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Villains make Equestria a very dangerous place


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It's Twilight's fault in "Magic Duel" for not going to get Celestia and Luna instead of running to Zecora. They had no idea Ponyville had been conquered. Then again, maybe Twilight though there was a better way, and she was right; she was able to defeat Trixie and redeem her without punishing her.


And "For Whom The Sweetie Belle Toils" showed Sweetie Belle act really mean but get redeemed at the end, learning her lesson. I've noticed a lot of folks hate Sweetie Belle for this episode, but she honestly didn't need to be punished. Rarity forgave her little sister and all was well.

But still I think Equestria should give others another chance or even ask what was really going on.

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But still I think Equestria should give others another chance or even ask what was really going on.


They do. The ponies live in peace with Griffons, Donkeys, Mules, Breezies, and a few others that I'm probably forgetting about.


Equestria seems very decentralized, so that's probably why there aren't Royal Guards running around everywhere making sure everypony is nice 24/7. It seems like ponies have sort these problems out for themselves most times, which is honestly a good thing in my opinion. No need to get the military involved where they're not needed.



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They do. The ponies live in peace with Griffons, Donkeys, Mules, Breezies, and a few others that I'm probably forgetting about.


Equestria seems very decentralized, so that's probably why there aren't Royal Guards running around everywhere making sure everypony is nice 24/7. It seems like ponies have sort these problems out for themselves most times, which is honestly a good thing in my opinion. No need to get the military involved where they're not needed.

But still, Equestrians should know when they're crossing the line.

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But still, Equestrians should know when they're crossing the line.


You're holding ponies to a higher standard than humans themselves are held.


Like I said, the ponies can be nice and kind, but also rude and nasty, just like a human can.


Some Equestrians know when too far is too far, but some, like Diamond Tiara or Trixie before she got reformed, will keep pushing it and stomp over others if it means their own personal satisfaction is sated.



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You're holding ponies to a higher standard than humans themselves are held.


Like I said, the ponies can be nice and kind, but also rude and nasty, just like a human can.


Some Equestrians know when too far is too far, but some, like Diamond Tiara or Trixie before she got reformed, will keep pushing it and stomp over others if it means their own personal satisfaction is sated.

I hated of how Equestria constantly harassed Trixie.

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I hated of how Equestria constantly harassed Trixie.


Yes, that was a heart-wrenching moment.


But it just goes to show you that the ponies are just like any other sentient being in that they aren't always nice, and sometimes they have fun at the expense of others.



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Yes, that was a heart-wrenching moment.


But it just goes to show you that the ponies are just like any other sentient being in that they aren't always nice, and sometimes they have fun at the expense of others.

I hope that one day, Equestria will realize how cruel they can be.

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I hope that one day, Equestria will realize how cruel they can be.


You can't blame all of Equestria though.


There are people right now in a country on Earth making fun of somebody. Are you going to blame the whole country because some of those people were mean?


No. You can't do that either with Equestria. Celestia doesn't run around the street demeaning her subjects, and neither do most of the characters that we know and love on the show. Don't be so quick to cast judgment on the whole of Equestria now!

  • Brohoof 2



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You can't blame all of Equestria though.


There are people right now in a country on Earth making fun of somebody. Are you going to blame the whole country because some of those people were mean?


No. You can't do that either with Equestria. Celestia doesn't run around the street demeaning her subjects, and neither do most of the characters that we know and love on the show. Don't be so quick to cast judgment on the whole of Equestria now!

But how much would this enrage you?

