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Your favorite Wonderbolt? (Besides Rainbow Dash)

Lucky Bolt

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Definitely Spitfire, as long as you pretend her disloyal, crappy conduct in Rainbow Falls didn't happen.  (There's a lot of things in this show that I like to pretend didn't happen.  :laugh:)


Spitfire has the most stunningly beautiful eye color in the whole show.

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4 hours ago, Totally Lyra said:

Call me boring but at the moment I'm going with Spitfire. :adorkable:


1 hour ago, Justin_Case001 said:

Definitely Spitfire, as long as you pretend her disloyal, crappy conduct in Rainbow Falls didn't happen.  (There's a lot of things in this show that I like to pretend didn't happen.  :laugh:)


Spitfire has the most stunningly beautiful eye color in the whole show.


46 minutes ago, DivineSoul1000 said:

@Lucky Bolt Spitfire definitely! She's so awesome!



I'm gonna go with Spitfire, too. I admire her passion for her work & her love of drinking through straws. :P

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LOL forget Rainbow Dash! Fleet Foot is the best Wonderbolt and I will go down with that to the end. Spit Fire is my second favorite.



8 hours ago, Oleks said:

Spitfire. Because of this speech:


“I’m gonna go out there and stunt some tricks!”

That line always gets me ^_^

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Gonna go with Soarin'. I just love his personality. Plus it seems he's the one that gets along best with Dash (her saving his pie, their interaction in the hospital, him being the first to open up about his callsign) so that's a plus.

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17 minutes ago, ggg-2 said:

Gonna go with Soarin'. I just love his personality. Plus it seems he's the one that gets along best with Dash (her saving his pie, their interaction in the hospital, him being the first to open up about his callsign) so that's a plus.

Also they got the best comic together in Friends Forever #36

Edited by Kiryu-Chan
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15 hours ago, Bakugou Is My Man ❤ said:

LOL forget Rainbow Dash! Fleet Foot is the best Wonderbolt and I will go down with that to the end. Spit Fire is my second favorite.



“I’m gonna go out there and stunt some tricks!”

That line always gets me ^_^

Definitely Fleetfoot!

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On 8/14/2019 at 6:04 PM, ggg-2 said:

Gonna go with Soarin'. I just love his personality. Plus it seems he's the one that gets along best with Dash (her saving his pie, their interaction in the hospital, him being the first to open up about his callsign) so that's a plus.


On 8/14/2019 at 6:21 PM, Kiryu-Chan said:

Also they got the best comic together in Friends Forever #36

Soarin with Dash is friendship, don't be thinking things that aren't. Soarin is a friend and don't pretend as you treat him.

Edited by Van123
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2 hours ago, Van123 said:


Soarin with Dash is friendship, don't be thinking things that aren't. Soarin is a friend, you don't pretend as you treat him.

Everyone has the right to ship anypony they want. Just saying. Just because you don't like SoarinDash doesn't mean everyone else has to hate it. :P

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Spitfire wins for me! I've said this about a million times by now, but I can't help but love tough characters that are very cute at the same time! :wub:

Surprise would be my runner-up, thanks to her being the original Pinkie. ^_^ Then Soarin and Thunderlane. :)

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