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Everything posted by RainbowGlass

  1. Well my friend, just after I read the initial message hosting your question; Pandora radio began playing Tank by The Seatbelts which is the main theme song for Cowboy Bebop. So, I was immediately transported to the long nights during summer vacation in high school when I would watch Cowboy Bebop (my favorite anime) on Adult Swim and eat hot dogs from the gas station from just down the road - such fond memories! Two monitors is the way to go! Sounds like you've got a sweet setup. You're not alone, I'm right there with you! I'm actually excited for this year because I don't have to buy anyone anything - except for myself, I'm getting a bunch of Reeses candies! Do the same, spoil yourself! Being alone/single can be wonderful. Unlike your friends you're free to do whatever you want, enjoy that.
  2. I did once in high school, once. It was a thrilling moment for me , I had never gone to the principals office nor served one detention; you get the idea. Two classmates and I went to Mr. Burger and ate, well, burgers. I had the personification that I was an escapee like Billy The Kid, on the run, I felt so good because it was the first time I had bent the rules or in this case ignored them. We stole ketchup bottles from the restaurant and sprayed them (as if we were peeing) on a fire hydrant in front of goodness knows how many passing cars. It was the middle of winter so the red had nice contrast. Needless to say we returned to school unnoticed.
  3. Okay, RD is about finished, it's minute details after this. Now, I will be adding the environment. It is going to be splotched in, as if reality falls in drops on the paper and splashes into creation. You'll see.
  4. As much as I enjoy the day, I find that I am very creative at night. A lot of writing, drawing and brainstorming. Music is (in my opinion) better, reading is more enjoyable and to top it all off, drinking is nicer at night but that's a given.
  5. Liking the new forums banner!

  6. Raindrops lay against panes of glass, basking in the dull grey light of the morning hours. Thunder, grumbling atop the wind, walking over lands beyond the river. Water still tumbles down the spouts of the house into buckets, singing gently, a reminder of brighter days. Wood of the porch beneath my naked feet, feeling the tears of summer skies between my toes. One step into green, dew laden grasses; two hands stretching into misted air. The trees gaze silently through sheets of moss at a pale figure, talking in between creaks and moans as the birds flutter by. ~ Once the storm had passed, water trickled from gutter spouts and sprinkled from the branches of the trees nearby. Out onto the porch, in bare feet I stood, breathing in air untouched by other men. I left my clothes and the shackles of civilization, to dance among the wild things, deep within the moss covered forest.
  7. Sit your parents down (if you have Netflix) and have them watch the documentary ~Bronies~ it'll hopefully change their outlook.
  8. I hear Hottopic is selling MLP car fresheners in the shape of the mane 6 characters. What would they smell like?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RainbowGlass


      :) I've been feeling good, when did I give the impression that I wasn't?
    3. cdx561


      oh sorry i was thinking of rainbowdash72 XD my bad to many dashies

    4. RainbowGlass


      Haha ~ Well, I hope rainbowdash72 is well. I've talked here and there with them. :)

  9. The're seriously taking MLP off of Netflix? Watching all of season 4 in 11 days shouldn't be a problem! XD Guess I ought to start buying the seasons!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. cdx561


      i hope they get their license renewed so i can continue watching THE BEST SHOW EVER!!! lol

    3. RainbowGlass


      Aside from the Walking Dead, I watch MLP a lot!

