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Budding Night

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Everything posted by Budding Night

  1. Mm! Also, can I say I haven't really liked this season and that the writers are kind of straying away from what MLP is to me? Maybe I'm just being a meanie though
  2. I reckon she does. For such an important character in the show, the writers don't really have much of her. They've got lootss of potential for things they can do with her. Problem is if they screw it up :/
  3. Uhhmmm.. I mean yeah! Nopony can resist her cuteness :3
  4. Yes yes, you will love Luna :3 She shall take over your mind
  5. The person left a bad mark on my life last year got a friend to tell me that he's sorry and to please unblock me.. :/

    1. Wayzer


      well heck... I wouldn't know if ya should do that

    2. Budding Night
    3. Wayzer
  6. C'mon guys, no posts in two days?! I did this little sketchy drawing of Luna like two hours ago: Not the best :/ But I'll get better LONG LIVE THE QUEEN OF THE NIGHT
  7. Good point, but remember Celestia and Luna are immortal.
  8. Ooh, this seems interesting :3 Can't wait to read em!
  9. I knew it as a toy company before I knew it as anything else
  10. Added PS1 to the poll! Also, happy to see all these replies!
  11. Oooh, I see you're taking this back up again! I'd ask for a review, but you've done the only OC I really have detail on .. So I'm just popping in to say good luck with these, and have fun with 'em too!
  12. Okay at first I just had this as a status but I thought why not make a topic just cause? What is the best old gaming console in your opinion and why? Personally I've never played any of these, I'm a little young, though I recently found a website where you can buy these old consoles and am looking into buying one If theres anything you think I should add to the poll, do tell me and I'd be happy to oblige
  13. Which is the best out of the SNES, Gamecube, N64 and GBA? In your own opinion.

    1. Budding Night

      Budding Night

      Or NES or anything else like that :P

    2. long gone
    3. Sweet Pen
  14. C'MON STEVEN MAGNET C'MON!!! Please vote for this fabulous creature, friends! We simply can't let his glorious being fail! (Plus is voice actor is awesome!) Wait wait, shit, am I too late? D:
  15. I'm a little late but HAPPY EASTER GUYS! Enjoy this lovely video I found! :Dhttp://vimeo.com/13906163

    1. )O( Scarlet )O(

      )O( Scarlet )O(

      and a happy Beltane to you too

    2. Wayzer


      Happy easter!!!

  16. I was watching this while talking to a friend, heres a transcipt: So yeah, I didn't like this episode. Do excuse my raging too EDIT: Oh, and my mate paused at the perfect time
  17. I gotta say 10/10. Everything just goes almost flawlessly together
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