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Everything posted by Zacharias

  1. What do you do when you feel like you could punch a hole in the wall?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Plasmastorm X-15

      Plasmastorm X-15

      Lol fucking what?

    3. verycreativeusername


      Throw something, and then sit down and wait my anger away.

    4. TheBronyHeart


      Punch yourself in the leg.

  2. Wow that's pretty nasty, nice to know you're ok.
  3. Actually none, because: 1. Can't afford any of them 2. The game library for any of them doesn't interest me 3. I'm still having fun with all my old games 4. Please leave me alone with MMORPGs, FPS games and whatnot *looks proud of himself* That'd be it
  4. Theme of the month: Questioning my sanity

  5. I honestly can't even remember what it was like watching MLP for the first time... but I know I said goodbye to the old me that day forever. Really, just when I was about give up being good, I gave it a go and it changed me for the better, and showed me things I'd never thought I'd be capable of or get to experience. I have to say it was difficult at first to find a way to hide, because no way am I going to risk losing mom's support... And yes I do believe I have found my (only) talent. English and German are my second and thrid languages and I love both of them! (ok me speaking German is a bit of an exaggeration though...but hopefully that'll change) So it's simple. My cutie mark would be a dictionary
  6. MORE...MOREE I want more Michael Rosen poops

  7. Darn I need some serious re-bronification... :(

    1. Jadefire


      Time for a Season One marathon.

    2. Discorded Bluenote

      Discorded Bluenote

      *Rewatch all the episodes.*


      I fixed it for you.

    3. Zacharias


      Yep, the moment school is over and I can be free of company, I'm doing that...

  8. Hey, it's good to be back, and yay I could still remember my password! (something which I can never do when I take a break from a site)

  9. Yes I would, but not alone. I'd be happy to leave all the troubles of this place behind, there's not too much beauty left for me. We'd just have to create a huge greenhouse with soil taken and seeds from Earth, possily water (at least the rising sea levels could be solved this way) And of course bronies should take over the whole planet
  10. I'm not really sure, but for one it definitely shows that you're probably fed up with the world around you, and you might want to be as different from "normal" as possible. But I think it also proves that bronies are people who found their inner nicer selves, and didn't give up fighting the ridiculous "laws" created by society.
  11. 1-bit Monochromian Twilian. Actually I know a lot of people who do similar things to their photos so to me it's nothing weird at all.
  12. I'm a guy and I have a pixellated Twilight as an avatar, cause my favorite pony is Twilight and I'm a 8-bit nerd! It's really simple.
  13. Does anyon know anything about Rainbowswag4? :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zacharias


      Oh, he has recently announced he would delete himself from the net cause his dreams won't come true and there's noone understanding him...well he kinda forgot about me

    3. Zacharias


      And I was wondering if you or someone else knew something about why he suddenly turned so depressed.

    4. Technicolour Dream (Sunny)

      Technicolour Dream (Sunny)

      nah, but usually things like this are cries fora ttention

  14. Why am I so useless? I can't even cheer anyone up, there are always people who are better at it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anonymous~


      Naw, you ain't the worst at that thing. I, for one, could never cheer anyone up. (and probably never have)

    3. Friendship_Cannon


      how about you guy start with cheering up yourself, just sayin... :|

    4. Commander Urdnot

      Commander Urdnot

      I know that feel, bro. Don't worry though. Sometimes just being there for somebody, listening them, and showing that you care helps more than you think.

  15. I'm really sorry about her, hope you'll feel better soon, just remember the fun things she did in her life and whenever she cheered your family up in times of sorrow. I somewhat know how this feels like, although I've never been close to a pet before. I lost two of my cat friends as a kid, I always played with them when we were visiting my grandparents, or my great-grandma (who also passed away last year). Oscar, the cat my grandparents had was about 19 too when he passed away naturally I believe. Rosalie, my great-grandma's cat was really close to me. I used to play with her all the time, and I always built obstacle courses for her with some kind of reward at the and. It was so great watching her go through everything so passionately. Unfortunately one day, she got run over by a car as I was told. I cried so much when I heard about it. She was about 10 I think, it was a long time ago. Unfortunately my Uncle didn't take care of the place too well because he was getting old too, so the exact place her grave is I can't possibly tell cause raspberry bushes have grown all over the place over the years... ;(
  16. *opens window, puts on a pullover Let's play "Who's gonna get sick first"
  17. No, I haven't cause I haven't had a chance to do that yet today! I'm usually friendly, unless someone does something against me, or something that's really outside of my value system.
  18. Woah, try drawing a cutie mark in 16x16 O_O

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