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Dr. Nefarious

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Everything posted by Dr. Nefarious

  1. There's gonna be a mass effect movie?? WTF?? Could you link me to a source on this? I've never heard anyone say Mass Effect will have a movie.
  2. >gaming for fun >fun AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH No serously, AHAHAHAHAHAHA. Can't stop laughing.
  3. Nah, not really. Since most of the music that is popular is usually complete shit. The only reason why all the shitty pop music is popular on the charts is because teenage girls are the only ones who buy music anymore.
  4. Dr. Nefarious

    technology Operating Systems

    Looks like your parents are true hipsters. What do they commonly wear anyway? Purple hoodies? Rayban sunglasses? Skinny jeans? I would laugh so hard if that was true.
  5. Dr. Nefarious

    technology Operating Systems

    Why would they not let you buy a PC? A mac is 4 times more expensive and not as good. What is up with your parents?
  6. Pegasi and Unicorns have existed long before FiM you know? I hate it when anyone sees anything thats related to unicorns or pegasi, people think its MLP related.
  7. I like dubstep myself but I don't think it makes everything better. Not everything needs a dubstep remix of it.
  8. Forrest Gump. It's hard to desribe why, I think Tom Hanks was absolutely perfect for the role of Forrest. I love it so much since it is like a comedy movie mixed with drama. I laughed so hard during the entire thing then nearly cried at the end.
  9. Dear god how long did it take for you to think of all those quotes and write them down?
  10. *facepalm* If you think this is scary then you should not be on the internet
  11. Like I mentioned, it's not always the parents fault, it's the medias fault. My parents are some of the greatest parents out of everyone else I know. They raised me well and will continue to do so. It's not my parents fault my sister turned into a whiny screaming spoiled baby. Because if it was I would be like that too.
  12. Actually, Max moved to California to live with his girlfriend Renee (lolrenaynay). He used to live in the creature house.
  13. It's not only the parents fault it's also the media's fault. When kids and teens are watching Jersey Shore and other reality TV crap, it makes them want to be like the people on that show. My sister is a great example of a spoiled brat. She will scream and cry whenever she doesn't get something she wants, and she will start breaking things and slamming doors. She has already broken about 2 doors from slamming them so hard. She is 15 years old and nearly 16 and she is still not mature enough to stop doing this.
  14. Meh, it's okay, but it kind of may confuse some people. I didn't even know you could merge threads with others.
  15. So I saw a thread about hardcore electronic music so I then decided to make a thread for any kind of electronic music. Dubstep/electro/EDM/house/trance/hardstyle, whatever you want. Here is a track that I really enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEXZdvHptWg So feel free to share any good songs.
  16. Aaah, this one is actually from one of my favorite games. This was my favorite song in the entire game and I still listen to this. It really reminds me of starry nights and actually makes me relax quite a bit.
  17. McDonalds and Burger King both suck, KFC nigga! >mfw this post gets removed for racism But really, please dun ban me ;_;
  18. 5 easy steps 1. Visit twitter.com/plasticbieber 2. Look at tweets 3. Realise that millions of teenage girls are like that. 4. Get gun 5. Kill self
  19. I can understand that, but no need to attack the people who like it by saying that anyone who even remotely likes it has no taste.
  20. How is thinking The Dark Knight rises being a good movie an unpopular opinion? Flopping? Don't you mean clopping? So what if I like dubstep? I have seen plenty of people flame me just for listening to dubstep/electro/EDM or other genres. What do you listen to then?
  21. Pixar movies are always awesome, disney is not really in charge of them though (thank god for that). Yeah, Miley Cyrus is one of these examples and even Demi Lovato started doing cocaine I think and had to go through rehab.
  22. I like pewdiepies videos myself but his fanboys are worse than any other youtuber. Not kidding here, I have been to nearly every youtube commentator and all of them have huge flame wars started by pewdiepie fanboys screaming ''OMG DIS GUY SUX PEWDIPE IS BETTUR''
  23. Just waiting for some idiotic pewdiepie fanboy to come in and start a flame war. That's what usually happens.
  24. I love dubstep/electro/EDM, but hate skrillex. I enjoy some of Michael Bay's movies. I absolutely hate most fans of PewDiePie (they are annoying as hell). COME AT ME
  25. Look them up on ebay, there are plenty of ones that are not too expensive. I know someone paid 6000 dollars for a Chrysalis plushie, but I saw a very good rainbow dash plush that was only about 20-25 dollars.
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