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Everything posted by HunterTSN

  1. Relevant story; a few years back there was a senior at my school that drove to school the day after celebrating her birthday the night before and left her car in the student lot with the windows down. She had accidentally left the knife she used to cut the cake in the backseat of her car and some parent walking through the parking lot saw the knife and reported it to the administrators. They suspended her and kept her from graduating with the rest of her class, she was valedictorian.
  2. I see you around but I haven't really gotten a feel for your character. Tigers are cool tho... 7/10
  3. Haven't seen you much but you seem cool, even if your avatar is really dark. 7/10 I may have been a little harsh, however it I can honesty say it was just an opinion and nothing against you. Personally I wouldn't use it, but then again it's not my avatar so it's only up to you to go with what you like.
  4. That's understandable, just think of it as orange facepaint then.
  5. That's really cool, it sounds a lot like a pretty epic OST to some sort of fantasy or surreal movie. 8/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eGvIBI4h0U
  6. Samerate Scootaloo? It's just Sweetie, the reference is to Rabbit from Steam Powered Giraffe.
  7. Not much to interest me there, I guess it's aesthetic enough at least. 6/10
  8. It could be cool, however I would much rather see a new and creative villain like Discord or Chrysalis than another rehashed oldie.
  9. Pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this, I may even look it up later it I remember. 8-9/10
  10. Not very well in the traditional sense, I can make a pretty obnoxious two-fingered whistle when I want to however.
  11. @, "I am lucky?" she growled, her lithe body rippling in anger. "You are lucky I didn't drown you the moment you went near that river. You are lucky I knew the aufhocker would run from the coin. You are lucky I bothered to save you from a horrific death in the hengemyr you got yourself into by not listening to me in the first place. Hear me knight, had I not pitied your quarrel you would still be aimlessly wandering the forest in search of a treasure you knew naught about, that is assuming you had not already been killed." Without giving Chronos a chance to respond the kelpie slid back into the river, disappearing quickly and completely under the black water.
  12. So there's some guy in a helicopter who's been hovering directly above my house for the past 20 minutes... All I want is to sleep!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. HunterTSN


      Ugh, well he seems to be gone for now at least.

    3. Nameless Knight

      Nameless Knight

      I can help you get rid of it for good, all you need is a propane tank and a ballista, oh yeah and a lot of broken glass.

    4. The Crimson Cross

      The Crimson Cross

      Wow. What luck. That'd be insanely annoying! xD

  13. @, Nymphaea frowned and pulled her hoof away forcefully, and angry glare in her eyes. "You should not have wasted your energy, you do not know enough about me to act so foolishly. Your magic has done nothing but cure the skin, the essence of the silver has already traveled throughout my body, weakening me from the inside" the kelpie snapped. "You may have eased the burn, however you have helped no more than you would healing the area of a snakebite or a mouth that has drank poison."
  14. @, Nymphaea narrowed her eyes, shooting a peeved look towards Chronos. "I am not scared of the coin, do you not also avoid that which can harm you? I am cautious, and with good reason" she growled, indicating with a jerk of her head towards her burnt leg. "Saving you has earned me a scar that not fade so quickly. I would not mind normally, however our trip ahead will be very taxing for me while I continue to feel effects of the silver."
  15. I probably won't watch it at all until all the talk and references get so overwhelming that I am forced to see it if only to understand what most of the fandom is talking about.
  16. My school likes to restrict my internet, making it impossible to access my online textbook and online classes. Thank goodness it doesn't block Facebook or YouTube though.

    1. Unicorncob


      "Oh yeah you can totally watch cat videos, but learning? Yeeeeaaaaahhhh-no."

    2. Nameless Knight

      Nameless Knight

      Wow, Your school is either really backward... or awesome

    3. HunterTSN


      The former is more accurate.

  17. Just checked FimFiction, there are at least 8 people so far who agree with you. *Edit: It looks like maybe 1 is actually worth reading.
  18. That's kind of what I was getting at. At this point Lauren's got a pretty big headstart, however I can see Rebecca achieving similar or possibly even higher standing if given the chance. Maybe they could do a gem fusion. Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean look what happened when Teen Titan's Go tried that. Anyway we have enough to look forward to crossover wise with Uncle Grandpa...
  19. Probably have to go with Lauren on this because so far she's had a much more prominent impact in the world of cartoons, that said I have high hopes that we'll be seeing a lot more of Rebecca doing her own stuff in years to come.
  20. Not your run of the mill OC, have fun: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/nymphaea-r7822
  21. I have to say, I wouldn't have included myself here before I saw last Thursday's episode. I loved it, completely revamped my interest in the show! Also incredible song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-i-Yqsnhngo
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