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Bronies: Cancer of the Internet?


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According to the internet us and our fanbase are"the cancer of the internet." That doesnt bother me, cause i dont care what people think. What i think is that bigotry and ignorance is the "cancer of the internet." Anyone agree with me?

  • Brohoof 7
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Bigotry and Ignorance is the cancer of the human race.


And I've seen that label before, alongside the favorite term "autistic" that is used to describe our fanbase, but I just laugh that off. People like to mean for no reason but their own enjoyment sometimes, and I just take it in stride.

  • Brohoof 13
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They just hate us because we are so awesome. :P


Nah, okay, seriously now. It's almost human nature to disprove of things we do not understand or think are weird/not fit in society well. Plus many people simply hop on whatever bandwagon they can find without looking up what they're even hating first. And of course, this also results in many people simply going 'haha you bunch of autistic gay fggts', instead of using logic and common sense and forming their own opinion,

  • Brohoof 2
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To be honest, this fanbase spread faster than cancer ever could. :lol:


This is so true it scares the trees out of my garden.

Anyway where did you see such a statement? I can see if it was on one of those pages which is totally not pony related and totally spammed down with pony posts.

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Those people are for every fandom, name it and I can find a comment like that, its just a little worse for us at times. which is why I try to represent the fandom as best as I possibly can, keep it intact and chance some opinions on it.

  • Brohoof 1
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To me, I prefer to find more of the good things in this fandom than bad. Sure, we may have some of those people, but they don't take up the majority of the bronydom. Some people on the Internet are way too pessimistic. :<


Also, I find it quite silly when anti-bronies call us autistic, when autism doesn't mean stupid at all. Some people should get off the Internet and learn what autism actually is. -3-

  • Brohoof 1
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To be fair, it is hard to understand autism because it isn't just one thing. It is multiple things put under one umbrella. I don't completely understand it either. But anti-bronies don't really try to understand so they can't get any credit. :lol:

  • Brohoof 1
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Personally, I wouldn't worry about it. People go over the top with their choice of words on the internet, especially when they're criticizing something.

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Edited by Darky
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People talk on the internet differently than they would in real life, that being said... It's typical for people who are having a bad day just want to make someone else mad, and they know it will cause drama. Most of the people who say "I hate drama" usually are the ones causing it.

  • Brohoof 1
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We as bronies will always be called idiotic names like "the cancer of the internet", because people have a natural response to hate the differences in society. They hear about falling in line, We have rejected that statement and fell upon our own path! Us being different is what we do! Let them call us a "cancer", I will laugh because we all know it is shear ignorance that makes them call us that.

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These ponies are bigoted and behind the times. I consider non-mainstream My Little Pony fans to be as mainstream as Star Wars fans. Of course the latter only has a greater number of fans as it is more popular.

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Cancer is the cancer of the internet, you f*cking guy.

If you knew anyone with cancer, you wouldn't throw that word around so liberally.


[Generally speaking]

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Today, in school, loads of my friends were saying stuff like this (that Bronies are the cancer of the internet), when I asked them why, they told me they had met "Bronies" on the internet before, but what they met were just trolls. One told me a story of what happened him yesterday.

They were in the comment box of some Naruto fanart thing on deviantart, and were saying that everyone who doesn't watch mlp are r******, b*******, f******-- you get the idea. Then they started picking out individual people, my friend being one of them, and the fight went on for a while. Apparently, this has happened to more than one of my friends, and now they think that's what all Bronies are like. What happend to ‘Love and Tolerate'? I haven't heard it in a very long time.

Edited by rainbowdash1452
  • Brohoof 1
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Cancer is the cancer of the internet, you f*cking guy.

If you knew anyone with cancer, you wouldn't throw that word around so liberally.


[Generally speaking]


I try not to let it offend me too badly. I've had family members who have passed away from cancer, but I don't let it affect me. I also have family members with diabetes yet people joke about that all the time. I brush it off. Same with the autism thing, but I just let it slide.


People like to make dark jokes, it helps cope with reality. I'd rather people make these tasteless jokes than restrict what people can say just because we know someone with a certain ailment that they're joking about. Of course, I'd like it if they stopped calling entire groups of people, like Bronies, autistic or cancerous, but hey, baby steps!

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A lot of anti-bronies complain about bronies "spamming" the internet by relentlessly posting pony videos, using pony avatars on non-pony websites, etc.


But I think that's complete nonsense. I see people bringing their anime, sports team, etc, avatars and such on unrelated sites. So why is it when bronies do it, suddenly you're "plaguing" the internet?

  • Brohoof 6
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Except bronies are a cancer of the internet. Many of us still insist on posting spam on every forum and then refer to anyone who questions us or states that they don't like the show a "hater."

Edited by King Ghidora
  • Brohoof 1
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Haters gonna hate don't worry about it we are by no chance (The cancer of the internet) no fandom in fact is everyone has there part and I hate it when people say stuff like (you give me cancer) and whatever stuff...

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