    4. RainbowGlass


      They better get their license renewed. :/

  10. Thank you! Yeah, it is the way I draw , I progress using everything in my arsenal rather than a one at a time approach. Not sure why, it's how I've always drawn! :3 Everyone has a cool unique way they go about it, I have a friend that holds a pencil like a parrot but draws exceptionally well. Strange. Well, the hair is almost done, few tweaks to do yet. WWI and war in general, has a lot of earthy colors; I wanted the hair to stand out without being ruined by, say, a bright red scarf, so I am leaving the scarf white, like the silk ones they would sometimes where from home or a lover during the war. I like sharing my progress because I find it so cool when other artists here do the same. Very neat folks we have in the MLP community.
  11. Those are some pretty neat steps you have taken there! The main reason why we have GMO's (Genetically modified organisms) is due to our need to provide food to as many people as possible; there are a lot of us after all. GMO's effect their ecosystems in a more dramatic, negative way than they effect us. Wheat is a good example, as many creatures rely on it. When we begin to genetically modify from an evolutionary standpoint in a top-down fashion, it effects every living organism further down the chain. This disrupts many systems which have developed in a very specific manner over thousands, even millions of years. You wonder why honey bees had been disrupted so effectively in recent years. it's due to the chemicals we use to treat our fields and GMO's which they need to pollinate. To them, it was as if you removed running water from the civilized world; to many of us, that's a death sentence, very hard to cope. I enjoy coffee plain with little added to it. I do not need all of those sugars Big B and Starbucks are renowned for adding and mixing in their specialized drinks. Those drinks are good and "addicting" for a reason just as McDonalds has great fries. Companies control these sort of things, heck, McDonalds ensured their fries were from GMO grown potatoes because they know full well they will sell more. It's smart marketing but at what cost to the health of the consumers over time? I admire your search in finding simpler, healthier ways to ensure you get your (lack of a better term) "fix". It is good to want to be informed and take control of your body, regulating your health and being happy while doing it. I've done many similar things from using no shampoo in my hair ( I wash my hair but with natural ingredients without the chemicals in shampoo) -my hair has never felt nor looked this good; to drinking out of a mason jar instead of a plastic bottle. Watch the documentary ~Tapped~ on Netflix or Youtube, I guarantee you'll never buy bottled water again or drink from plastic. In conclusion (finally, I know) drinking coffee is not a bad habit but it can be. Drink in moderation/ on occasion. Too much of anything can be bad for you- I mean, drinking too much H2o can kill you. Good luck on your adventure in health my friend!
  12. Took some time to try on various clothes pilots wore during the Great War and this is where I am at. Decided to leave out a leather helmet because I wanted to showcase the hair more. White scarf, brown leather boots and I am deciding on the color of the jacket. May add to the tail a little more and fix up some wrinkles in the pants. Thank you for the positive response!
  13. Seeing how I've really gotten back to drawing, I have always wanted to draw my own rendition of Rainbow Dash (my fav.) Here is what I've got so far and I wanted to share with you all! She will be in a WWI setting with biplanes overhead. I will be drawing her own biplane behind her. I will update as I go!
  14. Seeing how I've really gotten back to drawing, I have always wanted to draw my own rendition of Rainbow Dash (my fav.) Here is what I've got so far and I wanted to share with you all! She will be in a WWI setting with biplanes overhead. I will be drawing her own biplane behind her.
  15. My apologies, with regards to the percentages, that was a quick reference to portray my admiration of my two favorite characters easily. I can divide all six if you wish because I do enjoy each and everyone of the mane 6, some more than others. Rarity 4% ~ Pinky Pie 8% ~ Fluttershy 17% ~ Twilight Sparkle 19% ~ Apple Jack 25.5% ~ Rainbow Dash 26.5%.
  16. I myself would never get a tattoo solely on the fact that I would want to change it up after a few weeks. I'm indecisive like that and I like my skin "bare", its appealing to me. Your tattoo however is by far one of the coolest tattoos I have seen. I do admire it!
  17. As a huge Rainbow Dash fan, I recently realized I am about as equally interested in Apple Jack. Given a percentile of interest; Rainbow Dash is 51% and Apple Jack is 49%. The reason for this is because I see myself, my personality, personified by these two characters regularly. It's pretty neat! I know this isn't persay, my fan-club necessarily but I wanted to drop by and say Apple Jack is very cool.
  18. Picked up a copy of The Greatest Show on Earth by Richard Dawkins for $4 at an antique store! Goes for thirty at the book store. Steal! :D

  19. Yes. I am an intellectual. Learning excites me. I am the guy in forensics who is only satisfied when presented with hard, concrete, tangible evidence. So naturally I have always questioned that which I want to know more about, how it works, when it was made, how, why, etc. I retain information very well. Which is why it has been easy for me to learn quickly and efficiently. I say I am above average because I know that I am not average. Unless the average American guy reads physics books for leisure and I am unaware of it!
  20. I'm going to decide with the love yourself option. Hating ones self, regardless of how many individuals love you, in my opinion, is counterproductive to living. Everything you know and understand is because your body and your brain cooperate with each other and you wake up in the morning. You are the home front, the base of operations to the rest of your life. If you crumble and hate yourself (or in this case of the question you have no choice if you hate yourself), what good is experiencing life? and I mean really experience it not just existing. I love myself and I believe that is important to living life. I am happy and with each other individual who becomes my friend or loves me, my life gets better. However I must conform to the question right! I would love myself, strengthen myself because of it and live life dealing with (if need be) those who inherently hate me. I'd be just fine with that.
  21. Hello everypony! I haven't done a voice acting video in a while and usually I brainstorm voices to do but I wanted to mix it up a little this time! If any of you would be so kind as to suggest some voices for me to do, that would be very cool. I am a male, so I cannot do females very well fyi. Throw some at me and if I don't know what you're talking about I'll just look it up. I like a challenge. EX: of voices I have done to give you an idea - Micky Mouse, Gollum, Shaggy, LSP, Austin powers, Forrest Gump, George Bush, Meat Wad, Irish accent (among a few accents I do) - If I get an adequate amount of replies, I will then compile a list of all the voices I will do, then, I will make a video for everypony in thanks.
  22. Putting my portfolio together for film school. :)

  23. My friends, how are we all doing? This topic approaches the familiar question: Where in history would you choose to live? Also consider this, where, throughout the history of the world (could be before civilization 4,000 years ago) do you feel you fit in? Let's be creative; the future (so long as you care to explain what sort of future you inhibit) is also a valid choice because of the fact that it is so open to possibility. I love history and that's an understatement. I'm always in antique stores, reading books of history, memoirs; I have articles of clothing (WWII uniforms, helmets, gear, etc. A dress and hat from the early 40's - it's a long story) I wear a Russian wool hat from the 50's during the winter with the golden leafs around the hammer and sickle. Binoculars from the American Civil War. Oil lamp at my bedside. See a trend? I'm old-school and I love it. So for myself, I'd like to live at the turn of the 19th century somewhere in Europe ; born in 1890-ish. My reason is simple, it is at a time when the world is changing, technology is booming, planes begin to appear for the first time, it's an exciting era in my opinion. Granted, I would be alive during WWI and that would be problematic but hey, I wouldn't be a time traveler, so I wouldn't see it coming until last minute and I'm okay with that in an odd grim way. P.S. If you like the present that's okay too!
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