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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by RainbowGlass

  1. I laughed when I read the topic title for this. I have plenty of stories and I shall share one. I worked in the Valet business for a few years. (parking /retrieving cars) The story involves a fellow from Egypt named George - George because his full name was awesome if not complex for many Americans- and a girl named Julia. I was in our dispatch room manning the phones as George was backing in an SUV, Julia saw this as she was walking towards the room. George parks slow, which is good, the safer one is the less likely one will damage a car! The following conversation ensued: Julia: I cannot stand how George parks his cars! Me: Oh yeah? Julia: I hate his driving, it drives me nuts! Me: Well, maybe that's how some people drive in Africa? (she looks me dead in the eyes) Julia: He's from Egypt! Me: Yeah, and Egypt -is- -in- Africa! I never got over this, it was so funny. It's very basic Geography for crying out loud. In the day and age of information and technology, ignorance is a choice.
  2. Going to my first film set Sunday! :)

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      YAY =))==) Which film is it =)=?

    2. RainbowGlass


      It is an independent film in the works for an upcoming film festival here in MI. I'm attending the film college this Fall that is making it, getting an early start for myself! When I get more info Sun. I'll post it. :) The goal is eventually I'll be working/acting on a silver screen set!

  3. 5'11 145 lbs. I've weighed this much for the past seven years~ I have a high metabolism. :3
  4. Trying to get my Polaroid camera working. I love taking pictures! The I-phone is a poor mans camera. :/

  5. Figures I say I will not get sick and the next morning I'm sick. Good thing it's winter and I like being stuck indoors. Being sick in warmer months is aweful!

  6. These are great! Nice job, I tried coloring a little while ago; it takes some getting used to because like you, I've always used graphite. The color is fun though! It makes them pop, gives them more life. I'd like to see more drawings, you're good.
  7. Imagine in 1961 the world forgot all about the American Civil War... All conflicts should be remembered especially those who fought in them. This is a good song!
  8. It is a combination of various attributes; physical and otherwise ~ Physically, not taller than myself (5'10) and slender fits the bill. I must state - by slender I do not mean skinny but rather fine curvature should that make sense. Someone who has an inner sense of wonder, a renaissance girl ~ enjoys the natural world ~ a romantic, a good head on her shoulders as they say. If a fun time for her is laying along the shore of the beach at night and looking at the stars with binoculars; to me that's like finding a Unicorn. Many girls I meet around here do not care for the natural wonders of our world like I do. -but that's what I find attractive, in short.
  9. Just ordered myself a Flutterbat Limited Edition Vinyl 5.25 inches high x 3.25 wide with a neat collectors coin! I am very excited, too bad I have to wait to August to receive it. :3

  10. Wicked costume my friend! I've been wanting to go to a convention for some time now, haven't been yet. If I wound up on television, I certainly would expect some people (if they saw me) to question me about it but would I care? -nope! Ultimately I would be excited to be on air since I enjoy acting and film work, it'd be really fun!
  11. Was pleasantly surprised to see MLP was not taken off of Netflix. :)

  12. I agree with what you have said. As I have discovered from multiple folks, it isn't that they themselves dislike the fandom, they dislike the fans who are not only absolutely obsessed with MLP but as you said; they feel the need to confront everyone with their obsession. I find this confrontational behavior annoying no matter what the person likes; it can be something I myself like, still, too much. :okiedokielokie: I really like MLP, it's great, though when asked if I'm a Brony because someone gathered the information leading to the assumption I say yes and give my reasons in a few sentences and leave it at that. I am not ashamed of liking the show, I think even having to state that to someone is stupid, anyone can like anything they'd like no matter their gender, age, ethnicity, etc. The line is crossed when you press your interests on someone and practically give them an excuse to confront you. Are you looking for trouble? Don't do that. Be respectful and considerate. The Brony community has come a long ways, earning its place in the world and is becoming a well understood fan base. It's doing well and it will continue to do so especially if Bronies can represent MLP, showcasing our healthy admiration for it as apposed to an aggressive obsession. Rise above hate, love and tolerate ~
  13. Picking up The Order 1886 tomorrow after work. I am so excited! :D

