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I love Jelly Otter

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Everything posted by I love Jelly Otter

  1. Why it's actually so "dangerous" if your parents find out you're a brony / why you'd keep it in secret? I understand you can keep in secret that you smoke or gay, but lol... "A brony? What's that?"
  2. You won't get far if all you draw is ponies... I've seen plenty of such drawings in vector on DA, all look the same simplistic & probably are done in some 10 mins or so.
  3. Good moanin', herd! <3

  4. What my answer would do to you other than, perhaps, satisfying your curiosity?
  5. I know a certain someone who purposely bought some very soft Fluttershy plushie for satisfying one of his natural needs... So I think for some people, ponies ARE sexy after all. Each to his own, I guess.
  6. In respect to the author of the topic, (in no particular order) [all I could think of right now] {if someone's hurt, then well... go forth & multiply!} - Phineas & Ferb (Having geometry at school was enough! Pretty monotone show that strictly follows one same pattern in every episode. Hopefully no normal person used this show as a guide how to spend his summer) - Pokemon (Liked in 2001 because of sexy Misty, but this is such a retarded show by my today's standards) - Teletubbies ( ... ) - Little Einsteins (*yawns* was such a boredom... Zzzzz) - Amazing World of Gumball (never checked the show, but from seeing screenshots & it being fav by some typical retarded 14yo girl I had a misfortune to know, it's a *bad* show) - Lazytown (Again, liked it back then until I accidentally found out a large amount of fans of it are pedophiles... X.X) - Breadwinners (I guess all that can be said about was said before numerous times. But kudos to creators & those who put it on broadcast - in order to win nowadays you need to make something worser than what already exists.) - WINX (comment about it yourself) - any reality show (because I'm tired of seeing people outside + now on children's channels -.-') - some show with blown up popularity that's yet to be understood by me. ...and some other shows I purposely tried to forget about just because those were worse than the above mentioned. Actually I'm glad I stopped watching TV some 5 years back...
  7. There are pirates in my armpits! :o

  8. Mine was Lesson Zero, by friend's recommendation regarding the "what's the good episode you know to get in to the show...?" Unfortunately, that didn't work because during the episode I was like ._. as if I was watching it not in English but in something where I wasn't able to get any of the (possibly great) jokes that were in it nor appreciate the overall writing. I was told then that in order to understand the show I must watch the very first 2 episodes... Ok, did. But apparently that didn't work out too.
  9. Oodelay to every new pony! We need more recruits!
  10. Nah, I keep all in secret... pretty much all which I don't want to be accused or embarrassed for.
  11. Why you need to be obsessed that much over a show initially intended for typical 7-14yo girls to be sure you won't be mentioned on ED?
  12. How do you motivate yourself to finally grab a pencil+paper & start finally drawing? It's like I really wish I was drawing right now but I just can't start but continue wishing... ._.

  13. In the spirit of numerous awkward topics spread all over this site, I can't think of anything else to ask than.... "Do you have a moving nose when you talk or visible upper gums when you smile/laugh?" ? Maybe I should have been doing something more constructive with my time but I just had the urge to contribute something like this! xD Obviously both features come from short distance between the upper lip & nose... well, each person has got something from their parents that makes him/her distinctive. Personally, I find both features to be "disgusting/eww" (if I can put it so) & thankfully don't have ether of them. If I'd have to choose a partner of the opposite gender for obvious needs, then I'll make sure those 2 aren't present there... even if the rest is fully great.
  14. Eh, dragonflies are fine... a pretty interesting "nature helicopter", I'd say. But as "majestic creature/insect" for me that would be grasshoppers or mantises or katydids, & the more odd/strange they look, the the more amazing they are. Well, I don't hate any insect (except for mosquitoes) nor have fears... but certainly I don't like when any of them is crawling on me - not only that it may bite, but how do I know where it crawled before, especially if that was a pile of crap?!
  15. Too old to know better, too young to not care about knowing better? 17?
  16. If it's not then how would you maintain same quality of Season 1-3 throughout six seasons? S4 was Ok, but after watching too much of S1-3 I already felt like this is not really the Spongebob I know... It is interesting to see new episodes, mostly to know how much it sucks now compared to back then. New writers all the time, all jokes are overused now, every new episode is a silent waste of time... I wonder why they still doing Season 9... It's like keeping shoving the food in kid's mouth who just can't take it anymore.
  17. There's a good episode in Rocko's Modern Life called "Wacky Delly" - that represents exactly what's happening now in cartoons/music.
  18. The current tendency is, as all the best that was possible was already done, you need to make your show as worst as you can so then you'll get people talking about it & making popular. Not worth watching & especially talking about it then.
  19. What's surprising is that channels actually accept such crap thinking that viewers got tired of what's on & need something else. And what we get is every new cartoon being worser than the previous one. I bet whats on that pic will be amazing compared to some show in a coupe of years. Really makes me go & make my own cartoon no matter how crappy it would be - they will accept it anyway as "WOW! We havent had such before!" & I'll be rich for some crap I made in 5 mins out of boredom... Basically that's how music is nowadays too.
  20. Had lotsa channels back then & my last one is youtube.com/user/wavemusicclassics... But as Youtube is getting worse with every change, I abandoned it some few years ago now.
  21. Oodelay there! The bigger the herd, the better!
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