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  1. New special before the end of the year; https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn7LIK_FP5X/?hl=en&taken-by=equestriagirlsnews2018
  2. I saw this video here: Which says there is a new EQG special like in fall or netflix before the end of the year. Thoughts on this?
  3. What,you mean like how the show does it? Could I have some examples?
  4. So for a story I'm writing, I have around 14 main characters(it's a crossover). I was wondering, how can I deal with having this many protagonists, like make sure they all get enough attention, proper character interaction, etc. It's written in the style of an episodic series for reference
  5. I've seen people say this for a bit and was wondering, is this true or not?
  6. I hear people say we are only getting two this year. Why do you say there is another one?
  7. I hear IMDB says the EQG special is due 2019 or something. Is that an official release date for it something, since IMDB said so?
  8. Who says spring and why? Also, doesn't hasbro guide for 2018 list two specials done, which are forgotten and rollercoaster friendship? Does 2019 seem likely?
  9. I posted a thread a while back here and the responses to me....were on the negative side. So I wanted to know, is it fair to say most bronies are right wing or on the conservative side?
  10. To be clear, I was referring to domestic terrorist attacks. By that logic, do you think right wingers should be screened in the U.S? I know you'll say no. Also, this is important: In the end, we found evidence that generally supports the first part of de León’s claim -- that radical right wing terrorism is on the rise. Still, there’s a lack of agreement among experts and even within the U.S. government over how to define terrorism. As a result, some studies show political violence is on the rise among far right wing groups, but do not explicitly call all of these crimes terrorist attacks. The second part of de León’s statement, comparing terror attacks by ideology, is also complicated. What’s clear is that far right groups have been tied to more terror incidents, often to deadly attacks or property damage. Meanwhile, Islamic jihadist inspired groups, while responsible for fewer terror attacks, have killed far more people on U.S. soil in recent decades. The report Booker cited found that from 12 September 2001 to the end of 2016, there were 85 deadly attacks in the US by violent extremists, resulting in a total of 225 deaths. Of those deaths, 106 people were killed by far-right extremists, in 62 separate attacks, while 119 people were killed by Islamist extremists, in 23 separate incidents. So while the majority (73%) of the attacks were carried out by far-right extremists, more people were killed by Islamist terrorists. However, as Politifact’s Amy Sherman points out, Booker used the term “white nationalists”, which is “not exactly the same thing” as far-right extremist groups. The latter “are motivated by ideologies seeking an idealised future favouring a particular group”, says Sherman. “They include white supremacists and anti-government militias, among others.” According to the GAO report, almost half the 85 attacks were committed by white supremacists. But that “number could rise if we counted additional perpetrators who sympathised with white supremacist ideals but were not labelled as white supremacists by the GAO”, Sherman says. Booker’s spokesperson explained the discrepancy in figures by arguing that although the report did not identify some of the perpetrators as white supremacists, other sources such as news accounts or court records showed they held white supremacist or racist views. A deadly difference Separate research carried out by the University of Maryland’sNational Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism reveals a slightly different picture. It found that, during the same period as that cited by Booker, Islamist extremists carried out 31 attacks, leading to 119 deaths, while far-right extremists were responsible for killing 158 people, in 89 separate attacks. So while both sources agree that far-right extremist attacks are far more common, they differ on the total number of deaths they have caused. Whether Muslim or far-right extremists have killed more Americans “depends on how you measure such incidents and which source you use”, says Politico. “Sorting through attacks and placing them in the categories of terrorism, violent extremism or hate crimes can sometimes be extremely complicated.” Who is right? The evidence suggests that far-right groups are responsible for a higher number of attacks than Islamists extremists, but not necessarily more deaths. It was misleading of Senator Booker to imply that white nationalist groups were behind the majority of attacks, as the figures he cited applied to far-right extremists as a whole.
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