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Everything posted by FlareGun45

  1. This episode finally resolved Spike's crush on Rarity into something more healthier! Are Spike and Gabby a thing? Well that depends on the point of view of the viewer! It was highly implied that Haber was shipping Spike with Gabby, buuuuuut it ain't exactly canon until there are hearts involved! I like that ship very much! At least the crush is finally gone - this episode was very much needed!
  2. Oh damn, can I undo my vote? These votings are so confusing! What means good and what means bad?
  3. Not sure how that's gonna work since the season 9 premiere just retconned Siege of the Crystal Empire
  4. We know that the show writers had a tonna ideas in the show, and there were plenty that weren't used at all! I heard that the only reason Spike didn't get an origin story is because the writers couldn't agree on one, and perhaps the reason Scorpan didn't get his own story arc was probably because the writers couldn't think of one. Well, how about this? Perhaps all the questions could be answered in comic form! Remember the IDW comic about Cosmos? Well she (originally he) was the brother of Celestia and Luna, but he was taken out and he was replaced by Tempest and the Storm King, and Cosmos turned into a girl and was an ex-girlfriend of Discord. That idea was probably given to the IDW comic people since they weren't able to use him or her in the movie. We know the comic series is gonna continue after G4's end, and that there's a surprise 100th issue on the way, so if the series were to continue, maybe the comic series can fulfill our wishes! No Manehattan CMCs? No zebralands? No problemo! The comics can cover it! And with the show over, there's literately nothing stopping them from going crazy with their stories! I know the comic series right now isn't very interesting, but hey, if the writers give the IDW people their unused ideas for the show, they could still see the light of day in comic book form! I have the feeling that with the show ending, the comic series is gonna be more interesting!
  5. Yunno a character who hasn't really been given ANYTHING other than just a supporting role? Other than Zecora, we already know that! No, Cheerilee. She's basically just known as the teacher of Ponyville School. Much like what the CMCs say, she is very sweet and kind, and the best teacher they could hope for, so they helped her find a special somepony.... well, more like FORCED her to, but that's basically the only plot she's ever had. You'd think that somepony like Cheerilee coulda had more episodes starring her. Like maybe an episode where she's so busy all the time, the CMCs decide to help her let loose and have a good time, and then she eventually does let loose but too much that she's avoiding her responsibilities? How about about this one: the School of Friendship is stealing her students away to the point where her school is about to go outta business. Maybe one about Filthy Rich trying to buy the school off her, tear it down, and make way for a bigger school? There coulda been alota episodes starring Cheerilee if the writers actually took the chance to think about her, instead of constantly making new characters we don't care about get alota appearances or just make a buncha one-time characters we'll never see again. Really, y'think maybe Cheerilee shoulda gotten more content, other than just being known as the teacher for Ponyville School?
  6. Yeah I coulda worded that better. Best Gift Ever was the first, but it was made by DHX. And like @Steve Piranha said, the leak mentioned a second one made by Boulder. If there TRULY is one more special..... then please, oh please, let it be a special we've all been waiting to see! Something to answer some of the biggest unanswered FIM questions! Something more story-driven and interesting than Rainbow Roadtrip. Not saying Rainbow Roadtrip was bad, but it coulda been more interesting.
  7. Rainbow Roadtrip was the first FIM special created by Boulder Media, and even though DHX is pretty much done with FIM, that doesn't automatically mean it has to be the end of FIM altogether! Between the gap from the series finale to G5, could there be another special that might show up and Hasbro's keeping it a secret? We've had plenty of EG specials, and the FIM special trend basically JUST started, and it would suck to just see it end like that! Just because the main show is over doesn't hafta mean it's over for the franchise! Also just to letcha know, it's best not to ask the show staff cause, A: They're gonna keep quiet about it. B: If there is another special, it's not gonna be made by DHX, so Jim's not gonna know.
  8. Looks like ya need to charge your phone! XD
  9. That wouldn't be a bad idea - Grogar trying to bribe Spike into joining him by promising him that he'd see his parents! And then he'd join, but then, it would go Sparkle's Seven and it turns out Spike had a plan all along! :3 That'd be cool!
  10. I like Pinkie's wildness, but I like Fluttershy's kindness, and there is Twilight's sweetness and her being smart and organized would prove useful! Hmm.... that's a hard one, it's between these three.
  11. I was just about to make a post about this, but I wanted to check to see if it was made yet! Since this was made in 2014, I'm gonna bring things a bit up-to-date. The question of whether or not Spike is a main character is STILL up to debate for multiple reasons. 1. It's been recurring of the devs to call Spike a "main character", yet it's still the Mane SIX and not SEVEN. And still times where he feels left out. We dunno whether or not he's connected to the tree since he doesn't have an element, yet he has a throne. 2. The Mane Six all have teaching jobs at the School of Friendship, even Starlight gets to teach some classes and have the Counselor job, yet Spike's position in the school is still undetermined. 3. Of course Spike is close friends to the Mane Six, but he seems to have better chemistry with his friends OUTSIDE the Mane Six, like Starlight, Thorax, Ember, Big Mac, and Discord, and even though he is Twilight's assistant, that's more of a job for when he's with her alone or at home, but her friends mostly assist her on missions, making his assistant role kinda useless at times, so why is he continuously hanging with the Mane Six then? Even though Spike has had alota positive spotlight roles, and being a hero in one way or another, his role on the show has always bothered me. He's considered a main character but with a supporting character role, and how that speaks to me is like the show is saying, "There's more to him than yunno - it'll be revealed in due time!" and we're getting awfully close to the end! Even if he did play a big role in Twilight's ascension, and being a big impact in alota ponies' lives and more, it's not really talked about that much and he's STILL in the same ol assistant position he's always been in, except with his wings. And it is time for the show to finally tell us what Spike's true purpose on the show is. So even though you're mostly right, Inktray, we have Starlight and the Student 6 added to the equation now (especially Starlight). What makes a "main character" isn't just the amount of appearances they get, it's what their role is on the show as well.