All the ponies in Ponyville throw Trixie an apology party, only to use Trixie as a pinata, use her as the donkey in "pin the tail on the donkey" and comment on how much of a fraud she was anyway after making fun of her damaged cutie mark.  Next, they grab her horn with a ribbon and spin her around on the dance floor.  Somepony kicks her to a table to force-feed her a cake.  Then another pony knocks Trixie out by giving her some drugged punch.  Finally, everypony sends Trxie floating off to dragon territory to humble and punish her and have Trixie come back no longer a fraud.  And to to rub salt in the wound, somepony tells Trixie, "Have fun with the dragons, the Gross and Powerless Twit-sie," while making a rape face at her.  Trixie wakes up near a group of dragons and asks if there's anypony there.  The dragons tell Trixie to shut up because no one wants anything to do with her.  Trixie questions what they just said and the dragons' response?  They charge at her.  But we finally get an awesome fight with Trixie managing to win through pure skill, even if her horn got broken in the process.  And then Trixie comes back to Equestria, with Snips and Snails, who became stalkers of Trixie, telling everypony of the fight.  But she becomes a laughingstock once again and this time, for getting injured.  Trixie, enraged, calls everypony out for treating her like shit.  But even the princesses, the Mane Six, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders view her as wrong for doing so.  So Trixie gets sent to Magic Kindergarten and gets laughed at by the idiotic foals.

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Well first of all, that was hilarious.


And second of all... it doesn't really make me all that mad because that never happened on the show and it never will.


Third of all... the Great and Powerful Trixie is queen of everypony, bow down and show respect, foals!



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Og course it is a dangerious place, bet hey look on the bright side, at least it's a "kids cartoon" where no one every really dies of the "villans" and good always seem to win. So as long as the mane 6 are around you would really not have anything to worry about, they would beat it before the said villan could actually manage to kill anypony.


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I would personally prefer to stay on Earth. I mean, chemical warfare, biological, nuclear, all those are pretty bad.


But when a being has the ability to bend reality to his will (Discord) and another being that could control the moon and make it stay there forever, which would freeze everyone to death and such. I would prefer to stay here. It is cozy and nice, despite the ever-present danger of WMD. Besides, it is better to know that the sun won't suddenly turn on you and roast you and your family if the controller of said nuclear fireball doesn't go insane.


To me Earth looks way more dangerous to live than Equestria.

On Earth, anyone can create/buy a bomb/guns and kill plenty of people if he wants to. Is that the case in Equestria? I don't think so.

And what about World Wars? Nuclear bombs? Deadly diseases? etc. etc.

Edited by Blobulle
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Well first of all, that was hilarious.


And second of all... it doesn't really make me all that mad because that never happened on the show and it never will.


Third of all... the Great and Powerful Trixie is queen of everypony, bow down and show respect, foals!

But if it were in the show, how would you react?

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If you think about it, we have terrorists, nuclear weapons, serial rapists, and serial killers. The only difference is that Equestria has magic. Here is a quote from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince:


"'But for heaven's sake -- you're wizards!  You can do magic!  Surely you can sort out -- well --  anything!'

...'The trouble is, the other side can do magic too, Prime Minister.'" - Prime Minister & Cornelius Fudge, respectively

Edited by Frosty Nerd
  • Brohoof 1


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I wonder what the insurance rates are like in Ponyville these days


I wonder if they do



based on pony races

and place...


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Hooves down, best episode of the series thus far.

I bet anything that you're just softer on the dark side of sentiment beings.

Yes, that was a heart-wrenching moment.


But it just goes to show you that the ponies are just like any other sentient being in that they aren't always nice, and sometimes they have fun at the expense of others.

I don't want the show depicted this as something you can just get pass.

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Villains make Equestria a very dangerous place. Just think about it.


Luna gets jealous and turns into Nightmare Moon, whom could have potentially wiped out all life on the planet by blocking out the sun. 


Discord chaos loving, random evil villains like King Sombra popping out from nowhere. Then there's Tirek, whom also could have potentially wiped out all life on the planet by turning the planet inside out.


If I ended up in Equestria, still human or not. I be afraid to lift even a rock, which could potentially unleash some ancient unspeakable evil.   


So, you think Equestria is a dangerous place?

hmm....yep. And honestly, i couldn't imagine how much more dangerous it could be.

