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Winged Anomaly

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Everything posted by Winged Anomaly

  1. I shower once every few days, but that's because my hair doesn't get nasty the way most people's does, and because I despise my shower. There's this two millimeter line on the dial where the temperature is bearable - too far to the right, the water feels like it was filtered in from the supercooled ice crystals of high-altitude cirrostratus clouds, too far to the left, and the water feels like a portal to the heart of a thousand suns opened in my water heating system. So yeah, showering isn't just annoying for me, it's downright unpleasant. As such, I don't do it more than I need to.
  2. I really like Twilight, but that's mostly because I can relate to her - I could see why someone might not like her. A lot of people find workaholics insufferable, and Twilight is a workaholic to a degree so extreme it could be classified as a mental disorder in psychological profiling. Aydanno, I just like her because I'm massively introverted, but try to put myself out there, much like she does. I suppose she stands to show it's not impossible to be introverted but to have close friends and fun with other people, and I appreciate that. But she's not my favourite pony. Spitfire and Rainbow Dash are my favourites. Rainbow Dash because she's such an awesomely layered and nuanced character, and Spitfire because she's Rainbow's dream incarnate and the two make an adorable ship
  3. I'm not sure I'd be at all interested in G5, if it comes to pass. I was introduced to the show during G4, and I'm not sure how well I'd handle a fundamental change, like a new set of main characters. Of course, we'll have to wait and see, but I get the feeling that when G4 gets wrapped up, I'll be done watching the show. 'Course, I'll keep working on my various fan projects, either way. Got about a million unfinished fimfics to attend to!
  4. I'm going to miss them. They've produced some of my favourite games over the course of the last decade - I've got a lot of memories of gearing up for a gaming session, and watching that kickass title animation of theirs. But, their developers are still intact, and that's a piece of mercy. Their IP's will continue on to greener pastures, if under new names. Celestia, I just hope none of the poor dev teams got bought out by EA. Partially because EA likes to eat programmers alive, and partially because I refuse to fund EA's endless masturbation session *ahem* Origin, so I won't be buying anything on PC with an EA logo on it.
  5. 1: Chrysalis I found Chrysalis to be a fascinating villain for a children's show. Her methods were extreme and her plan seemed dire, but given further thought, her entire civilization is in a state of crisis. She was doing what she thought she had to to save her people from starvation. Chrysalis was the leader everypony wishes they had, willing to put her life on the line and take tremendous risks to ensure the survival of her subjects - wonderfully sympathetic. Fantastic character. 2: Discord Discord is enjoyable, funny, and a joy to watch, but he doesn't have the same kind of depth as Chrysalis did (barring new information from the latest episode, which I haven't seen yet. I know, I need to). He was interesting, but at the same time, he was just... a bad guy, if you know what I mean. While I could see where Chrysalis was coming from, or even start to root for her, Discord was entirely unsympathetic. Still, a blast to watch. 3: Nightmare Moon Nightmare Moon almost took Discord's spot, but I quickly realized that was because of the headcanon surrounding her. If you think about it, the story that was told in the show, where Celestia is unquestionably the hero and Luna unquestionably the villain, seems a little... too good to be true. What on earth could possibly prompt Luna to snap like that? Nonetheless, if you take everything in the show at face value, she is pretty boring, even with the commentary on metamorphosis, apotheosis, and insanity her character subtly addresses. 4: Sombra Sooooo much wasted potential. A real pity. Instead of a real, nuanced villain, we got a cardboard cutout, and a story which only offered tantalizing glimpses at what he could have been. His two-parter is still one of my favourite episodes in all of ponydom, I just wish they'd done more with Sombra.
  6. And that's what I'm praying won't happen. I'd much rather have the dev team voluntarily introduce Alicorn Twilight at a bad time than have Hasbro suddenly pop out of the blue and go 'JUSTIFY OUR NEW TOYS. NOW. DO IT.' *shudder* Ugh, that could be bad. The team handled Cadence well, but Alicorn Twilight is too big a change to be thrust into the story like that.
  7. I don't honestly believe it's going to happen either. Even I can see that turning Twilight into an Alicorn before the end of the series would be narrative suicide, and the development team is smarter than that. I hope. I mean, I'm not entirely opposed to the idea. If it was positioned at the end of the series, and executed properly, and handled very, very carefully, it could be a thrilling, enlightening, and even tear-jerking subplot. But again, I doubt it would be handled perfectly, so I'll just say I hope it doesn't happen.
  8. I'll probably wind up going for Fennekin, but I really don't like any of the options this time around. Second gen starters were my favourites, and it's just kinda been going downhill from there.
  9. For me, I'd say it really depends on situation. If I'm in a discussion that's closer to a roleplay or is very focused on the show or in-universe aspects of the show, then I'll use 'everypony', but if I'm just talking with fellow bronies as friends and colleagues, potentially about ponies, potentially about something else, then it's 'everybody'. Most of the people in my local group opreate along similar lines.
  10. Nausicaa is my favourite, but I went back and altered my vote to Castle in the Sky, for a couple of reasons. A: The two movies are basically tied in my mind, and B: Why on earth isn't Castle in the Sky getting any love!? Zero votes!? This makes me sad panda
  11. Oh, the issue isn't that I don't believe it could help, the issue is that it'd be yet another thing I have to check off. Everywhere I go, everything I do, everything I see, I need to mentally run the logic through to either prove or disprove its existance. It's exhausting, and even though a Tulpa would be pretty neat, I don't feel like voluntarily adding something to that list.