  12. Banned cause there's too much Rainbow Dash on your user!
  13. I've never made one of these forum games before, so let's try this! I love music, mostly oldies, but I'm gonna give everyone a chance to play their music from ANY genre in ANY time, so they can share it with the rest of us! So, I'm gonna name a song: Money For Nothing by Dire Straits! Now the next comment must search the song on YouTube (it has to be YouTube so viruses won't spread), and then after they link the song, they must name a DIFFERENT song (and also naming the artist too cause some songs have the same names), and then the comment AFTER must find the song the previous comment mentions on YouTube, and then name another song and artist, and then the cycle continues! People can have multiple turns, but just so everyone has the chance, let's say 3 different people have to comment after you before you get another turn, just to make it fair! Sounds fun? Let's begin!
  14. So I've been thinking about reformed villains lately. Now I understand alota the fandom don't like it when that happens, and I too understand why reformations are important in this show. However, the real problem isn't reformations in general, but the main problem is: not all the reformations make sense. Diamond Tiara - she's young and naive, and taught to be a snobby bully who bullies anypony inferior to her because of her mom. Yes, Crusaders of the Lost Mark was a bit rushed and we don't see Diamond Tiara anymore which sucks, but her reformation, in my opinion, made perfect sense! Chancellor Neighsay, his reformation is my personal favorite because he had the wrong idea about creatures, but that's understandable because Equestria has been attacked by creatures multiple times, until the Mane 8 have all done their parts to bring peace between ponies and other creatures! It was until a pony (a filly for that matter) who caused so much trouble that Neighsay was too stubborn to see, and it was the Student Six, non-ponies, who saved him, and that's what changed his point of view! That there is most realistic reformation I've ever seen on this show! Now we got reformations that don't make sense enough or even at all - the worst being Vignette Valencia from Rollercoaster of Friendship! She was just a jerk and took advantage of the magic that was given to her, absolutely no redeeming factors about her. But then she was just defeated by the Humane 7's rainbow blast, and then all the sudden, she's reformed. How does that make any sense at all? Some redemptions feel natural, like Discord, and some just come outta nowhere like Sunset Shimmer in the first EG. That there is "forced redemption" - and life ain't like that. Redemptions need to feel understandable for them to work. Some villains are redeemable, but there are some that aren't - some are meant to stay as villains as they should be. However, there are ways to not redeem a villain but give them a happy (or happyish) ending, and the Dazzlings on Sunset's Backstage Pass is the best example! Remember this when you're writing your own stuff! So what's your opinion on reformations and how do you think they should work?
  15. The finale being a 2-parter? That's a possibility, but with Boulder Media now working on MLP specials, maybe they'll make another one, and THAT could actually be the true finale - like.... an encore! Could be pretty big, just without Equestria being at stake again! Maybe like a timejump or something, we see how the lives of the Mane 7 and others turn out! Y'think Boulder might make that? Who knows? Maybe they'll make it in the middle of G5!
  16. For Spike to finish getting his due! I'll leave it at that.
  17. The devs constantly keep saying Spike's a "main character", but the term "Mane 6" was adopted by the staff, and perhaps they coulda changed it to 7 at any time. Or maybe they're about to.....
  18. Not really. Starlight's purpose is to be headmare at the School, and she didn't have alota episodes this season. So it's either Spike's the seventh, or there's no seventh at all.
  19. I'm asking the same question nowadays, now that it's close to thr end! Is the Mane 6 gonna finally become 7? Or is he not a main character after all? Him not having a mane or being a pony doesn't matter.
  20. Oh she was in the episode! On the bleachers! Why wasn't she in the cheer squad? Good question!
  21. That's a bit of question-maker. IS the entire Mane 7 ruling, or they just helping Twilight? The show hasn't specifically answered that.
  22. Good job, Princess of Friendship! You just made your friend do something she didn't wanna do at the School of Friendship! Yes, that's a great idea! I should make my friends do stuff they don't wanna do, and give them a lesson about it! I definitely won't be punched in the face! Yeah this was definitely Flare's least favorite episode of the season. It had its moments: Snips and Snails, Celestia's voice, the cheerleaders... but that's about it. Even if Rainbow did feel in-character, the execution felt really dull. Do we really wanna see an episode about a character being bored the whole time? We can see that in real life! Can't believe though that we had a second buckball episode in the season instead of a Wonderbolt episode. Buckball is really not interesting at all to me. This episode probably woulda been better in season 8, and this episode spot coulda been The Washouts!
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