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Everything posted by Away

  1. Away

    staff She's on a roll!

    Cute! I still remember meeting you back in 2013 after i joined the forums. It's been so awesome getting to know you ^^ And you deserve it all <333
  2. Away

    : O

    1. DND


      im so sorry !!! cutie i locked this

    2. Away


      wha... WHAAAA???? :C oh nu



  3. Away

    staff She's on a roll!

    Congrats, hun! I'm so happy for you C: *hugs
  4. Away

    Ask IncognitoKiwoy

    y r u so damn cute Favorite Batman villian(s)? :3
  5. Away

    movies/tv K-On! Fan Club

    Did someone say... k-on memes
  6. Away


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Away


      *gives the biggest hug ever



    3. DND


      ooohhhh noooo cutie hugs

    4. Away


      Yes! mwahahahaha C:

  7. Loved today's episode too! I think it's safe to say Peridot and Steven are my favorite gems atm c:
  8. listen to music, browse internets, maybe just think to myself. this happens to me way too much :c
  9. Hope everyone had a nice Christmas :)

    1. DND


      hope you especially had a nice Christmas tho

    2. Monsoon


      I hope you're having a great one as well

    3. Inactive_Now


      what kiway and dedschat said

  10. I like both old and new music I would say rock is my favorite genre, but I like others as well.
  11. o hello nice avi cx

  12. I got to pet a cat today c:

    1. Inactive_Now


      You can see the envy bursting in my eyes.

    2. DND


      omg yes cutie !

    3. Away


      it was one if the strays that like to hang around my campus a lot. it actually approached me and let me pet it ^^

  13. I don't even know anymore. I've been bi-curious more than once but I always come back to the conclusion that I'm probably just straight. I think I'll just stop wondering about it for now.
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