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There are all sorts of dangerous animals outside here as well.  You simply do not come across a bear, a puma, a coyote, etc often.  I sincerely doubt the typical resident of Manehattan or Canterlot, or even Los Pegasus has ever come across a cockatrice or any other everfree forest style monster. 


Before episode 1, we only know of a few disasters.  One was taken care of quickly (Nightmare Moon), One took out a city but was otherwise regional(King Sombra), and One was existentially horrid (The original reign of Discord) but that is so far back // so rare an event that the odds of it happening in your generation is quite small.


It is only after the elements came out that things have gone downhill that way.  However most of the issues have also been regional.


Dragonshy and the parasprites were Ponyville Problems.  Discord's Return seemed to have only hit the Ponyville Regional area (Canterlot through Cloudsdale and points inbetween and we aren't even sure Cloudsdale was hit).  The changelings hit Canterlot and that is it.  The Everfree forest going wild with the tree of harmony also was regional.  It affected Canterlot and Ponyville only.  The rest of the world at most got a funky sky for a day.


Even the Nightmare Moon return was merely a late rising day which the Manehattener's would pawn off as ahh Celestia slept in for once and went about their business.


The Tirek incident was the FIRST and ONLY major disaster that affected *ALL* the ponies with more than a light show. 



Even with all this, I would still consider Equestria to be still quite a very safe place.  Most of the villains seem to attack regionally only.  Only once had a villain tried to do full on world conquest of Equestria.   Equestria is still a safe place, so a few neighborhoods go belly up now and then.  Most of it's gets fixed .... that or they have really good disaster insurance coverage.

Edited by pony.colin
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Even with all this, I would still consider Equestria to be still quite a very safe place.  Most of the villains seem to attack regionally only.  Only once had a villain tried to do full on world conquest of Equestria.   Equestria is still a safe place, so a few neighborhoods go belly up now and then.  Most of it's gets fixed .... that or they have really good disaster insurance coverage.


That noise was the screams of the Ponyville insurance agencies going bankrupt.

  • Brohoof 1

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Well yeah, Equestria is a fictional world place full of magical, mythical creatures, what do you expect? I wouldn't imagine it being all sunshiney and happy. Besides, being in the risk of danger by different villians is awesome especially if its Discord 'cuz his chaos is fun and entertaining.

  • Brohoof 2


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I bet anything that you're just softer on the dark side of sentiment beings.

I don't want the show depicted this as something you can just get pass.


I'm not softer on anyone. You are seriously overblowing things that never happened on the show. Trixie has never been egged on to the point of suicide and complete humiliation on the show.


And I have no idea what you mean by that second comment so I won't touch on it, but you should totally pass the pipe, brah.



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Villains Make Equestria a Very Interesting Place



If it weren't for them, FiM would be as exciting as MLP Tales or the Gen 3 stuff...

  • Brohoof 1

"It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!"

How do you think WE feel?!

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Maybe because ponies know there's a better way than to just lock up ponies for doing wrong, instead preferring to help them find another way.


In "Putting Your Hoof Down", Fluttershy was just being rude and wasn't an actual threat to anypony. Do you think there should've honestly been an official response to that besides a response from her friends?


And in "Flight to the Finish" and "Hurricane Fluttershy", those both involved kids making fun of kids. I'm not sure what kind of response you want to that other than a lecture from their parents or something.


I'm not sure of where your complaints are coming from, but just because there aren't Royal Guards running around arresting every antagonist on the show doesn't mean that there isn't an official response. Do you want Celestia to arrest Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon for making fun of Scootaloo and her friends or something?

I deem what everypony at Flight Camp did to Fluttershy unforgivable.  I at least want to see them feel remorse for what they've done and realize the monsters they've been.

But I bet this would land Diamond Tiara in jail:

Locking Scootaloo up in a chicken coop with no food or water.

Edited by ideaguy1998
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