time.

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See, the problem stems from fear. Fear of being judged, fear of getting a nasty comment. That's just something that I don't want to want to experience. But I suppose that's all part of life. All of these comments did help; I guess I'll try to force myself to wear something pony related in the morning. I dunno. Just out of curiosity, would there be some sort of clothing that is reserved only for the most hardcore Brony or that is just a flashing neon sign that says "this here is a Brony"?

I just wear a polo with RD's cutie mark occasionally, if they get it fine if not that's ok too.


Though asking my parents if I could go to Bronycon could have gone better:


Me: So, could we go to Baltimore maybe this summer?

Mom: Why would you want to go there?  Are there a bunch of My Little Ponies there?

Me: No... nevermind  :blush:

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I admitted to everyone I know, I don't regret anything. They didn't judge, They didn't mock, They didn't laugh. They accepted me. Admittedly I did tell my best friend first, Then decided to tell everyone after his reaction, He only replied with, "Tw*t". I knew that from there I would get no trouble. My computer wallpaper, Profile picture, Facebook picture and wall photo are all of Rainbow Dash. So I let everyone know, I have gotten more respect since. Of cause there will be a douche uneducated person, That mocks and laughs at something that He/She doesn't understand. Just stay strong bro! 

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Flashing neon sign?  I don't think I would recommend going out in a full cosplay outfit... lol

That's a thing? I could only assume those are very rarely seen. Also, I would guess they wouldn't exactly look that good. Who knows?

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I know this may sound a little vague, but I've learned to be more open from the company, Nike.

I live by there slogan, "Just Do It".


I don't care what anyone says/thinks when I tell them something about myself. Especially about being a pegasister.

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I'm with the "just do it" crowd here. Myself, I don't really have anything that I can wear...aside from dog tags, but the chains are too small. I do have them hanging out in the open though, so that counts lol.

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