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Blog Comments posted by Malinter

  1. Its the thought that counts, as does the fact that if you at least reply to a topic the poster at least knows folks are giving it a look over.


     As to whether you post anything actually useful to the poster is upto them really. Even if you post sound, logical advice there is no garantee they will act upon it in the correct way.


    The fact is, you at least tried to help. There is nothing wrong with that.

  2. Your not the only person who isn't sure where their life is taking them, in fact few people ever do. But your still in school, you don't need to concern yourself with the future just yet so just focus on keeping yourself healthy and trying as many new things as possible. More skills ya have, the better placed you'll be.


    Never be afraid to take breaks from things. Even if its things you love. Push yourself too hard and you'll burn yourself out and be left mentally fatigued. If you need a break, talk with your group and nominate someone else as DM just so the RP can continue till you've cleared your mind out.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. I'd say stick with it a little bit. Its easier to get another job if your currently in one. Just apply for a job with fewer hours and then move into that job. Just pulling out of work and coming to a dead stop can make getting back into work harder later.


    You could perhaps ask your employer to maybe lessen your hours, I'm pretty sure an other employ wouldn't mind taking up some extra hours of work for more pay.

  4. It gets crazier when you realize there are stars where our sun is the size of a full stop in comparison to them. And some stars are blue super-giant stars (why isn't our sun blue! it would be 20% cooler but alot hotter XD).


    There are also celestial entities in space that are so big that according to our laws of physics, should not be able to exist and yet we have pictures of them XD

  5. I've called people emo before but I only use it to describe those who just seem to revel in being miserable for no apparent reason. Especially when it seems like they are ignoring your advice when your trying to raise their spirits only to whine later why your ignoring them.


    Being depressed isn't a crime but being a self absorbed little butt whole when I am trying to help will not fly with me.


    Also, I thought "Emo" as from the weird make up and hair hairstyle thing... or was that something else. Not entirely sure.

  6. well it depends on how good your art is and how much of a fanbase you can generate. You should mix and match things up and say have a level of drawing you can do for free like something that gives you practice yet isn't a time huge time sink like maybe a rough sketch of an OC's face and then charge more if they want you to go beyond that for full body, coloured, show accurate, etc.


    The freebies will get folks looking at your stuff and those that can afford the extra details might request them. 


    Also for prices, check out what other artists charge for art of the same level as yours... and then be a douche and undercut them my offering the same service for £1 less XD

  7. You could always plonk some of your art on your about me page, you know. You could even link your twitter thing on it too if your trying of even a few more views/followers on it. (I don't have one. the whole thing is a gimmick if you ask me XD)


    i've been unemployed for years. I'v done loads of volunteer work, got interviews but always lose out to someone else , so don't feel to bad about that. Especially if your making an active attempt to get a job. There's not that many around these days and employers are more choosy about who they pick as a result.


    Try and keep your spirits up and stay in contact with your friends. You might be feeling down with them being at work all the time but I bet all that work probably wears them down from time to time. Make sure you ask them they've been doing when you visit them.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. the whole "moons" measurement has always been obscure, The apple family reuinion is every 100 moons. so that would be roughly every 7 years by the scale your using tho the apple family photo ablums seems to imply alot more time passes than 7 years.


    Also the portal isn't just a two way street. It can send you to different timezones as well as different worlds so even if Twilight ran in straight after Sunset, she could arrive years later on the other side. Another possiblity is the portal being tampered with on Sunset's side. 

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