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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Lamer

  1. Russia+1 (I live there even though it has a lot of crap in there). I don't know which country I should give a -.
  2. Lamer


    Pony version of Bad Luck Brian.
  3. Screw clop. Now to fill the needed place... Ganon and his warriors have seized dinner. It's written: Only Chiyo can defeat Ganon.
  4. CMC are NOT teens, they just don't seem like them. The cutie mark does not necessarily indicate the puberty, they can get their mark anywhere from 3 to 18.
  5. Derpy+4 Diamond Tiara-4 Every mane six pony+2 Every cmc+1
  6. Heal Derpy, she's my favorite pegasus and my all-time favorite pony overall. Hurt...no one. Rainbow Dash - 21 Fluttershy - 20 Derpy - 21 Scootaloo - 19 Spitfire - 20 Soarin - 20
  7. Lamer

    Paint Ball

    Paint Ball
  8. Lamer


  9. I think I made enough polls, so I'll just make a hurt-heal topic. This time with pegasi, next time with earth ponies. Rainbow Dash - 20 Fluttershy - 20 Derpy - 20 Scootaloo - 20 Spitfire - 20 Soarin - 20
  10. Berry Shimmer...wtf!? Berry Shimmer...wtf!? Berry Shimmer...wtf!? Berry Shimmer...wtf!? Berry Shimmer...wtf!? Berry Shimmer...wtf!? Berry Shimmer...wtf!?
  11. Okay, I'm getting rid of Silver Spoon suicide, replacing it with reuniting of her with CMC. She gets REALLY, REALLY pissed off. Not only she gets jealous at Scootaloo, she sees the blank flanks are triumphing over her, and she gets really upset at losing Silver Spoon. She becomes obssessed with wanting to take over Equestria and defeat everything good. Also, I will NOT add Sunset Shimmer to Mane 7 because I found out she's a bad character. Gotta tell, English is not my first language.
  12. Gosh, will you bloody hell EVER stop thinking of Babs as a "bad" character. After all, she reunited with CMC after all she did to them, and you STILL can't forgive her!?
  13. As I said once, I chose Kirby's Return to Dreamland soundtracks for them. For Twi, it would be Nutty Noon Map theme. For Pinkie Pie, I guess, it would be File Select 2. Just like her, the song is extremely happy. Applejack is a tie between Raisin Ruins map and Desert Area theme. The former has very country sounding while the latter sounds quite Texan. Rainbow Dash is a tie between Sky Tower and Techno Factory. The former sounding very heroic and sky-themed, and the latter sounds "speedy" and a bit arrogant. Rarity's would be Sky Waltz and Fluttershy's would be Oasis Area. Maybe, it doesn't sound very shy, but it suits her love for nature. Derpy's theme would be Rainy Area. It sounds very happy and a bit "derpy". DJ-Pon3's theme song is Underworld, it sounds very techno. Octavia's is Grape Garden, sounds very classical. Lyra's would be Title Theme and Bon Bon's is Beach Area (dunno why, but I think Bon Bon likes beach stuff) Colgate's theme song is Pro Tips and Carrot Top's is Challenge Stage. Spitfire's theme is Aurora Area(yes, she may be very speedy and fire'ish, but she seems to be pretty calm) and Trixie's is Boss Battle (don't need to explain). Apple Bloom's theme would be Cookie Country, Scotaloo's would be Canyon, Sweetie Belle's would be Aqua Area, Dinky's would be File Select (the game has two file select songs) and Babs Seed is a tie between Rocky Area and Peaceful Place. Luna's, I think, would be Cave Area. Celestia's would be Chilly Area. Unable to think of other ponies.
  14. Make abstain choice for every segment of poll. I think Derpy is the best pony, but I don't have any preference for Mane 6 or secondary ponies. Infact, I hate choosing any pony over another unless it involves Derpy.
  15. We had Octavia or DJ Pon3, Lyra or Bonbon and Colgate or Carrot Top polls. So why not this? Who's out of these fast pegasi is better?
  16. I put the word 'pony' in the field and that's what I got: Fancy: Royal Crown Generic: Posey Spoon Male: Prince Point Speed: Sparky Sprint Tasty: Honey Napoleon. Srsly, WTF!?
  17. Still you need to stop defending smoking. Smoking still kills, but slowly. And whoever was visiting McDonalds regularly for years must be a total glutton.
  18. Mane 6 are called main characters, supporting characters are called secondary and most BG characters are called tertiary. But are there any BG characters that are QUATERNARY? That are below even tertiary? Give examples for quaternary characters.
  19. First, you defend those inhumans, then, you compare cigarettes with McDonalds! What has our world came to... And I'm not overreacting.
  20. I especially hate the ones who smoke near their children. 1. They kill their children by making them inhale that poison. 2. They feed them a very bad example. 3. They don't seem to care about their children overall. They're not parents. They are marginalized nonhumans.
  21. In my headcannon, he's naturally a pegasus stallion called Telephone Cord. Who lived a lot of years ago, but once he was cursed and turned into...
  22. Derpy always seemed 15 to me. She is so innocent just like a kid. Her "daughters" are not the ACTUAL daughters: Sparkler is her little sister (she's 8 but looks older) and Dinky is adopted, but Derpy likes to consider them daughters. She acts like a kid - in cute way.
  23. Even though they live on their own, they still seem a bit childish. I put them at 13-17. Pinkie-13 Rainbow-13 Fluttershy-14 Twi-16 AJ-17 Rarity-17 And the CMC are no any older than 9. They seem to be in elementary school, and 10 years is not a YC anymore I think. Scootaloo,Apple Bloom-9 Sweetie Belle,Babs Seed-8 Big Mac is 28 and Granny is 85. And Celestia is 5790, so counting by Equestrian calendar, I was born at 28.09.5775 And yes, Cheerilee is 17 too, you say it's impossible? The youngest teacher was 7 years old! So 17-year-old teacher is a rare thing indeed, but still possible.
  24. Not older than 9. They seem to be in elementary school, and 10 years old seems already an adolescent to me. Scootaloo-9, AB-9, SB-8, BS-8, Dinky-6.
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