  14. To each their own you know! One of the aspects of Cross that I adore has been the soundtrack. Though I've never played Trigger, I've listened to its score and it is good for the era of older games, the sort of music you can create on the older computers as they did in those days. It's that Cross is instrumental and to me, that opens many doors in the heart and the mind that older scores cannot do for myself. Older "bit" scores like Triggers can evoke memories for sure, but for me it does not carry as much weight as any instrumental score can.
  15. She looks really good! Nice job! I think your color choices would be neat as they would be a pleasing combination. I'm looking forward to seeing more.
  16. Chrono Cross is, to this day, my favorite video game. Chrono Cross was my first RPG growing up, I was about 8-9 years old when I got it. This was the game that hooked me on the RPG genre and led me to play the greats like Final Fantasy, Legend of Dragoon and others. I still own the game but lost the strategy guide, sad days, that book was wonderful! I haven't beaten the game in about a decade, so I'm going through it again and it's very strange! Memories are flooding back like crazy, it feels great. Does anyone else have a love for this classic game like I do? I've never talked to anyone else about it because no one else I've ever known has ever played it. I don't know what anyone else thinks of this game, the boss battles or the characters. Chrono Cross fans, I'm trying to reel you in here.
  17. I'm going to be 25 in two months, perhaps then I would settle with that number. Pretty cool to just remain a quarter of a century but I really want to be a centurion just to say I did it. 25 that's my final answer.
  18. I'll go with the Elder Scrolls games. I put in hundreds of hours into each one - I'm still modding Skyrim on my PC, determined for photo-realism because outdoors in reality just isn't cutting it anymore! I love the apocalypse but if I had to choose I'd rather be in the one where bears kill dragons. Could you imagine if bears could fly? You would be Bearborn; the only thing cooler than that is getting bumped up to flying first class only to realize you're the only one in first class! You get first pick from the snack and refreshment cart and you take all of the little Sprite cans because you're entitled and awfully shallow knowing full well those kids in the back are dying for a carbonated drink. Haha but who cares, you're first class; let coach stick to their coloring books and frozen fish head dinners. I've never actually been in first class.
  19. Boy, this is a tough one. On one hand we have a day set aside so that we can showcase how affectionate we are to a significant other. Gods forbid you do something spontaneous and extra lovely for your special one on any other day. ~and the other is a day to shout out how prideful we are for being born a certain percentile of something we had no choice in. Since I am a free man, and I only consider pride something which you earn by personal accomplishments; I'd get rid of both of them. It's nothing personal but given a choice I would; heck I don't celebrate either so to me, they have already been taken out to the curb. In the meantime, people should keep gushing over each other and get incredibly drunk because their great great uncles cousin was Irish. American "holidays" are strange.
  20. Thinking about all of the "closet Bronies" out there. I wish I personally knew a Brony. :/ Good thing I have my forum friends! :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RainbowGlass


      Get those shirts, you will feel 20% cooler in them. I myself need a Dash plushy, that's my goal. :3

    3. Moonbutt


      I see Dash plushies all the time, 6 and 10 inches tall. I already have the 6 inch. Amazon sells them online if stores don't have them too. :D

    4. RainbowGlass


      Neat, thanks for the tip!

  21. It is strange here in America. People are very judgmental, especially when sexuality is concerned. I've been to England and Japan recently; sexuality and feminine males are well accepted norms from what I've seen and talked to about with friends there. . America is one of the (if not thee) most religious nation(s) in the world with a vast majority being Christian, Christianity being the most practiced religion in the U.S. This fact alone is easy to see why feminine males are not viewed in a positive light compared to other nations around the world whom are much more open to sexuality in general. In America, if you are given a blue cap at birth, to stride outside of your expected sexual norm is to be considered weak, non-manly, gay, queer, etc. I believe men ought to be able to be sensitive but more importantly people as a whole, despite their sexual orientation, should be able to be themselves without being criticized. ~Homosexuality, like any sexuality, is a form of love and should be respected.
  22. It just so happens I am working on my chain mail tunic as I glanced over this post in the forums. Each ring is pinched by hand with needle nose pliers and the overall length of gauged wire I've used is longer than 4 football fields, yes, I've crunched the numbers. It is kingsmail a pattern which requires twice as many rings as regular chainmail. So, needless to say, this takes an INCREDIBLE amount of time and patience. To cope, I open NPR all songs 24/7 and hit play on my computer. I use the music to wander around in my thoughts, doing a lot of explorative thinking really helps pass time by! Dunno, hope this helps!
  23. Besides Netflix and AnimeFlavor, does anyone know where else I could watch MLP for free? I have yet to buy the seasons. :)

    1. Steelstallion


      Dailymotion.com is a good one

    2. J.T.



    3. RainbowGlass
  24. Nice choice with the 1911! I love mine. Well, the next firearm that I would love to own would be the M1 Garand, WWII issue of course. It's the "ting" noise at the end of a clip as it ejects that I love plus it is a nice weapon! I am a history buff, especially concerning the World Wars, so any historical piece I can own and preserve (not restore!) is awesome.
  25. I haven't yet due to the season of Winter that is gripping Northern America, namely Michigan. Once it warms up, I will gladly wear my Apple Jack "smoked wood" t-shirt. It is rather odd that if one does not conform to the norms of their societies; should they like a particular music, love a particular person or in this case, wear a particular shirt that showcases an interest, they should receive a raised eyebrow or worse. Fortunately, the "norms" of societies are diminishing into nothing more than small statistics of rather misinformed, judgmental individuals. To really spread the butter over the bread on this, do not allow anyone or anything to prevent you from being you and liking whatever you want to like. If you are worried about wearing your MLP shirt or even declaring you like MLP, who is it that really cares? Always be yourself. I realize this is easier said than done, especially concerning friends and family who can be...less understanding regarding anything not just MLP. Keep calm and Brony on, you always have friends here.
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