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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by IcyHaze

  1. I actually quite like my name - Hazel. And besides, I'm a bit nutty at times...
  2. Who's out there atm?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. IcyHaze


      I'm tired, but that's my own doing :P

    3. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      dese banana's.............B...A...N...A...N...A...S

  3. I'm shocked that nobody has mentioned one of the most devestating weapons of all time: The Longbow. Many people overlook this weapons as a simple bow. This is not the case. The English Longbow has a massive, successful history, which I advise you all to read about if you're interested. It is believed to have first been used by the Welsh in the 1100's during the invasion of Wales. The Welsh bowman exacted a heavy toll on the invaders, and were soon incorporated into the army. Men needed special training to be able to draw the string back to its full length, and often peasants were taken in and trained. Depsite being of low birth, the upper class were under orders to treat them well due to the deadly effectiveness of the weapons they used. A fully drawn arrow could penetrate armour, and bowmen were supremely accurate (think Robin Hood) The draw weight for one of these was somewhere between 90lbs and 150lbs - few sources agree on this. That's between 6 and 10 stone - just being held in your fingers! Isaac Asimov once referred to it in an essay as the most successful secret weapon of all time - despite the fact it wasn't a secret. WIthout going into details, Longbowmen basically turned the entire outcome of skirmishes and battles between the English and French during the hundred years war, with cases such as 100 longbowmen fending off an attack of 400 infantry and cavalry - with less than ten casualties. Apparently the French once managed to create a faction of Longbowmen, but they were not well trained and treated as inferior. When they were used in battle, the mounted knights, believing them to be a waste of time, simply rode out over the formation, trampling and killing the majority. Because of this, they lost the battle, as the riders were picked off by the elite English Longbowmen. They are supremely vague examples, but they show the effectiveness of the longbow. It wasn't until cannon was used in battle that the longbow became inferior, as the squads could be easily decimated.
  4. I think a man or a woman should be free to wear whatever they want without being judged. Saying that, people's clothing often tells a lot about them. Full tracksuits, shaved heads - not a person I want to know.
  5. My close family and friends, for one thing. Didn't want them to be upset. On top of that, there's always some new game or album coming out that I'm looking forward to - in the past it's been MGS4 (Now MGS5), The Last Of Us, Skyrim... Currently got Mirror's Edge 2, Witcher 3 and Mass Effect 4 to look forward to!
  6. Strawberries, Pineapples and pears would be my favourites. However I highly recommend trying the following two simple sandwiches: Banana - just butter Apple - butter and a light sprinkle of sugar
  7. Actually, no...how does that even happen? xD
  8. Soft drinks. Although I do tend to just call them "fizzy drinks".
  9. I would have to say Toy Story from pixar, although "Up" was fucingn amazing. Shrek was good, but that's about it for those chaps
  10. I do love relaxing in a bath. Being all nudey under the suds. Showers are simpler though
  11. It's mah birthday...the hangover has set in. This picture reminds me of healthier times...
  12. "Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most ... human."
  13. On the passing of Leonard Nimoy, who in fact did live a long and prosperous life, I shall quote Dr McCoy: "He's not really dead, as long as we remember him".

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J.T.


      of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human. ;_;

    3. Taviscratch


      Dammit J.T. you beat me to it XD Anyway, saddened to hear of Leonard Nimoy's death.

    4. Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Rebel the Wolfgirl

      Fine words, milady. DAMN fine words.

  14. I certainly do! If not, I at least wear slippers. I don't really like walking around in just socks. I do sometimes go barefoot in the summer though.
  15. They're pretty damn strong, but when you find a good one...man are they tasty! The smell is a lot worse than the taste, people :3
  16. It's ok to not like it, don't worry. We're here for you. *hugs*
  17. Actually, earlier on I said mosquitoes...but I think this one deserves a mention too. Crane Flies. Or Daddy Long Legs, whichever you like to call them. Those long-bodied, long-legged, ridiculously stupid nocturnal flying insects that constantly smack into everything, from walls and windows to your face. To add to this, their long legs look quite like a spider's, which adds to the freakiness of them. I used to be terrified of them when I wasa child because they were like flying spiders, but they don't bother me as much anymore - unless they're indoors and flying around.
  18. Applejack - Apples, maybe with a hint of cinnamon Pinkie Pie would without a doubt be a kind of a sweet smell - maybe a strong vanilla, cookie dough, chocolate or frosting smell? Rarity's would need to be a beautiful, rich scent, like a perfume. Or Jasmine, perhaps? Fluttershy's should be a soft, subtle scent - perhaps a subtle rose scent, freshly cut grass or lavender? Rainbow Dash would have to be a strong, agressive scent of some sort - a sharp citrus, or maybe a soft, damp pine scent. Twilight's is probably the most difficult. Some sort of generic scent I guess. Zecora? One of the popular incense scents :3
  19. I know what's in ti - luckily it doesn't change my opinion on it :3
  20. Not a grammar nazi - you asked for advice, I gave it to you.
  21. Welcome to 2006, everybody!
  22. I've neverhad sushi. If there's anyone on this forum from Ireland and know swhere ot get good sushi, PLEASE PLEASE message me.
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