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Why won't my "friend" just leave me alone

hi to day hasn't been going good for me how is your day cause my friend won't stop sending messages on xbox live and he doesn't get the hit i don't want him as a friend and he wants to know why he keep ruining games 4 me by telling me the ending and he doesn't let anybody talk but him self insults my good friends and there is no telling what he will do, i am usually a very nice person i do charity work every now and again if i have time but this guy is just pissing me off but at least 4 now he h

Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel





1 Year old forum

So MLP Forums is now 1 year old. Though I haven't been here one year I can gladly say that I've spent my time here since early January well. It's been amazing so far and this forum has replaced almost everything I used to do on the computer (which mostly was playing games).   I hope all of you ponies will stay with me for the next birthday.   The banner I made is pretty good too, huh?   Happy Birthday MLP Forums!



Birthday wishes, and a prelude to next topic.

Before I kick anything off, I should recognize that it is in fact the Forums birthday. I have been on this forum for 6 almost 7 months now, and I must say it has been great! I have made so many friends on here and it has meant so much to me to be able to meet you all and talk to you and get to know some of you on a personal level. This place is more than a website for me, it is a safe haven and an escape from the stress that I have in my life and I thank you all.   Now, lets dive into business



My experience in college so far

So far, my college has been all right, despite major ups and downs and the constant demand of college work, even the horrendous rush hour traffic while driving back home and the hectic time schedule which is gonna become crazy for the next two weeks, but, I'll have to endure it, no less. Even though I'll be pretty much limited for two weeks when my part-of-term class starts (which means I'll be returning home about 6PM), I'll still be around on the forums during my break, just not on Skype, sinc

Jon the VGNerd

Jon the VGNerd

A Rather Emotional Forum Birthday

So, we all know that Mlpforum has its birthday today. This may be all fine and dandy for some people, but for me, it means much more than that.   I may of joined on the 11th, but I treat this place as more than a forum. It is a home.   Here is a small fact some may not know about me:   Back in November and such, I hit a major depression, which I still suffer from to this day, I contemplated suicide every single day. I didn't know what to do with my life. So, I decided to see if I could g



Chimis and Cherries

We all have some chimicherries and cherrychangas that bother us over and over. Here are mine. This is the one place on the board where I will indulge my cynical, opinionated side, so be warned. Believe it or not, I wrote this entirely sober. ^^     1. We must stop letting parents name their babies! Not forever, just for a little while. Put them on probation. They're starting to have way too much fun with it. I mean, how else do you explain some of these names? Why must every colt's name rhy



A Wild NEW ENTRY Appears

Look guys I made a new entry after about a month or two. I still don't have anything to talk about...SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII   So anyway I found out when Season 3 will air. Get ready people the shit's about to hit the fan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYxvVe9y5NQ



Introduction to My First Ever Blog

So despite the fact that I am open about many of my opinions on parts of the Internet, I have never actually had a blog before. I've been told that I should start one, but considering that I know so many different types of people, it is overwhelming to think about what I should write about when my audience would be so varied.   Granted, we are a diverse group of bronies here. But as a community, we at least have My Little Pony in common, and that's what makes me comfortable starting a blog on



"Love is in Bloom, a Science Class Musical"

Well this is my first ever Blog or anything of the sort so forgive me if I am not the best at this particular thing. Well the other day I got the official "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Soundtrack" and have been listening to it daily like on the school bus or at home and I love them all. My favorite of them all would defiantly have to be the extended version of Love is Bloom sung by Twilight in the end of the Canterlot Wedding episodes. Since I am not a closet Brony I turned most of my fri



Rant Time #2!

-insert groans, facepalms, and complaining from the audience here-     So right now I have a splitting headache, and I'm in a ranty mood. So I feel I should rant about something stupid before my ranty mood turns into a bad mood and I snap off at someone. (Which I'll probably end up doing right here in this rant. Ooops~)   Today I'll be ranting about alicorns. I actually had a novel of an essay written about this subject, but then I said "fuck it" and decided to just make this all short (or

Wolf Angel

Wolf Angel

I can work, but I can't dream...

To anyone brave enough to read this, you have my thanks. I guess there are 2 parts to this odd little story; the first is about work, the second about dreaming (or my failure to do so). So, the work part. It's a night job where I stock groceries and other goods for a dept. store, mostly pop, water and juice. You get a lot fewer people shopping at night, which is part of why it appealed to me. It's not a soul-crushing ordeal (like my last job, that's another story), but it's still a job, and that



Whiteshade LLC Shareholder's Report, Q3 2012

Third Quarter profits for blog "Teatime Tirades" has fallen 58%. With this in mind, the board of directors, and the chairman of the board, Whiteshade, have decided to opt out of the current business model for a new strategy.   We feel compelled to reveal this new strategy to you, the shareholders, and seek your majority approval on the future of this venture.   The Previous Model: The previous model on "Teatime Tirades" was predominantly off color and black humor, combined with highly poten



Back, and blog I guess

Well, Stridew's finally back for certain this time, and with a blog to ramble about my stupid school and stuff.... Why the heck are you still reading this?

Strider Hiryu

Strider Hiryu

Bored out off my mind

hi today has been a very good day i found 4 dollars on the ground but i was 1 dollar short off in-out but then again it was a rip off cause for 5 dollars u can get a shale cheeseburger fries and a drink and they only give u a drink cheeseburger and fries with some chips and now that i got back from school i have nothing to do but watch reruns of mlp, 3 stooges, and I love Lucy cause all the things that r on TV to day r total crap except 4 south park, family guy, and The simpsions even though i

Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel

The Bus part 2

Been a while since I made one of these.   Ok, today on the bus, I was sitting in the back listening to winter wrap up, (with headphones). The kid behind me saw and said;   "Dude why are you listening to my little pony?" I then told him why I love the show. He then replied back This gave way to laughter in the surrounding seats.   "Are you serious (laugh) your gay right?" I replied no, and he just continued laughing and calling me gay... I said no I'm completely straight, I just lik

Dusty Soul

Dusty Soul

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