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Dr. Nefarious

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Everything posted by Dr. Nefarious

  1. Tyhrannosis is also a pretty good upgrade spot since there is an infinite amount of constantly spawning enemies and an ammo vendor nearby.
  2. I only died about 3 times on my first time on that boss fight. And I already got about 4 weapons to level 5. Her minions give you so much xp once you kill them.
  3. The boss fight with courtney gears was a bit annoying. She would keep teleporting every 5 seconds and when she wasn't teleporting her dancers were spinning towards you. It's only once you get her health half way down she comes out of the cages and fights you her self. Altough I love the music during that boss fight XD
  4. The only thing I have bought was the GTA collection for 20 euros.
  5. Swag means 8 year old kids trying to look cool on the internet.
  6. Dr. Nefarious

    movies/tv Disney Channel

    Phineas and Ferb is a really good cartoon. But the rest is all crap. Disney used to have a bunch of great cartoons, but all those shows have now been replaced by corny and generic laugh track sitcoms. They launch a new sitcom every 3 months or so, and all of it is the same. So here you have: The generic teenage protagonist The best friend of the protagonist Idiotic brother Generic popular antagonist Douchebag love interest of protagonist I just summed up every character for all those shows.
  7. I haven't volunteered at anything yet, since I am too young to do so.
  8. I think they are just announcing it now and releasing it later, in 2013 or 2014.
  9. I was never implying that. I was just saying that teenagers and kids are commonly close minded even without religion. I mean, it just bothers some people to imagine 2 men in a relationship. Or some people get the feeling of ''Oh my god he wants my dick'' when they meet a gay person. Many homophobic people are not always religious.
  10. He thinks none of the ponies are cute or adorable He thinks none of the ponies are cute or adorabble He thinks none of the ponies are cute or adorable WHAT SICK PERSON WOULD SAY THIS?!?!
  11. ''attack them for being gay'' Wait, are you saying that we ARE all gay? No offence to any gay bronies on this forum.
  12. Actually, I'm not sure if MLP would be anthropomorphic, since usually anthro animals walk on 2 legs and have hands instead of paws. While ponies only talk but still walk on 4 legs and have hooves instead of hands.
  13. European society is far more open minded that America. But it's the youth that is always close minded no matter what. Gays get hated alot in Finland, but mostly by teenagers and kids, which is understandable, they are still young. Adults here are usually more open minded because The religious population is alot lower in Europe than in America. So you get alot less religious crazies. Although I'm 13 myself, I'm still open minded and have nothing against gays or other religious groups.
  14. With all the money the franchise is raking in, I doubt that they will end it after the third season. But when they do end it, and start a new gen of ponies. Hasbro will probably be scratching their heads thinking ''Why aren't they watching this new pony show??'' Because it will most likely be the same ''tea parties and dress up'' as G3 was. Unless whoever will be working on the next gen of ponies learns something from G4. We will still have those, but it's just not the same as the actual show.
  15. Depends on what type of apocalypse, if it is a zombie apocalypse or a series of disasterous events causing the human population to die off. What I would do in.... Zombie apocalypse: Gather some food from my house into my backpack. And my baseball bat, then I would run down to the hardware store to get some better weapons like an axe or a chainsaw. And get some wood planks and nails. Then find a good place to settle down and fortify my base there. Make sure it has a garage so I can put some metal plates and armor on the car. Disaster apocalypse: GET TO DA CHOPPA!!
  16. Why the hell do you need all those knives?? How many people do you mug per day??
  17. A person with the rank ''Alicorn'' and is NOT feld0?? WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?!?!
  18. Those are not celebrities. Although they are popular on the internet, they are not famous celebrities.
  19. CoD is a terrible game anyway, I prefer to watch commentators that are actually funny and play more than just one game. Like SSohPKC or the rest of the creatures. They play more than just one terrible game and do stuff that's actually funny.
  20. Who does like CoD commentators?? All of them are the same. Just like CoD games are every year. ''HURR! So I'm playing cawadoody, and I get 100000 kills with a sniper and no deaths because I am the best player ever, I'm getting no scopes HURR! Cause I'm not a hardscoping faggot HURR HURR!! And I'm doing a giveaway for a xbox 360 so I can boost my views and get more money HURR HURR!!'' Sorry, but that is the truth. I have watched many of them, and all of them are like that.
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