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Legendary Emerald

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Everything posted by Legendary Emerald

  1. The final part of Cleveland Rock and I's Kid Icarus playthrough is up! I almsot died laughing at what he put in after the credits!

  2. More rap news! New Yelling at Cats track, and it's one of his best yet! http://youtu.be/89mqifsCwZY

  3. New Epic Pony Rab Battle of Equestria! Big Macintosh VS Blueblood!

  4. YOU'RE GOING TO tolerate ME!!!!

    1. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      The performance: https://www.box.com/s/3710a12866058021b9a9


      Think you can do better? Prove it! Check the thread for instrumentals, and give it a shot.

  5. Oh geeze Fixed it now. Here's the link: https://www.box.com/...645d1577dce21d8 UPDATE Okay, I got one performance in so far, from Hatchetrocker. https://www.box.com/...12866058021b9a9 Once I got over the initial confusion over the vocal direction he took, I was pretty happy with his performance. Trying to see if I can get a second take to fix an issue at the 1:40 mark where the voice dips, and also to see if a new guitar solo could be added. To everyone else here, I'm still interested in hearing everyone else's takes! Hearing hatchet's version really opened my eyes to just how many directions this song can go due to vocals alone. Please save your recordings twice; once with the instrumental behind it, and once by itself with only your voice.
  6. King of the Hill Youtube Poop Collab #THREE?!

    1. AngryGamer432


      I love his king of the hill collabs

  7. My music creation software is bugging out on me. I guess it just couldn't handle a song about THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE.

    1. Isobel


      You're writing a Trixie song? MUST HEAR.

    2. Aureity


      More like it refused to cooperate the moment it realized that you were doing a song about Trixie. Couldn't live with the humiliation ;)

    3. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      The lyrics practically wrote themselves. I came up with the chorus in a single minute, and the rest of the song withing an hour. It's not hard to write lyrics that describe Trixie as a badass when it's so true.

  8. Starting work on my song about Trixie. I've got the chorus music working, but the music for the verses could use more work.

  9. Now that my Lyra song is done (for now), I get to write about THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE! This song practically writes itself.

    1. Whiteshade


      Trixie, Trixie, swimming in the ocean, causing a commotion...

    2. Pinkie D Pie

      Pinkie D Pie

      Cause she is so awsome...

    3. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      I think I'm already done. Wow, that was fast. Music is going to take a LOOONG time, though.

  10. Just finished writing the lyrics to my song about Lyra. Now to just finish up the instrumental section of the song and the outro.

  11. Lyra's a pony; living in this town; who spends her days just; sitting around; Her posture's strange; but you shouldn't stare; She may not be normal; but she doesn't care; *lyrics in progress*

    1. go away seb

      go away seb

      Her posture is normal, it just looks weird when ponies sit like that. It's perfectly normal.

    2. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      Not sure what you are trying to say. Her sitting posture is not normal by pony standards; this is known.

    3. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      The fact that she is sitting correctly for a pony who would attempt to sit such a way is a moot point, when you consider that no other pony sits in such a manner.

  12. Still the best YTP with ponies:

    1. Skullbuster


      i wish they would make a second one with season 2

  13. All that's left to do on this song for Lyra is to come up with a guitar solo... which is very hard to do with no method for editing loops XD.

  14. Awesome guy on a forum I go to just released over 20 gigs of custom made instrument loops for free. You can bet I got on that ish.

    1. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      i've not started doing music production, myself, but this sounds interesting... link?

    2. Legendary Emerald

      Legendary Emerald

      I'm not to link to it; the guy is only giving it away for free to people on the forum. Anyone else would have to pay.

    3. Viscra Maelstrom
  15. "Knock knock!" Who's there? "Wong." Wong who? "Wong Numbah" *hangs up phone*

  16. Hey Lyra, I'm currently writing and composing a song about you. How does that make you feel?
  17. *Blows dust off of topic* So, anything new? Haven't heard from anyone in awhile; wondering if anyone was still interested in this.
  18. Not often I read a fic that has me simultaneously saying "WHAT AM I READING" as well as "I CAN'T STOP READING".

  19. Equestria Daily is a great site, but only if you're wanting to check out the front page. For everything else, well, let's just say there is no Master Card. I've got a link to my story in my signature. It's the only one I have at the moment, though I have another story in the works.
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