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Binary Blast

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Everything posted by Binary Blast

  1. Well darn, I kind of thought I was being original. I just thought of RPG Maker because it's fun and I like the gameplay style. oh well
  2. Hi all! I am trying to create a videogame based on the poular fanfiction Fallout Equestria, but the problem is, while I have programming down, I can't draw, at all, nor can I wright or compose music. So I am trying to make a team of some awesome bronies and pegasisters alike. Here is everything I need How it will be played: The game will be played in a top down turn-based style RPG closer to Final Fantasy than the traditional Fallout games, it is being programmed in RPG Maker with Ruby. Programming is about 30% done, but everything else is zero percent. As soon as I get some people on board I will launch a web a site. What I need: -Sprite Artist: If you're any good at pixel art and want to help out then we need someone to create the overworld sprites for the game. -Battler Artist: If you're an good at digital art, that is not pixels, then you are needed to, to create portraits and in battle sprites of the characters - GUI Artist: Anyone who can help to create the Pip-Buck, this games version of the Pip-Boy, and also the inventory, map and quests screens. GUI artists can also help design the GUI for S.A.T.S (Stable-tech Arcane Targeting System). -Icon Artists: Anyone to make icons for the Items, Buffs and Debuffs as they are shown in GUI. -Tileset Artists: Anyone who wants to help make the tilesets for various towns, rooms and areas in the wasteland -Font Artists, We actually need a few different fonts, If we have any good Calligraphers out there who can design ones that look handwritten, and ones that look like they are from an old DOS machine, you are wanted. -Music Composer: This one's self explanitory, we need musc preferably 40s-50s style music with some elements of electronica thrown in. -Mapper: Probably the hardest job (in my opinion) someone (anyone) who can help design post-apoctalyptic Equestria, as in the layout of towns, the wasteland etc. you are desperately needed. (I can help with this). -Someone who is skilled in Flash/SFM to make cutscenes -If Anyone wants to make a signiture that would be nice. Thanks Also if you want to help but don't have any of those particular talents, I could always use extra OC's for NPC's of you want to give me permission to use them, as well as a link to there character page that would be nice. Story: Equestria is no longer a place of kindness and friendship, these words lost meaning when the bombs started dropping, ponies became selfish and greedy, caring only for them self's, and as time passed this new greed eventually led to war, and worse yet nuclear war, the princess tried to interfere but she was powerless against these weapons that the earth ponies had created, and the deadly spells by the unicorns. After the war surviving ponies were forced to hide away in underground bunkers known as stables, only to leave when it was certain that the world was safe for re population, You leave your home in Stable 10 and must survive in the now war-torn Equestria, though you can try to change the future, war, war never changes. Disclaimer: Do to the fact that My Little Pony is Copywright by as Hasbro, Fallout is owned by Zenimax and the story we're basing it off of isn't even ours I can't pay you (I really don't want to get sued by Hasbro, Zenimax, or the original author of the story so this game is gunna be completely free. Meaning I cannot pay you sadly, I would if I could I promise you that. But one thing I can assure you of, is that you will be credited for every contribution you make tho the project, and you will be credited as whatever name you wan't, whether it be your username, your real name or anything else. Please, help me MLP community, you're my only hope. Encoureging words are also nice!
  3. I'm sorry but I just don't have the time or energy to keep this thread open, I will reopen it when I have time, I will still work on old requests on my free time and post them here, but please no new requests, thank you and sorry.
  4. If you would like to draw my pony version of me, Web Paige, that would be nice. He's in my profile pic, maybe draw a picture of him typing on a computer, because he's a programmer, other than that pretty much draw him doing whatever, if you need it his magic aura color thingy is dark purple.
  5. I sir, would be very great full if you could draw Web Paige in your wondeful art style, I would be forever greatful, his picture is my profile pic.
  6. I'm having some troubles with the cutie mark, it may take a bit longer than expected
  7. If you want to do mine that would be nice, his name is Web Paige, He is a gamer/programmer so make his theme sound 8-bit, and fast paced. you know if you can, thanks
  8. lol, I don't hate you. Also I loe your OC, I am experienced in pixel art, but if someone else can do it for me I ain't gunna do it my self. tell you what if no one does yours or either of ours I'll do both of ours
  9. I want a desktop pony of my oc (in my profile pic) so I can use him in the program, anyone wanna help?
  10. , omg that's amazing, but I have already made a character page for him unfortunately, so I'm sticking with web paige, but pokemon rocks! MissingNo.!!!!
  11. im actually not sure, I have some merch and I post ponies on facebook, but i have never once been asked about it.
  12. Diamond Tiara? I would hit her with a shovel to "put her put of her misery" then I would use magic to bring her back to life, then kill her again.
  13. Looks to be a tie between java and Ruby, I'm really considering ruby right now just because it's fun to teach and make pony references while teaching it. I think I'll start the tutorial when my laptop comes in the mail, so I don't have to worry about buying a mic.
  14. quick everypony stop replying xD, in all seriousness I have actually never had this happen to me so I can't really say.
  15. I'd like to draw mostly on paper, not necessarily ponies though, just in general. Also I don't really care much for manga, that's easy enough to draw, like I said, I'd just like to improve my over all skills, if you could help me with this it would be appreciated. and my Skype name is thelegendaryfrankthetank
  16. hey, anyone know where I can learn to improve my drawing skills, and/or want to teach me. It would be appreciated, I need to be able to concept my game as my concept artist just quit. I am not very good but I'm a fast learner, I promise.
  17. java cant be run in browser javascript can Face-hoof, it appears we have been arguing the same point, sorry mate xD
  18. I use either Eclipse or MonoDevelop, they work pretty well for IDEs but if your looking for text editors specificly notepad++
  19. My STRONG recomendation is for you to start out with a simpler language built specificly for the purpose of teaching programming before diving into the deep wnd with something like Java or C, maybe GML, Ruby, or Scratch. But if your really content about skipping that step, I learned with java so.
  20. I don't mean to be the guy who corrects you, but javascript is technicly programing, true CSS HTML and SQL are markups, jave is a programming language. do any of you guys have any idea how to make a poll, so I can figure out whcich language the audience would be the most excited to learn, I am really considering Ruby or Scratch at this point but I want to see what everyone else thinks
  21. I can contribute my OC Web Paige here is his link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/web-paige-r5229
  22. They are but that would require alot of teaching to get it to be anywhere close to pony related, I like to keep my lessons themed, my last Java lesson was themed with learning to make mods for minecraft, I'm thinking Ruby, because I know there are alot of people who enjoy rpg maker already, and Ruby is a fin way to teach scripting with what is already a really awesome educational engine. I'm also thinking Scratch (another big educational one that's popped up and has almost no differences to Java).
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