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Everything posted by IcyHaze

  1. Upwards of 2 minutes for me. BUt I wait around until there's a 2 - 3 second gap between the pops.
  2. Dunno mate. I haven't thought this through, it's just an idea. People who believe in killing or discriminating against others due to their race is bad. how to stop that in a decent way? I can't think of any. Force would be needed, which in itself isn't a good thing either.
  3. Anything. One final year? That's a year that you do all that you possibly can, even if you get killed in the process. Have to spend all your money? Take what you can, go hiking. See the world. Live in the open. So waht if you die? It's going to happen anyway.
  4. I'm not particularly fond of it, but I know it's a meant to be a better way of drinking water thatn cold, due to body temperatures and whatnot. I'd prefer tea, though :3 Also, if I'm sick, I'll have flat 7up/sprite. It cures all illnesses, according to Irish mothers.
  5. Freedom to ... wait, actually, I want a restriction that forces people with shitty, harmful beliefs to, y'know, not be able to follow them? And don't go saying that there's no such thing - there is.
  6. Anyone who's spoken to me knows that my all time favourite is " xD " or " XD " , closely followed by " :3 " Least favourite has to be c: Fucking use the one that looks more like a smile, jeez : )
  7. Mah name may be Hazel, but my eyes are green...
  8. Well, at a young age, Spyro the Dragon was my go-to game, although my brother used to play Diablo II and Age of Empires I, so I have fond memories of them both aswell. At a later age, Jak and Daxter and Ratchet and Clank were my loves. Buying the Remastered J&D series was one of the best decisions of my life :3
  9. It's certianly not a useless skill. A hand written letter in cursive is a lot more personal than a bland email.
  10. There's no way to say this without sounding like a twat, so, with that in mind...I don't believe I'm above average. I know it.
  11. To actually get up off my arse and get excercising before I start putting on weight again. I don't enjoy sports or any outdoir activities but I'll just have to put up with something
  12. A breadroll with butter, caramalized red onion relish, smoked cheese, ham, coleslaw, tomato anda packet of Tayto potato crisps, with a cuppa tea. Fucking dee-lish.
  13. I bought an official "WheezyWaiter" mug. He's one of ny favourite youtubers and coffee/drinking coffee is often a recurring theme of his."I love it when the coffee's done" :3
  14. Standing in my sitting room with my friends and family, counting down, drinking champaigne and hugging each other, because why not
  15. In thr summer I usually wear shorts or briefs/panties and a tank top or t-shirt. In the winter I usually have to wrap up in warm, soft pyjamas and socks and bury myself under a massive duvet
  16. I was a Highwayman...along the coach roads I did ride.

  17. yay, Warning ponts are gone. Silly me and my crude jokes.

  18. It's absolutely fabulous. And non-existant.
  19. Two of mine. One when I was in the equivalent of "High School". My spanish teacher lived in South America for years, and had the foulest mouth of anyone I've ever met ... at least when speaking spanish e.g if a student was talking while he was, he might say "Callate la puta boca, tonto. Chingar, chicos...estoy hablando!" A few yeas ago when I first started college, we had an amazing lecturer. Really good at what he did, really entertaining. MAde the subject come to life. Midway through the year, he was able to get us all to say, on command and in unison, "Fuck off and die". "You can do this in PHP and get away with it, BUT . . . what would Java say!?" "FUCK OFF AND DIE!" And he'd double over and laugh at the stupidity of the whole situation. It was great Also, I often forget that people can get offended by casual swearing. Everyone swears constantly in Ireland. Obviously directing it AT someone is serious, but casual discussion? No biggie. If you're offended by it in Ireland, people tell you to "grow the fuck up and get over yourself" Or, more probably, "Pffft, fuck off"
  20. i sacrifise the thing four the freind the other thing cos as yuo say thing is the thing that is all things id dont want to loose myself cos that are disgustings waht would keep sacrfifise yes Yuo must feed yuor Cermit chicken or it will not grow. You see Ivan . . .
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