  12. Mother of christ, I cannot WAIT for 'A Machine for Pigs'. Amnesia is the glorious, platinum-plated king of horror games in my mind, followed closely by Penumbra: Black Plague and Penumbra: Overture. There's another horror game I loved that I haven't seen mentioned yet. Anyone heard of Call of Cthulu: Dark Corners of the Earth? It's utterly petrifying in all the best ways.
  13. It sounds like a neat idea, but I probably shouldn't touch it. I'm schizophrenic to begin with (yes, clinically diagnosed) and I already have more than enough trouble distinguishing relaity from hallucination.
  14. Hey, do you think you could link me to where you found those two images? They're super-helpful, but with the way the site is built, I can't download them.
  15. Borderlands 2. Obsessively. Compulsively. Romantically. That, and I've started a femshep runthrough of the Mass Effect trilogy.
  16. Mostly straight. Like, I can find a guy sexually attractive, but I wouldn't be interested enough to pursue a relationship. It's certainly caused some awkward situations XD
  17. In terms of actual show stuff, I cried when Dashie got her badge back in Wonderbolt Academy. Yes, I might be a *tiny* bit of a fanboy. In terms of fandom material, a couple of PMV's have got me: 'The Stars Will Aid in Her Escape' was one. Then there was this one, a fan-made trailer for Cutie Mark Chronicles. Not technically a PMV, but close enough.
  18. Sylvester Stallone! Oh man, that guy is just so... nope, couldn't do it with a straight face. I'd probably pick either Robert Downey Jr. or Christian Bale. Possibly John Barrowman or David Tennant - whoops, my inner whovian is escaping again.
  19. Disapproving Pinkie disapproves. But seriously, I'm not too fond of parties either. I can stomach a small gathering with mostly friends or family, maybe a few strangers, but I could never go to - say, a club or something like that and mingle. I'm a massive introvert and in the autism spectrum, so any kind of socializing burns through my mental energy like gasoline on a bonfire. Not to say I don't enjoy getting together with people, chatting, eating food, playing games, that sort of thing, but I find it just plain *exhausting*. So I wouldn't say I hate parties, but they're certainly not my cup of tea.
  20. Okay, just PM me whenever you've got something for me. Good luck with the math exam - I guess I'll talk to you later. Sorry again about blowing up at you - had a really bad day. My cat's at the vet after getting hit by a car, so... yeah :'(
  21. National Novel Writing Month isn't really a contest. Basically, each participant just tries to write 50,000 words in a month. If you succeed, you win, and I managed to do it my third year running ^-^ But yes, I would be interested in hearing what you have to say. Ascend is far from done, but it'd be nice to get what I have into good shape. Thanks for offering. Cool, thanks for the input, mate! As for whether or not she'd try to save the world, well... it's a little more complex than that. Equestria is no longer at war, but its government is this loose assembly of ordinary ponies - Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns. As an Alicorn, she has a right to rule, but the question is this: is having a signular Alicorn ruling Equestria better than having a council of ordinary ponies? Food for thought.
  22. Tips and advice are fine if asked for, but that's not what I was looking for here. I was asking specifically for "suggestions, ideas, and opinions" related to the plot I'd laid out, and I wasn't searching for general advice. I appreciate the sentiment, though. 'Fire' is ancient and badly needs an edit run - one I don't have time for. If you're interested in reading something of mine that isn't old and crap, Then feel free to check out Ascend at this link. It's non-pony, but most of my half-decent writing is non-pony. The only reason my pony fics pass is because the universe of fanfiction tends to be populated with mary-sues and overpowered OC's XD http://mogget128723.deviantart.com/#/d5mwr3k
  23. I'd already acknowledged your statement regarding your opinion as to where I should take the story. What was bothering me is that you continued trying to 'teach' me, so to speak, even after I protested, and if you do that when somebody hasn't asked for it, it can be very, very irritating. I apologize for getting so frustrated with you, but I hope you can see where I was coming from.
  24. I know how to write a story myself. I'm aware of plot structure, the nature of conflict, character sub-arc, and the seven basic stories. I was having trouble deciding which direction to take this particular concept in, so I asked for suggestions and input on the potential plotlines I'd come up with myself. I was asking for help deciding which way to take the story, not an English lesson. Authors, professional and amateur alike, often ask people what they'd like to see happen with the story when they're not sure what to do with it themselves. Edit: and please stop linking images of memes in your posts. It's tiresome and irritating.
  25. Fire's over a year old, and it certainly needs a major edit run, but there's no real need to do that. People are enjoying it as it stands, and I've got newer things that I'd rather spend my time working on. In terms of what I'd like to address, here's a quote from my first post: That's basically all I was after, along with peoples' opinion on the plot I presented. Not the stuff that came before. I'm still not confident you know what you're talking about at all, and until you link me to something you've written, like I asked, that's not going to change. Doesn't matter how many times you say 'I do know about writing short story'. Oh, and I asked for tips on the plot I'd presented, not plot in general. Go reread the original post. One last thing: there's a difference between being 'blinded by experience' and knowing when you're speaking with someone who simply doesn't grasp anything past the basics.
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