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Everything posted by IcyHaze

  1. I do not dance until I am inebriated, at which point I shift from one foot to the other and swing my hips a bit, maybe waving my arms in the air at times. Then I fall over.
  2. A part of me wants to say fire, because I love fire...but as a power it's pretty one dimensional. Besides, I can light a fire with matches. I can't make ice sculptures or redirect floods with a fridge. Electricity sounds interesting, but in actuality it's just not worth it. Water/ice seems the best option, so I'll go with that,
  3. All of them, unfortunately. I don't like being dizzy, I don't like heights, and I don't trust massive machines being maintained by people with tiny budgets.
  4. IcyHaze

    music About Rap.

    I have a strong dislike for modern popular rappers. But I quite like Snoop Dogg's stuff, and some 2pac. On top of this, I love Rage Against The Machine and the older Linkin Park stuff. Also US3 and Fun Lovin' Criminals if anyone's heard of them? :3 Of course Eminem, too - yet imo his new stuff is pretty awful, with the exception of the song "Beautiful" Most modern, popular rap is about drugs, alcohol, women and money, or being a thug - which I despise. But write that shit about something meaningful and throw in soem good music and it's great!
  5. On brown/soda bread, I like to use marmalade, or hoeny if toasted
  6. Nothing changed, and there's anot a single poiny song I've heard that I haven't disliked. I skip them in the episodes and I avoid the fan made ones.
  7. A unique type of bap called a "Blaa" filled with a Salad mix of ham, tomato, lettuce, small bit of boiled egg and scallions, all chopped up and mixed into mayo and vinegrette. WIth this, I had a packet of Tayto Cheese & Onion crisps. Also had a cup of coffee with caramel. I treated myself :3
  8. New Manson album "The Pale Emperor" is out. Me likey :3

  9. Don't really get many pop tarts in Ireland. Only ever seen like...Strawberry. I think.
  10. The low population density and the (general) friendly nature of people.
  11. Apparently I haven't replied to this topic lyet... I have a tattoo of the Deathly Hallows, which I got in memory of a friend of mine who took his own life a few years ago.
  12. I love wooded areas - there's a few small ones close to where I live, or local ruins suchs castles and towers. Not exactly natural, but generally overgrown and rugged
  13. Either England or Canada. England due to its similarites with Ireland, where I live, or Canada due to the fact it's like America, but less annoying.
  14. Spiders, heights and people in trakcsuits sporting shaved heads and earrings xD
  15. Umm, yes, because I'm a smart.
  16. Did you know that all this time, I thought pokemon was a gam made out of a cool franchise, not the other way around? It makes so much more sense now xD But I never really got into the games, so I never bothered looking it up
  17. Nope. Only thing I've done illegally is speeding, and only in areas that I know, or that are wide enough to have a good view. Generally I only do about 10 miles over the limit anyway. I did once drive down a long straight road near my house (I live in the Irish countryside) which was a 50mph zone. It was 12am and I'd never pushed the car above 60mph before, so I decided to let loose. Got up to about 85mph, which wasn't bad for a small, 12 year old, underpowered 1.3 litre Hyundai.
  18. I'm not a fan of taking pills all the time - it seems like they're prescribed for the some pretty stupid things nowadays, especially in American from what I can see. Yet despite that, I have to take 2 anti-imflammatory painkillers each night before bed due to a long term injury, and in the past I was put on anti-depressants.
  19. Here's a beautiful song for all you people.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. IcyHaze


      It makes me feel goooood

    3. Steelstallion


      Why :) It is simply strange noises.

    4. IcyHaze


      It makes me feel alive

  20. Well, don't they often say that Jesus was born in 6 B.C. due toa calendar fuck up in the past?
  21. Attractiveness: 7-8 / 10 (Pretty subjective, really, but I've been told I'm quite attractive by a good few people) Intelligence: 7-8 / 10 (Again? Yup. I'm above average, but I often find myself bored when things get too technical, unlessI truly like the subject, despite probably understanding it.) Kindness: 7 / 10 (I'm extremely kind to those I'm close to, reasonably kind to acquaintences, and politely kind to strangers, unless they've proven themselves to be dicks)
  22. Do to others as you would have them do to you. Raised Catholic, currently agnostic with more interest in Luciferianism than any other religion that I know of.
  23. My answer is thus: NO. Ignoring grammar for artistic purposes and all that jazz
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