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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by IcyHaze

  1. WOOOOOP Woopwop

  2. Indiependance festival was gewd :D

  3. I was assaulted and stabbed by a group a few years back. Luckily the stab wound wasn't too deep or serious, and that's all they managed to do before running.
  4. Mostly it's a bunch of people thinking up imaginary friends because they think it's cool. However, a few people seem to have gotten close to allowing their brain to think independently - or at least seemingly independently - and then ruining the idea by forcing a personality unto this "entity" that they've created. And a few people apparently have managed to have a part of their brain run on automatic and act as if it were a living entity of some sort (Or at least a part of them which doesn't require conscious effort), which can give them new insights into problems. This, as far as I can see, is a tulpa. Overall, it's a subject with no proof or evidence. However, if it's actually a thing, it's simply something that you can do with your mind. It is most certianly not communicating with demons.
  5. I'd give myself about a 7 or so. I can be quite cute I suppose :3
  6. I ha da friend who lived on the streets due to losing her money to a heroin addiction. She begged and did other things to get money, and I know that without the money she saved up, she wouldn't have had enough for food
  7. I once ate a cream cracker. Isn't that interesting?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. IcyHaze


      I do lvoe crema crackers though - with a bit of butter and jam.

    3. IcyHaze


      Dey so gewd

  8. Get a bit of mud and dirt on it and it'll look great
  9. Hi

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      Just wish the Bloody Heat would end................so humid.........but I'm good

    3. IcyHaze


      heh, all right

      not too wrecked I hope

    4. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      XD..............no, I'm not to wrecked

  10. To anyone into Assassin's Creed and currently in college: Everything is due, and nothing is submitted

  11. Mood: Bored, slightly down but bursting with the urge to scream and just...jump around and do things. Watched: Terminator Genisys Listening to: Devin Townsend - Triumph Eating: McDonald's chicken sandwich Drinking: A cuppa tae
  12. Why not just...go to the actual site
  13. What a dirty birch. I hate messy trees.

    1. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      burn the birch..............burn it alive......8D

  14. OK, I've started watching Emma Blackery's videos, despite the fact that a year ago I really disliked her stuff. Now I'm in love. Wat.

    1. A Black Circle

      A Black Circle

      What does she do?

    2. IcyHaze


      Whine, mostly. But lately she's just been...I dunno, being totally ridonkulous and silly, and it's fun to watch?

    3. IcyHaze


      Oh, she's a youtuber, if that's what you meant...

  15. Saw Terminator: Genisys today in the cinema. Was pretty good - why do people keep saying it's bad?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sage


      Alternate spellings are the THING right now. There's a lot of hate against action movies these days.

    3. IcyHaze


      Most are fuckign terrible...this and Fury Road are the exceptions, it seems

    4. Sage


      I agree.

  16. Man, Goosebumps is the way to go. SO SCARE. Honestly, I can't really think of any truly scary books - but a series that was eerie was "The Wyrd Museum" trilogy by Robin Jarvis. Not scary, but creepy.
  17. I once accidentally drove my car into my lawn. Does that count?
  18. It worries me that Metallica and Nirvana are in this...have they finally stopped being metal and grunge respectively and become classic rock? As for myself, Led Zepplin, Queen, Pink Floyd (if you can call them classic rock - I personally wouldn't, but some would) The Who, The Beatles, Cream, Jimi Hendrix
  19. There are pretty much only two things that can send me into a near uncontrollable rage, and they're injustice or unprovoked physical harm. I've held grudges in some extreme cases, people who've tried to fuck thigns up for me for their own advantage and whatnot. Also I once squared up to a teacher in school (despite normally being a good student) because he caught me pouring an entire bottle of water over somone's head and assumed I was being a prick. He didn't see that person pouring a seperate bottle of water all over my shirt though...I was just retaliating. Once I calmed down and explained it though, it was all gewd. On other occasions I have lost it with close friends if they've accused me of things I didn't do, or like...damaged something I own due to carelessness. I spend almost my entire life caring for others and their belongings and feelings, so when someone just does something unthinkingly it annoys me... But overall there's very few instances of that actually happening. I'm normally nice enough and settle issues calmly...
  20. Left shift every time Originally I thought this was a poll on where someone's gear stick was in their car...
  21. Could somebody make an "Atheist bronies: meet, greet and mingle!" thread? I mean, I still wouldn't visit it, just as I don't visit the Christian one, but purely for the sake of equality? :P

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      To Kickstarter! I agree with this.

  22. I'd LOVE to fly a plane, and I plan on getting a lesson or two in the future - just for fun. I have however used one of the flight simulators used for training pilots, as my cousin was a pilot/technician working on them. was able to get in for free. It was such a realistic experience...you'd forget that you were simply in a large cockpit on hydraulics. It was amazing <3
  23. It's just homesickness. Give it time and it'll pass. Sauce: Lived away from home before.
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