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Ever been picked on because you're a virgin?


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Never happened to me personally back in high school but I know it was a big thing. It was mostly guys making fun of other guys.

That being said I’m still one and it doesn’t bother me.

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I can't say I was ever the subject of ridicule for being a virgin, but I do remember a few odd looks like, "What? You haven't thrown away something meaninglful that can't be regained because someone who doesn't give a shit said you should?"

I never cared what people thought of my sexual status. Why on earth would I care?

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In high school, yep. Honestly the whole obsession others have with virginity is weird. Fundamentally, losing it doesn’t change a thing, rather it’s to a guy, gal, or enby, speaking from experience. It’s hyped up as this huge thing but… it just doesn’t really matter. It’s just a silly social construct.

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No since such topic like this never bought up, thankfully. And even so, I wouldn’t care. To fuck someone as if you won a lottery is like the dumbest and pettiest shit ever. I guess that what people do because of what? low esteem and insecurities? Copium? whatever reasons these sorts of people have- the fact that they needs to find some hoes to fuck says enough.

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