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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by DokiNaku

  1. Not too shabby looking for a few in class doodles! Keep at it man, my cousin just doodled every day and now she is taking high level art classes in college!
  2. Equestria Magic Ponies Unsoiled by heavy industry Destiny is revealed with cutie mark (If you're a pony.) It would be a much simpler life, so yes, I would love to.
  3. If I had to compliment PETA (TETZ) it would be on their consistency. I have never seen one organization so dedicated to their mission statement that they would go as far to defend the rights of video game aliens.
  4. Legendary Emerald and I were trying out a new horror game and well...Pinkie Pie's advice failed me. [media=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VajbVvPf_mA[/media]
  5. Get jacked at Jack Rabbit's...no...

  6. I actually just hit the one year mark with my current girlfriend and we're still going strong. What has made this such a strong relationship is because we were friends first and second we always have each other's best interests at heart. She makes me a better person and I her I hope. OMG I GET IT!
  7. DokiNaku

    gaming MW3 Steam

    Anyone up for playing some MW3 on Steam? Add me! King Kick Ass
  8. Sorry, just you have one of those faces that seem naturally scary or villain like! Me and the gf. UGH THIS PICTURE MAKES ME LOOK GIGANTIC!
  9. More like super serial killer. Seriously if you came at me with that face I would cower and hide behind anything I could find.
  10. No, 1+1 will never be equal to three. It's impossibru and logicaly insane. Unless you're talking about making babies.
  11. I've seen a download bar go the other way, I had to check my hands to make sure I wasn't dreaming.
  12. Cashier? Office Executive? Super Secret Agent? What do you do for a living? If not for the monies, then what sort of jobs do you do around the house, in the community, etc. <(I'm a cashier for Publix Supermarkets!)
  13. Straight, because I love lady balloons.
  14. The one opportunity I have to share something unique and it turns out I'm a sane and healthy individual.
  15. I stopped eating at McDonald's, it's obviously not healthy for you, albeit tasty.
  16. I don't know about any drinks, but I do like Milk with PB&J's.
  17. DokiNaku

    mega thread Metal Thread

    For those of you who have never heard of Iron Savior, you're welcome.
  18. Oh, perfect place to share this! So, my girlfriend and I were both worked Valentine's Day and the weekend after when we had originally planned to celebrate was stricken down by disease on both our ends. Just last night I managed to finally see her and she gave me my gifts, one of which was a handmade card. It had the usual stuff "Love you, etc, etc, etc, etc..." but then the last line really struck me. "We're lovers, partners, companions, boyfriend and girlfriend, but most importantly of all, you are my best friend." You have no idea how much this lit that little fire inside me.And that is what made me smile today.
  19. HeWhoHasNoShame here, or as you can call me by my other name, Gordo. I've discovered your wonderful forum and have decided to come here for awhile! Looking forward to good times, Gordo.
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