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Status Updates posted by Fhaolan

  1. So, I've been out-of-touch for a bit, but I'm still here and still a fan of MLP! I just... had some issues that I had to take care of. I'm recovering from surgery, where they had to pull a chunk of my stomach down out of the chest where it shouldn't have been. Rather uncomfortable. :) That all went fine, but now I have to deal with the hard part: everyone coming out the woodwork claiming they had something to do with the surgery and *they* can't go through my medical insurance for some reason but if I just send them a thousand dollars in bearer bonds or some nonsense.... It's amazing what the scammers latch onto. Anyway, I'm fine, and I will continue to post here when the whim takes me. :)

    1. JonasDarkmane


      Mate, long time no see. I wish you the best of health and speedy recovery. Surgeries are a doozy, you deserve the rest. 
      To the scammers I send my Lannister regards~ 

    2. Props Valroa

      Props Valroa

      I am glad to hear you are doing okay!

  2. Happy, happy, happy!

  3. I wanted to make a joke about mistaking aconite for acolyte because they both involve monk's hoods, but when I tried my wife started throwing stuff at me. Needs work, I guess.

  4. Ah ha! Have a happy, WolfTracks!

  5. Have a Happy! :)

    1. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      *Has a happy* :yay:

  6. Got my Flu shot Friday, and decided to get a Shingles shot as well, since it's apparently also a thing this year and I never had chickenpox as a child. Yeah. I was basically out of it Saturday. High fever and the like. Bleh. However, despite that, I still think it was a good idea. My Dad got shingles way back when, and he was *miserable* the whole time.

  7. Huh. Just noticed that Sunset Shimmer and the animated Starfire could do easy cosplays of each other. Similar skin tones, hair colors, eyes, etc. I wonder if there's an Equestria Girl-equivalent spinoff of Pretty Pretty Pegasus.

    1. Sparklefan1234


      I think Raven & Twilight Sparkle would get along well. :twi:

  8. A very merry Winter Festival, be it Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule, Kwanzaa, Festivus, Anastasia of Sirmium, Pancha Ganapati, Malkh, Modraniht, Saturnalia, or Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, whichever is appropriate to you. :)

    1. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      Happy Holidays to you, sir! :squee:

  9. Messing around with the newest version of Blender: 


    1. Snow


      Ooooo noice, I don't suppose you have the orthographic laying around? or didja get the model from somewhere?
      I wan't to mess around with ponies but I cant find any good reference images to model from scratch with

    2. Fhaolan


      I built the whole thing. It's a bit of a mess, as I was trying to make a 'universal' pony model. For Fleur, the bones in the neck and legs are stretched, and the muzzle has a shapekey to narrow it down from normal. The skeleton's also set up for wings that are separate objects, but those aren't quite working right yet.

    3. Jeric


      She is coming along nicely. Time to make a BSG opening like you made for Buck Rogers :)


  10. So... they're going to have another go at My Little Pony Live, sometime 2020. This will be the third attempt at this. There was a G3 version: The World's Largest Tea Party, and a FiM version that was a weird abbreviated Season 1. So it's possible *that* will be G4's last hurrah. Mixed feelings on that, given what those other two Live events were like. ;)

  11. Congrats on Graduation!

  12. *sneek* *sneek* *sneek*

    *sets off party cannon*

    *pheeee!* *single streamer comes out*

    *embarrassed* Hay, it can happen to anyone, right?


    Hoppy Bird-day!

    1. Randimaxis


      They make pills or that now, don't they?

      Thank you most kindly, good sir!

  13. Back online. Wind not only took out power for our place for two days, it blocked the road with downed powerlines and trees.  Luckily we're pretty self sufficient, but I didn't want to waste generator power on stuff when getting out for more fuel meant going offroad to avoid the police barricades. They got the roads cleared by 2pm today, and power back on at about 4pm.

  14. Congrats! :sunbutt:

    1. Batbrony


      Thank you sir, very kind of you to say! :muffins:

  15. And a Fleur de Lis badge! Yay! :)

  16. Heee. Got a Discord plushie for Hearthswarming. :)

    1. Hierok


      You're so lucky!! :ticking:

  17. I'm beginning to understand the art-style switch from G3 to G3.5. The bobble-head look may not be my favorite, but it's definitely easier to draw than the base G3 style. Especially around the manes.

  18. Still not used to the American Thanksgiving (being Canadian). Americans get a lot more excited about this holiday. :) Personally, I prefer Halloween as my fall festival. ;)

  19. :Fleur:

    I turned 50 today, Fleur is still in the Pony World Cup, and I've swapped over to my Nightmare Night avatar. Yeah, you're not getting rid of me so easily. :)

    1. Dabmanz


      Happy Birthday! Also nice Avatar.

    2. ChB


      Happy Birthday, Fhaolan! :) 

  20. Happiest of birthdays!

    1. Rikifive


      Thank you very much Fhaolan! :pinkie:

      Have a balloon! :balloon::yay: 

  21. Had another go at this:

     Pretty much replaced everything from the original version. Still takes forever to render, even on my better rig, but that's due to me going for higher details on everything. :)


    1. ChB


      Awesome!! You did an incredible job, @Fhaolan! :D 

      Always loved the title sequence.

    2. Sparklefan1234


      I've never seen "Doctor Who" but that was awesome! :D

      Great Job, @Fhaolan

  22. Happiest of Days!

  23. Yay! Finally got the big project done: 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sparklefan1234



      I saw the Wintergreen & thought of you immediately, My Deer Friend. :squee:

    3. Jeric


      What a fun nostalgia trip this was. <3

      The transitions during the time Buck was frozen and the accuracy of the character card shots to the show were my favorite parts. 


    4. Fhaolan


      Thanks all. I'm actually going to do discussions for this here: 

       if anyone has any questions or advice for me. :)

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