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Everything posted by Zacharias

  1. Hey look peeps are talking about po...oh wait I don't watch porn anymore.
  2. Well first of all I'd start complaining about how I turned into a wolf and not a pony and then I'd probably run off to the forest and have a cockatrice turn me into stone.
  3. I'd learn how to use them and fly across the ocean...yeah that is all I'd need them for. The problem is, the US military would probably send AA rockets after me so I'd have to have skill.
  4. Everyone I see being happy annoys me and everyone I see being sad makes me even more sad...what the hell is wrong with me? :(

  5. It's actually quite funny, I've barely got anything to do with ponies these days, and I've been questioning why I'm still here a lot recently. I don't know, I guess I'm interested in reading other intelligent people's opinions on the world and sharing mine with them (which of course is more like wasting my time typing because noone's ever going to read, brohoof my post, or reply to it)
  6. I read some of the stuff in Life Advice and it makes me feel like I have no reason to be upset about anything because people have far bigger problems than me.

  7. Wow I'm gonna combo breaker here because I don't have a dream life. I never even think about stuff like that because none of it is ever going to happen, and I prefer not living in fantasies. I'd rather just focus on finding a way out of the sh*thole that is reality for me.
  8. Saxton Hale, please die in a fire for infecting my 8-bit deathmatch experience

    1. Marcato


      But Saxton Hale won't die. He's fought giant Yeti's and won.

  9. Gigalol, got my phone back from the cemetery...

  10. I'd like to say I'm kitty kind of huggable but thanks to the fact that I get one hug about every 3 months, I'd rather go with brick wall level.
  11. It's that time when everyone goes to sleep...but me

  12. Just got back from taking a tour to the old cemetery of the town...and lost m

  13. It's such a great feeling when you want to help people and you can't...oh wait I lied

  14. Really soft and warm cause they're mostly not asses like humans are sometimes... But I don't really know, I never get to hug anyone all that much
  15. Hey forums, it's a wonderful time for me to annoy you with my presence...cause I'm all alone

  16. Most definitely yes. Parents leave their children to be raised by the Internet and the various gadgets you can use to access it, and they wonder why so many kids act the way they do. If their stuff is broken they can just go to mommy and cry to get another one, I on the other hand can't. If my computer's broken, it's gone for good, we can't afford another one. And of course these iWhateverthefuckyouwannacallthem are giving me a headache. All I'd need a phone for is to...hmm CALL PEOPLE? I don't use f*ckbook, twitter or any of this because everyone should only know as much about me as I tell them. There's no privacy in the world these days, and soon we're gonna have pregnant women shove iPhones up their hole because the kid's gonna have to learn how to use it as early as possible.
  17. Yes, but only as long as it's a hydrogen bomb so the radiation would be minimal. I mean you need to test what you might need to resort to if a freaking asteroid is coming towards us. (Btw I think our race is not going to be able to stop an asterioid in time with space warheads, we're too stupid)
  18. Yes and no. Yes because I have to get ready for those times when it's going to matter, and no because I want to seem uninteresting to the world. I want to choose who I talk to and not let the world choose for me.
  19. I hate how in my country being a brony is slowly becoming a trend of spoiled 10 year old kids, so nowadays pretty much anyone can call themselves bronies even if they only do it to be "cool" so they adopt is as a lifestyle. I also really really dislike it when people go nuts over buying merchandise and stuff, bu that's more because of personal reasons. I'm not exactly the richest guy in the world so when I see people whining about not getting a T-shirt I'm always thinking whether they have any idea what it's like being unable to afford stuff you want at all or not.
  20. EQ Gaming...Y U NO put Lyra's list out?

  21. I fucking hate Bronycon, peace out :)

  22. Hey everypony, it's been fun even though none of you know who the heck I am but... thanks for the great time, the memories and everything. I'm out of here for good, and soon out of bronydom in general. Goodbye.

  23. Sometimes I'm just like...wut

  24. Oh, so what's on my mind hmm... nothingness

  25. I had fun with the first one aaaand that's about it
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