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Everything posted by IcyHaze

  1. Not really. Generally, our language tends to be a lot more colourful. If someone called me "derpy" IRL I'd probably just give them a confused look. I'd expect "Ya clumsy fuck" or something.
  2. Yes, I hate it when people start flirting with my leg. That's where it's really uncomfortable.
  3. Bite half, chew, swallow. Consume other half, chew, swallow. Repeat. Oreos aren't as popular in Ireland.
  4. Another lovely day here...nice to be able to walk barefoot in the grass and just relax in the sun :)

  5. Absolutely roasting day here...so noice :3

  6. Ehh...Better Caul Saul is one. Kinda. Moreso than Breaking Bad was, anyway.
  7. The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies Well worth a watch if you're a fan of Peter Jackson's stuff - far better than Desolation of Smaug. Still nowhere near as good as any of the LoTR trilogy.
  8. JonTron and DUnkey, man, they really know their shit. Mostly JonTron
  9. Saving Private Ryan is my favourite movie, and Band Of Brothers is my favourite TV series. Though Schindler's List is a close second to SPR...
  10. I think my favourite is the uppercase Omega - though that's probably because of Marilyn Manson's usage of it in his Mechanical Animals era. "Presenting Omega and the Mechanical Animals"
  11. I just accidentally.

    1. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      Of all the accidents!

    2. IcyHaze


      Damn right

  12. I drink it in the summer...nothing beats an ice cold can of Bulmers/Magners Original Apple Cider. Easy to drink due to the sweetness, nice and strong, and really refreshing. Not too good on the stomach though...
  13. When I was a baby I apparently tried eating coal from the fireplace. But as for what I REMEMBER eating...probably dried seaweed or Squid in batter and black beans. Possibly Crubeens, but they're not considered weird in Ireland. It's pig's feet, if you're wondering.
  14. Physics and astronomy for me - how the universe works, what happens outside of our own planet, and what we can do.
  15. Ideally, communism would be absolutely perfect - however, humans are not an ideal race, and it simply will not work correctly. Socialism is the best political system in my mind - it allows profit, but shares it with others. However, I don't believe humans are even able for that. The ultimate state would be one which is Socialist, but chooses only certain members based on morality. How taht would be tested, I do not know, but those without regret, sympathy or empathy would not be given admission. Star Trek's federation is perfect, but that will not happen for centuries - if ever.
  16. I never mentioned the word "Illogical" at all :3 Besides, sqrt(-1) is an imaginary unit which is simply used to solve equations - but it cannot be a solution itself. It can be manipulated, but it itself is not truly a real number.
  17. I like the Irish national anthem "Amhráin na bhFiann" or "Soldier's Poem", however it's extremely outdated. It's a military song about fighting for yournfreedom, but it refers to provinces that no longer exist, and even refers to the English ("Saxons") as the age old foe to fight. It was great at the time due to how opressed and badly treated Ireland was, but it's totally irrelevant now.
  18. Well, dividing by zero is undefined. If you twll a man to enter a room and take 0 items from the room, and.told him to do that as much as he liked, potentially he could enter 0 times or an infinite number of times - it wouldn't matter, as nothing would change. I think that's as simplistic as this gets.
  19. I like to sleep in as quiet an environment as possible (I live in rutal Ireland, so it's damn quiet) but if there's irregular noise, or if I'm sleeping on a journey, I tend to sleep to Animals as Leaders, BT or Aphex Twin
  20. Feminism itself already IS the fight for gender equality - and the vast majority of feminists follow that idea. Hiwever there are feminists who believe that women are better than men and refuse to see how that's being sexist because "only men can be sexist". I believe they're referred to as Social Justice Warriors on the net, or "feminazis" in a more light-heated sense. As for women not being drafted - I say go ahead and change it so that gender doesn't matter. However, the last time that was fully in effect was WW2, when men were dominant. I imagine it hasn't been revised as no war has been large enough to merit it. But anyway let's not just but the blame on "feminists" but rather extremists - just like not all muslims are terrorists and not all white people are racist.
  21. I was watching Spoilsbury Toast Boy...mhmm, yes
  22. Lel...MLG Forums

    1. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D


  23. Hmm...that's a tough one. MediEvil or Spyro the Dragon are the first that spring to mind for me...and the music takes me right back. Along with that, my older brother used to play Age of Empires, Commandos and Diablo II on the PC - and although I never really sucessfully played them until I was older, they bring back waves of nostaliga
  24. I really would love another Star Trek series to be running, preferably continuing from Enterprise or Star Trek: Nemesis. I do enjoy the reboot, but I want something with more depth.
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