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The Blades Shadow

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Everything posted by The Blades Shadow

  1. Well, I'm feeling a lot better now that I made a new friend :)

    1. Silent_Song495


      As pinky would say I love to make new friends and make their day ^^

    2. Charcoal Embers

      Charcoal Embers

      Well it's good that you made a friend. :) I'm happy that you are happy.

    3. RetroArcadeRat


      Friends are wonderful :)

  2. I never thought of doing it that way... Maybe I should update mine
  3. Yay friends! Out of curiousity... You put your favorite race as Changeling or other, what is your favorite?
  4. YES! Another Fluttershy fan! I can already tell we're gonna be great friends Well, if you want to be my friend that is...
  5. That looks really adorable for some reason. (Maybe it's just me though) Great work!
  6. Welcome to the forums! I know I don't have the most creative welcome ever, but still... I hope you have a good time and make some good friends (Like me, maybe) on this forum!
  7. I got ISFJ Introvert (56%) Sensing (25%) Feeling (12%) Judging (1%) Sounds about right
  8. Hey guys, wanna hear a joke? Yorick walks into a bar, but there are no counters XD I'm sorry it's a stupid joke a good friend of mine told me a few days ago. Ooh ooh ooh, I've got another one. A man, a woman, and a yordle walk into the sun ... .... They die! Cause it burns them alive. Wait, one more one more. You know the best thing about Lee Sin jokes? He never sees them coming! XD Aw man I'm just full of terrible League jokes today.... I'll post more if I can think of them.
  9. That's (insert mixture of the words "creepy" and "awesome" here) Yeah, I'm making a totally creative comment here. But seriously, awesome OC! It's a nice change from all the basic OCs that I see.
  10. "I'm sorry." Don't ask who said it, or why they said it cause you're not gonna get an answer. (And honestly it's for the best that you don't get an answer)
  11. Lol, wow... All I can say is that this was really something. I just have no other comments on it
  12. Delphox is best 6th gen starter Anyway, all I Can say is good luck guys
  13. I have a thought... What's the point of trusting anyone if you know that in the end they're going to betray you in the worst way possible?

    1. Charcoal Embers

      Charcoal Embers

      Because not everyone will betray you. I mean, I wouldn't betray you if it means anything.

  14. Totally Valve. *Protects self* I'm just kidding don't kill me! Honestly I haven't really found a company I hate... Wisdom Tree or whatever it was does sound pretty bad though.
  15. Wait, this is supposed to happen today? I'ma go play League guys, maybe troll some of their "Spies", lol
  16. I have to get this game! It's been a long time since I last played a Zelda game, so why not get back into it with a free game? (Plus I've heard from a friend that it's one of the better Zelda games)
  17. "The road to ruin is shorter than you think." - Yasuo, League of Legends (Favorite quote of all time) "Rules are meant to be broken, like buildings, OR PEOPLE." Jinx, League of Legends "There are three certainties in life. Honor, dignity, and hangovers." (Or something along those lines) - Yasuo, League of Legends As you can tell I like Yasuo
  18. If being a brony became illegal, I'd just break the law a bit. Simple as that. I mean, what's the worst they could really do about someone liking a show? It's not like I'm going out and killing people or anything...
  19. Wow.... This is, kinda disappointing. It just proves that there are actually people who have such worthless lives that they think they need to spend all their time hating us for no better reason than that they feel like it.
  20. Hey guys, sorry I haven't been on much recently... I've been going through a lot and I just didn't have tme for this site

  21. Swinging walked around casually, not having much to do for the day. He hadn't been called in to assist with anything yet, so he was generally free for awhile. Maybe I should see if there's anything I can assist with for now. I'm pretty sure some computer would have malfunctioned by now or something. He thought. ((Sorry I'm late guys, I've had a lot going on. Also sorry for the crap intro))
  22. Sorry I haven't been on too much recently, I've been really busy and haven't had much time for this site.

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